Valdanov Zevfeer  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

The ash used in the Vampyre Troubles quest is identified as Ashes of Valdanov Zevfeer. The other ash dropped from Heratius Grolden has the same name and is NOT used in the quest, so keep an eye out for that when people sell it in the bazaar.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2016-10-17 08:15:13.

Level: 62
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-01-04 14:36:48

Known Habitats:
  Tenebrous Mountains
Factions Decreased:
  Coterie of the Eternal Night -50
  Valdanov Zevfeer -500

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Good luck
# Mar 03 2020 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
Hard to find this mob up seems to be perma killed
# Jul 27 2017 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
1,078 posts
have been killing all the vamps in the castle for several days, whenever I get a free 10 minutes I port a druid to grimling, zone over and hit them. Finally, just after killing the bottom floor ( while all other vamps were intact) H popped up top. I rushed up there training the castle up, killed it , popped VZ and killed him. looted gated and am happy to be done. Does not have to be top floor vamp, I think can be any of the flappies.
faction hits for this "guy"
# Jun 29 2016 at 1:02 AM Rating: Default
Valdanov Zevfeer -500
Coterie of the Eternal Night -50
Also can drop crystallized sulfur
faction hits for this "guy"
# Jun 29 2016 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
SSJGhol wrote:
Valdanov Zevfeer -500
Coterie of the Eternal Night -50
Also can drop crystallized sulfur

Thanks, added.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Back-to-back Heretius/Valdanov spawns...
# Apr 04 2009 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
451 posts
Back-to-back Heretius/Valdanov spawns... All times w/(xx:xx:00 sec) are estimated, the rest are accurate per in-game journal. (Forgot to turn the /log on).

1) 16:45:39- Gorelaz Verilak dies (2nd floor)
2) 16:46:08- Renaldok Masric dies (2nd floor/ramp)
3) 16:48:13- Xenithen Sterbla dies (1st floor)
4) 16:48:14- Heretius Grolden spawns
5) 16:49:00- Heretius Grolden dies
6) 16:49:01- Valdanov Zefveer (non-fabled) spawns
***While still fighting VZ***
7) 16:49:46 - Trilexior Aeridia spawns (top balcony)
8) 16:52:42 - Trilexior Aerindia dies
9) 16:52:43 - Heretius Grolden (#2) spawns (VZ still alive & in combat)
10) 17:22:33 - Valdanov Zefveer dies
11) 17:23:00 - Heretius Grolden (#2) dies
12) 17:23:01 - Valdanov Zefveer (#2) spawns
13) 17:33:00 - Valdanov Zefveer (#2) dies

The Bloody Vampire also spawned (Halloween mob- BUG), but must have fallen through the zone floor, or despawned. Either way, I killed several "infernal bat" adds he left behind.

CONCLUSION: Heretius Grolden is 100% connected to the kills of the other flying vamps. How it works I'm not sure, but he spawned immediately upon killing the 3rd vamp (XS) downstairs, and again upon killing (TA) on the balcony.

*EDIT* - 2 hrs later, re-cleared all 4 vamps (used original kill-order, GV, RM, XS) and no HG spawned. Killed TA thereafter, just in case, and still no spawn. Most likely, HG is a random chance (1-5%)? upon killing the named vamps to spawn.

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 7:46pm by Aegishopi
Back-to-back Heretius/Valdanov spawns...
# Oct 22 2011 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
"CONCLUSION: Heretius Grolden is 100% connected to the kills of the other flying vamps."

This is not true on old-school Al'Kabor, where you only need to kill the top floor flappy (Trilexior Aeridia) to get Heratius Grolden to spawn. However, it could take weeks of killing to spawn Heretius, but he can spawn while ALL other flappies on the other floors are still up.
hate on alla liars
# Aug 31 2008 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
This guy has 90k hp, parsed with uber dps so i know his lifetaps weren't an issue in there. His DPS is not very much, but he has double the HP that the others said. if you're low on dps, plan on having to do about 100k. He lifetaps as well, but not for too much- no higher than 500 and not frequently.
# Nov 04 2007 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
Found this Vamp up at the front door to the castle tonight. Me a 72 mage. Solo'd him to 6% when he gated. Poor pet got stuck in wall trying to chase him and by the time he got to him he was back to 60% and with me only at 15% mana gave up on him. Will try again tomorrow if nobody gets him in mean time.

