Item GlossaryEverQuest icon

Sullied Spinneret Fluid  

This item can be used in tradeskills.
Recommended level of 29. Required level of 20.
WT: 0.4 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Type:Misc
Merchant Value:1 pp 2 gp 5 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Iradya
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-30 05:17:01
Page Updated:Sat Feb 6th, 2021

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Global
Level to Attain: 20

[Drops | Recipes | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Old DoN Cultural Ingredient Conversion


This item is found on creatures.

NPC Name
Ghil the Warlord
Rethkan, Lord of Mortality

Blightfire Moors
NPC Name
a Mucktail rock breaker

Burning Woods
NPC Name
a Sarnak knight

Butcherblock Mountains
NPC Name
a goblin

Castle Mistmoore
NPC Name
a dark sacrificer
a deathly harbinger
a deathly herald
a deathly usher
a ghoulish ancille
a glyphed familiar
a glyphed guard
a glyphed sentry
a glyphed warder
a gypsy dancer
a Mistmoore guard
a pledge familiar
a shadowy sage
a shadowy scribe
a will pillager
an initiate familiar

NPC Name
Guard Reskin
Guard Tolus
Kizdean Gix

Crescent Reach
NPC Name
a Mucktail gnoll
a Mucktail shaman
a risen elder
a vicious cave bear

NPC Name
Ambassador DVinn
Emperor Crush
Lord Darish
orc warlord
Retlon Brenclog
The Prophet

Crypt of Dalnir
NPC Name
a coerced gnome
a coerced goblin
a coerced smith
a coerced Teir`Dal
a kly acolyte
a kly believer
a kly cohort
a kly evoker
a kly follower
a kly invoker
gyrating goo
smoldering goo

Dawnshroud Peaks
NPC Name
a tribal gatherer

NPC Name
a tundra yeti

Dulak's Harbor
NPC Name
a drunken pirate

East Freeport
NPC Name
Palana Willin

East Karana
NPC Name
a crag spider

Echo Caverns
NPC Name
a bogling scout

Estate of Unrest
NPC Name
a ghoul
a skeletal monk

Everfrost Peaks
NPC Name
a gigantic wooly spider

Firiona Vie
NPC Name
froglok ton warrior

Freeport Sewers
NPC Name
a Shadowhand dealer
a Shadowhand thief

Gorge of King Xorbb (Beholder's Maze)
NPC Name
an evil eye

Greater Faydark
NPC Name
a faerie duchess

Gulf of Gunthak
NPC Name
a gnome pillager
an emaciated zombie

Highpass Hold
NPC Name
a gnoll champion
a gnoll flamepaw
a gnoll soothsayer
a guard
a Highpass citizen
a smuggler
an orc fanatic
an orc medic
an orc mercenary
an orc scout
an orc warrior
Barn Bloodstone
Dyllin Starsine
Malik Zaren

Iceclad Ocean
NPC Name
a snow cougar

Lake of Ill Omen
NPC Name
a sabertooth grimalkin
a Sarnak flunkie
an explorer
Iksar pariah

Lake Rathetear
NPC Name
a deepwater goblin
a gnoll high shaman

Lavastorm Mountains
NPC Name
a greater lavaspinner
a Solusek goblin priest

Lesser Faydark
NPC Name
a faerie
a faerie guard
a fairy guard
Bryn Fynndel
Galwyn Geldin
orc chief
Teir`Dal Prophet
Thistle Underbrush
Whimsy Larktwitter

NPC Name
an ogre guard

Nektulos Forest
NPC Name
Corporal D`Abth
Guard D`Zel
Guard E`Brona
Guard GVarr
Guard T`Quetal
Guard V`Ehn
Leatherfoot Deputy

Ocean of Tears
NPC Name
Captain Surestout

NPC Name
Azzar Habbib

Qeynos Catacombs
NPC Name
Riggin Vix

Scarlet Desert
NPC Name
a sunflower

Shadeweaver's Thicket
NPC Name
a Loda Kai guardian

Solusek's Eye (Solusek A)
NPC Name
fire goblin wizard

South Ro
NPC Name
a young ronin

Steamfont Mountains
NPC Name
Frebin Tinderhue
Minotaur Guard

Stonebrunt Mountains
NPC Name
a burly kobold

Swamp of No Hope
NPC Name
Froglok berserker
froglok krup guard
froglok shin shaman
venomous lamprey

The Overthere
NPC Name
a Kunark rhino
a sabertooth tiger
a sabertooth tigress
a Sarnak conscript

The Rathe Mountains
NPC Name
a hill giant

The Warrens
NPC Name
a mischievous batling

Upper Guk
NPC Name

Warsliks Woods
NPC Name
a forest giant evergreen
a forest giant greenwood

Used in 290 recipes.
Recipe list - Premium only.


Uploaded May 25th, 2024 by iventheassassin
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# Nov 15 2008 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
5 posts
This also drops off of a Mucktail Rockbreaker in Blightfire Moors.
Mistress Icedancerk 62nd year Druid of Bertoxxulous
Lilballoffur Purrpurrpurr 38th year Kitty Shaman of Bertoxxulous
Lady Sokani Dreamcatcher 85th year Enchanter of Bertoxxulous
looted from
# May 07 2008 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
a sarnak conscript in OT
# Sep 30 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
looted today from emp crush
drop info
# Apr 23 2009 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
A burly kobold - Stonebrunt mountains
New tradeskill paths
# Sep 29 2007 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
Looted these and a bunch of other new stuff off mobs in HSM while farming shrieking and wailing substances. They apparently got loaded with the LoN patch for this weekend and the recipes go live with the patch on Oct 3rd.
# Sep 28 2007 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
what tradeskills it for any one know?
looted off YellowEyes
# Sep 28 2007 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Just looted off YelloEyes in Paludal Caverns.
Gorge of King Xorbb
# Sep 28 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
This dropped off of Lord Syrkl today.
looted this today
# Sep 28 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
got this off a dusty mummy in South Karana.
Source in Blightfire Moors
# Sep 28 2007 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Looted from The Farm Alchemist.

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