Healed pet as not a pet chain caster. Used 71 air pet and if had fought him I think only issue would have been if he went down before repops or if could keep him out of range of the repops.
# Jan 22 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
Took him a couple nights ago. Got him to spawn after killing everything in the castle for a couple hours.

We had me, 66 Pally 8k group buffed, a 66 cleric with his 66 heals, a 54 bard, 60ish bard, 3 64+ wizzies, a 62 druid, 60ish necro, and 60ish shammy. We fought him on the balcony. We slowed and crippled him without any problems.

I parsed the fight and He has around 67k hp. He is extremely resistant to Disease and Poison spells, not a single one landed. But Fire, Cold, and Magic owned him. I took 3 lifetaps the whole fight, one for 300, another for 600, and one for 900. I resisted all his spells except for splurt twice, which I Radiant Cured off the first time and the cleric did the second time.

His max hit was 344 and hit for an average of 200. Once he is slowed and crippled the fight is cake. Took a total of 3:44 to kill him. The bards had the stakes from Katta and everyone else just nuked his butt off. I hope this helps.

Edited, Sat Jan 22 12:38:24 2005
Solo'd by 70 Cleric
# Jan 19 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Killed VZ alone last eve on FV with level 70 Qvic/Time geared cleric. For role play reasons i have always chose to ally with Katta. Had done too much work, and had too much fun, in the early days of PoP, to let the quest go. I am sharing my experience for those clerics, and others, who like to test themselves against challenging targets. Didn't bother with the bane weapons, just let ye ole hammer proc away, nuking as mana allowed. It took about 30mins to get VZ down.

For solo hunts, like to keep (1)Mark of the Blameless (2) Unswerving Hammer of Retribution (3)Petrifying Earth (4) Tarnation (5) Sound of Divinity (6) Yaulp VII (7) Pious Elixir (8) Pious Remedy (9) Panolpy of Vie. Mark of Retribution stacks with Blameless, so Ultor's Greeves of Faith are a big part of "DPS". Hammer of Holy Vengence aug'd with Veintapper's Stone is a big help too. Tribute suite was Bulwark of Honor, Eyes of the Hunter, Second Chance, Swift Arms, and Vengeful Aura, all maxed. ( Grinding trades gave 100k+ in tribute, let alone what was tributed to guild. ) Would recommend getting KEI, GoD, and Tribunal before tackling VZ alone as a cleric. Having all resists, especially Magic, Poison, and Disease, as high as possible makes a huge difference. Only had KEI, Aura of Eternity, and GoD for this fight. Rest were self buffs (ok, click lev too ) MR and FR were above 400, rest were in the 300's, 2140ish AC, 8.3k hp, and 8.6k mana.

HG wasn't up, so began clearing castle. Rotated Desolate Undead into spell slot 9. Double nuke ( Focus effect: Discordant magic ) the centurions away.Damage shield/hammer pet/yaulp melee the generals and named, adding nukes when mostly FM. Chain nuke anything that dispels. Tunare smiled upon me, for HG was at his spot on the left side of the balcony when i got to the top floor. Killed the wandering named, but left the Epic mobs alone.

On past clearings, had noticed the Corruptor doesn't add when fighting against the walls in his room, but the Insatiate does if mobs are fought near him. VZ gates, so needs to be fought near the balcony. Decided to give it a go on in the corruptor's room, near the balcony, by the left door. Insatiate didn't aggro on HG pull with Mark. VZ spawned in the center of the balcony once HG dropped. Moved Desolate Undead to spell slot (2) and Pure Blood to (3). Never had to cast PB once though. Med'd to almost full, DI'd, paci'd the insatiate and Wand of Vortex (click annul magic )pulled VZ followed quickly by Blameless and click Righteous (no spell gem delay on items). Figured the centurion would respawn, but would just deal as it came. It respawned 3 times during the course of the fight. Best way to deal with Centurion is double mark it, and test its IQ. I nuked the first one, but shouldn't have, as mana got scarce toward the end.

VZ never hit harder than high 300's. Parital resisted most of the lifetaps, didn't see a tap higher than the 500's. Would let my health get down to less than 60% then cast elixir ( w/ healing boon 3 ). Resisted all of VZ's spells except one DoT which was easy to RC 6 away. Thankfully fear was always resisted. Annul was a pain, but had yaulp, click lev, vie, and HoT in the first 4 slots, so wasn't too much of an issue. Used stun so could mem new spells as needed. (DI, fading resists, spell haste, etc. ) Experimented with Dark Mace of Thought ( with permafrost aug )to try and get back mana, but VZ seemed to regen faster than the ice would proc, so went back to the proc'o'matic. Had 10m left at the end of the long long fight. DI faded, but never fired. Had to refresh the marks twice, may have been annuled.

All in all, was great fun. Would be neat if cleric solo is serverwide first. However, this post is not to brag, but share some non-conventional fun. Now if i can only get revenge on the Remains of Sythrax in Veksar :)

Expert Artisan Joziah Truesilver
Cleric of Resolution
Devoted Son of the Mother of All
Firiona Vie

Edited, Wed Jan 19 15:35:28 2005
Valdanov 100% solo
# Jun 14 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
Just Solo'd this as a 65 bard / 102 AA, some EP Gear, unbuffed.

Took about 5 minutes to pull him off the balcony after killing Heratius (without adds)... Afterwhich the fight must have lasted a good 35-45 minutes (Still sorta dizzy). 90k hp can take a while, especially since the vampyres are near completely immune to Disease and Poison Based spells.

He indeed does try to gate at around 16%. Song: Lost Composition of Ervaj on him the entire fight as his spells are nasty (what necro spells arent?) and you don't want him casting at all or have enough mana to gate at the end.

I was more surprised that even during this long fight he did not despawn on me at all, thus proving he only despawns after 25-30 minutes if not aggro'd at all. I remember most or all of the named vampyre's had respawned in the castle when I was done and had hit tracking as well.

The things a bard will do when they are bored...
RE: Valdanov 100% solo
# Sep 21 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
But aside from your soloing details I find everything else 100% true. Your Equipment must be max'd out cause he's tougher than anything else his level in EQ. BTW look at this Bard's "Some" EP gear, methinks HE Had Po9, KAZ, KEI, FoS and other shaman buffs on him as well

KEI & Pot9 would do exactly jack & **** for a bard as they don't get mana regen via spells. also given that the songs he used don't require mana that makes you post doubly ignorant.

Bard (even with gear) aren't known for being HitPoint Gods and those HT's are 200 a pop and hit about 1:3 ratio.

hit points are pretty irrelevant when you're kiting. do you even know what kiting is ? that's where you move such that the mob can't reach you.

oh he doesn't harm touch , that's an sk ability and he's a necro. he procs a lifetap. once again , when you're kiting that doesn't matter since you need to be meleeing to proc.
this also makes shaman buffs meaningless btw.

He's omitting something here

Yah he omitted the idiot's guide to what bards can do. you should give that a read before you doubt what he did knowing as little as you do about the bard class.

He took down 65th Warrior, 61 Air pet(VQ, Virtue, +Mage Buffs and 64thPet gear), 65 Mage, 65 Wizard & 65 Enchanter..

all i can say is you mustn't have been prepared. that group should have absolutely destroyed him. I took him out with a 65 brd / sk / dru / rng / shm and it was extremely easy with the proper preparation.

you need to give vampyre bane weapons to all your melee (he's immune to anyting else) and all the pets. you can easily magic slow /crippple him and you need to buff your magic resist as high as possible. with high mr , you'll be at least partially resisting the lifetaps and once slowed he won't be proccing them so often.

he hits no harder than tier 2 trash mob if that hard, with a 65 warrior tanking a cleric could heal with ease and have mana left over to undead nuke. wizzies and mages can absolutely own this guy as he doesn't resist fire / cold worth a damn.

the only thing i can think is you didn't know about the melee immunity thing. i see no other way that he would have given you group a tough time. be prepared next time and that same group should trash him.

Edited, Tue Sep 21 16:21:35 2004
RE: Valdanov 100% solo
# Sep 21 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
Being a bard, I must concur with Norryn.

Any and all the things LordAdam claimed can, and are, frequently done by bards. It's not a new thing for bards to solo most anything that can't summon and even some things that can. The luggald broodmother is a prime example. The beauty of bard soloing is that you don't have to have good gear or buffs.

He took down 65th Warrior, 61 Air pet(VQ, Virtue, +Mage Buffs and 64thPet gear), 65 Mage, 65 Wizard & 65 Enchanter

The group composition of warrior, mage & pet, wizard and enchanter leaves me somewhat baffled. The strategy of meleeing a mob with that much HP and no healing power begs for disaster. Even if he's slowed and you have excellent damage mitigation, over time his lifetap and melee would win out. Any type of researh reveals what kind of an endurance fight Valdanov is.

I'm generally not an advocate of flaming, but when I see a post like Dynamite's It makes me cringe. There are many facets to the game besides the ones you know. I've played a bard, cleric and druid but I know very little about other classes.

I believe it's a mistake to assume someone can't do something they claim. . . especially if you know nothing about that class. And if I absolutely must post, I'd at least do my homework.
Apology to LordAdam
# Oct 31 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
You know you are absolutely correct it is a mistake not to check the facts before posting anything. I did a fairly large search for bards that have solo'd this mob. Yes it was possible and most say it took at least an hour to accomplish, most also say that now with the nerfing of bard songs it might even take longer. But as for flaming someone I doubted it could be done, I did not say it couldn't be done and the group I tried doing this with did not have Bane Weapons(not all the vampires require bane weapons). We tried to Melee the mob and got our butts handed to us and what was ommitted was we DID have a healer and the Tank only had 1 Stake on him. Now I do however wish to challenge you to use up to Luclin equipment and solo this mob and do so without any buffs.
Since my original post I have created a Bard and regardless of what you say, I beg to differ about proper equipment and buffs. Soloing this mob also requires finding a place in TM to kite him without being nickel and dimed the death. LordAdam I wish to apologize if it seemed like I said you couldn't do it I just doubted it was possible. But just so this isn't quoted out of context I would like to see and know how to do it now that AE songs are useless. Hell I'd transfer my bard to a server just to learn how this is accomplished since the Nerfing of Bard Songs. As for Flaming anyone, it's childish.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2004 at 12:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) He took down 65th Warrior, 61 Air pet(VQ, Virtue, +Mage Buffs and 64thPet gear), 65 Mage, 65 Wizard & 65 Enchanter.. yeah we fought for 10 minutes VoQ plus all mounted save the Warrior and pet... Rampage, Flurry Nuking for 2-5k and we got him down to 49% at best.
RE: Valdanov 100% solo
# Sep 03 2004 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
This particular vampire is for a shield quest , the shield is quite nice and has 50 ac his ashes are requiered for the finnal turn in to get shield and its great, but like all katta quests can be long, i dont think i will ever finish the vampire bane damage weapon i started questing first before shield, so that i could get this vampire dead lol .
Vlad pwnd
# May 12 2004 at 7:35 AM Rating: Default
This is guy really isn't that tough. Me 65 Necro 300+aa's some EP and time gear,and 65 Wizzy friend can easily duo this guy. Pull off ledge kite around just keep agro on him, let pet do some bashes to keep stunned, drop lots of dots and nuke like hell at 20% and below. We normally life burn and mana burn at same time so thats some nice damage there. if starts to cast gate use Death's silence. Bam gratz random person 001 on uber shield. The shield is an awesome back piece though it has a very nice graphic of 2 eagles when in secondary slot. Not to many people on Sol Ro server have one and those that do, most have me and Lendi to thank. Bane weapons may help but he moves pretty fast so pets really cant keep up with him to well. for what dots i use. I use Funeral Pyre of Keledor, Saryrn's Kiss, Splurt. along with some DD spells. Not a tough fight just takes time
RE: Vlad pwnd
# Jul 20 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
Not too hard with EP and Time gear, eh? Well, let me just whip that right out of my backside and it'll be easy for me, as well.
RE: Vlad pwnd
# Jul 01 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
265 posts
Yeah, so easy... Not that tough, especially when you don't melee him at all :P

If he summoned there would be a lot less people saying that LOL

over an hour
# Apr 26 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
OMG this guy is nasty, I box'd a druid enchanter and warrior to kill this sucker. I think his lifetap (although instant cast time) is used from his mana pool, not taking very much mana that is. My druid went fully oom at about 60%, so I mezzed him (that's right he's mezzable, amazingly enough thru all the panic I got it mem'd and casted). While I waited for the druid to hit FM I started casting my scryers and theft of thought. I dozed off while doing mezzing and forgot to tash right after for agro so he memory blured and immediately regen'd to 100% (I cried). I decided I might as well give it another go. This time was different though, he rarely lifetapped. Innitially I thought it was a proc so his mana pool wouldn't effect proc rate. I was wrong, or extremely luckier then the first attempt. Anyhow if you are going to do him with the combo I used I suggest you mez, debuff, and mana seive before you even start damaging him. Keep scryers on him as much as possible, I think it counters his mana regen completely when it's on. The fight took me over an hour total (I'm not sure how long but my 60% extended duration SoV fresh buff wore off), but prolly around 30 minutes if I had him debuffed before engaging. It would have been better if I had remembered to bring tiny daggers and an extra set of bane weapons but I didn't and also equiped my mr gear which I think I can take myself to around 280(stupid stupid /bonk).

Anyway has anyone checked if this guy can be hit by undead bane weapons?
# Apr 15 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
Ran into this Guy Last Night,
he can hit in the 200's, Able to Necro Slow him with no problem, sick pet, and chain heal the pet, and Mass DOT with fire based

If your going to solo this guy, I would advised to nott take your eye off the screen during battle, He managed to Nuked my pet when I was off guild chatting. FD time.

YES he does Despawn after 20-30 minutes.

RE: Despawn
# Apr 20 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
I had this guy up for about an hour while i got the BL loaded up, KEI'd, Virtued, and ran over to the castle. I had agro'd him once and tried to solo tho so maybe thats what kept him up. He was up when i logged tho like 2 hours later soo..........

Edited, Tue Apr 20 09:58:49 2004
I confirm he has no name above him :)
# Mar 02 2004 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
200 posts
Have always wondered whether that screenshot here was a fake or not ..

Today I went with my mage to clear out the entire castle (do that when I have some free time). After I killed Trixelior Aeridia, Heratius spawned right away on the balcony.
I killed Heratius (was a tough fight, a luck I had 2-boxed cleric out there) then .. POP Valdanov !

I was checking with Eye of Tallon, took a few screenshots, and indeed this guy has no visible name above his head.
# Feb 13 2004 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
Well I was clearing the Castle tonight b4 the servers came down for "emergency patch" <sighs> And I see Heratius on tracking. So I kill him and all the sudden I see this dude on tracking well I decided to clear the place so I could pull him outside easily and by the time I got done clearing it solo he had despawned. I would guess he was up for only 30 minutes. :(
# Feb 03 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
I really want this back item for my pally. So could fairly well geared 65 pal, 65 nec, and 65 cleric take him? All with bane weapons of course..

How hard are his normal hits? Does he flurry or rampage? Can he be stunned? Was thinking to stun him as much as possible to limit the lifetap damage.

Also plan on dire charming a general with necro for more damage rawr!
RE: Trio?
# Feb 27 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
263 posts
You should not have any real problems as long as you are prepared. Took him down today with me (65 beast, all spells, LDoN aug'd pet, ~150 AAP), 65 Cleric (~50 aap, no kei, FT4), and a port-ho level 51 wizzie (ice commet and conflaguration worked well).

Fight lasted nearly 30min due to only the pet having bane weapons and the cleric being lom. Val flurries, was hitting for 333 max with BoV up, has necro spells (likes to cast screaming terror and splurt), life taps for 1000 hp (but not often and it was partially resistable), and it appeared the pet proc did stun him.

Not too bad for an unexpected fight..we were just there kiling for fun when he popped.
Bane weapons
# Jan 09 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Default
Where does one obtain these bane weapons, I know you need them in many of these zones to kill many mobs, but how does one find bane weapons? I also know there are specific ones, like for vamps, and shissar, I can find the grimling bane weapons what about the rest?

Ngok Soulbasher
MS Sever
How to own VZ
# Dec 14 2003 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
We completed the quest for the Loyalist Shield today twice from start to finish. First for our cleric, then for me.

Theories about the spawn rate of Heratius Grolden whose death will spawn VZ are pretty inconsistant. We found HG up the first time we arrived at the castle, then later AE'd the hell out of the castle for about 2 hours before he spawned again. Time between spawns 4-5 hours.

HG is a gimp, just nuke him to death.

VZ is a bit tougher, the first time round we were caught by surprise and had to kill him without vampyre bane weapons. Took us about 10 minutes, but no biggie for a group of 65s. If your MT can hold aggro without melee you win.

His lifetap for 1000ish can be resisted, at 250 MR I got hit about 1 out of 5 procs.

Bane Weapons: Forget the timesink quests and just buy some stakes in the Katta armory for 15p. On our second kill we had 3 pets and the MT equipped with a bane weapon and it was not even funny how fast he went down. Note: If you are a knight, you can bash him. Seems his melee immunity only applies to weapons not shields. He has around 100k HP, just his melee immunity and lifetap procs make it seem more. Nuking for 3k and 6k (crits) as well as parsing the fight afterwards gives you a pretty good idea of total HP.

Tactical advice: Fight him on the balcony, as long as he is near his spawn point he won't gate. If you fight towards the edge the respawning coterie centurions will not add.
If you pull him someplace and he gates on you he will regen back about 30% of his HP per tick. Thats 30k. You don't want that.

Good luck, the shield is probably the best back slot item you can one-group.

Edited, Sun Dec 14 17:58:04 2003
bane weapons??
# Nov 17 2003 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
I was trying to loot a (sp?) zhekas katar one night when i get a terll asking what Im doing from someone i didn't know. i said killin vamps..he says wanna kill some named ones? so of course i do a /w lkjLKjh and it sayd he is a 65 pally. i said sure why not..btw Im looking for a monk weapon so if it drops i would greatly appreciate it if I could have it..he says sure.
we peocced up the stairs and drop evberything on the way. Kill the lvl 58 vamp right before this guy adn we stop to med. ( Im a 57 shaman btw )
He asks one of his guildies to come help and a druid shows up, not sure of lvl though. We pull him and BAM...the pally can't hit him..we know we are screwed, especially when I was LoM the druid was at half and the pally was oom. so we evaced. Had a lot of fun...if only we would have had a bane weapon...

Gofa Cafog
57 Shaman
Crimson Dragons
# Oct 01 2003 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
tuff mob. 65bst (meh) and 65 necro couldnt take him twice. went through couple mana bars trying though. no bane weap's, but got him to 80pct though.

was gonna try again with bane weap's but it was late and we logged. :( anyone know despawn time?

next time ...
# Sep 13 2003 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
Killed today with 50clr/65mnk/65wiz/65shm/65shm, we loaded the pets with bane weapons, same with monk, appeared to have approx 50kps-60khps, was slowable, ice and fire own him. Fight took about 15 mins.
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