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Lore Item Placeable
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 20
DMG: 10 Dmg Bonus: 33 AC: 4
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
Effect: Snare (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 49
WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Hammer of Trapping
Item Type:1H Blunt
Merchant Value:0 pp 2 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Agamenoar
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-17 09:58:30
Page Updated:Wed Jun 6th, 2012

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Average Price: 102,000pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Very Rare
Level to Attain: 50

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

NPC Name
Loremaster Piza`tak

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name

Uploaded December 23rd, 2022 by halfridge
Updated December 26th, 2022
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what lvl does it proc at?
# Aug 23 2002 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
what lvl does it proc at?
got one the other day
# Aug 01 2002 at 1:56 AM Rating: Default
got one of these bad boys the other day did drop off of loremaster. was a joint guild raid i won the roll against about 25 other people =) nice damn weapon my main is now a monk but the weight was a lil high for me i gave to my brother to use who is a warrior he says it is an insane aggro builder. I just told him he better never sell it cause when i finally get my fungi ill be a soloing machine with this sucker in my backpack of goodies.
#talaxia, Posted: Jul 04 2002 at 9:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Is this weapon a triggered effect or does it Proc snare in battle?
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 7:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This would rock for BL's....
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 12 2002 at 8:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Am thinking that it is a bug that they didn't include BST in the usage of this weapon. We should probably bug it in game and see if they change the weapon.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 30 2002 at 9:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i was in FoB with my 10 monk and a high lvl shamie gave this to me... i really like and am thinking of selling it so i can get some other mink stuff to balence out my stats
RE: i got one
# Nov 17 2002 at 10:48 PM Rating: Default
73 posts
i think its a good idea to sell it. you can twink you monk pretty well with 18k and level up faster so you can aquire another for you later, when you can use it effectively and your ID is higher, even tought it Rarely works anyway which sucks. Verent needs to give it like 80 percent chance at maxed out skill. When i was playing a monk level 42 i could never get it to work on mobs close to my level.
Kodest Mistsong
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 05 2002 at 6:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) if i were you i would keep it. all you need are a few items to solo with ease. fungi tunic, haste belt, and this an item that snares. no more chasing after mobs when they are low and therefore less chance of adds. i may not be the first to say this. but stats mean very little in all honesty. but an item like this can save your life.
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 05 2002 at 5:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Stats are useless? Are you a moron? I suppose stats are there for just show. I like to look at my Str, it makes me look cool. What a moron. I suppose saves are useless because they are stats too. Buy a clue, you worthless waste of flesh.
RE: i got one
# Nov 05 2002 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
I agree but you also have to think about this: In almost every fight there is a turning point. If your turning point is against you in the battle, with this weapon, you might be able to outrun it - SOW or no SOW. It does depend on what you are fighting and wether they run fast or faster than SOW, but with this weapon - either way you have a better chance of not dieing if the fight is not in your favor.
RE: i got one
# Nov 06 2002 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
I would kill for this. You ever think about Fear Kitting? Me and my necro buddies do it all the time in Chardok ZI but if i had some form of snare i could do it solo.
Just something for you to think about
Jeffro Tole
59 monk NEoP
Luclin Server
What drops this weapon?
# Mar 05 2002 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
Hi there,

I'm interested in finding out what drops this weapon. I solo with my monk a lot and having anything that casts snare, even as a proc, would be a huge asset. My guild raids Chardok occasionally, and I might be able to get them to take a few minutes to go grab one of these for me if I knew what dropped it and where it spawns.

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

Xaos - Brother of the Whistling Fists
52 Disciple <Fourth Wall>
Tarew Marr
RE: What drops this weapon?
# Mar 21 2002 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
This item is dropped by Loremaster Piza`tak.
RE: What drops this weapon?
# Mar 11 2002 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
Says in the zone description that this zone has many random drops, since there is no spawn mentioned I'm guessing that it drops off anything in zone
When did this happen?
# Feb 14 2002 at 11:07 AM Rating: Default
24 posts
Did this thing just start dropping a few days ago or something? I've never heard of one before, and there is no pricing data, and all the comments are posted after the 8th, so I'm guessing that it must just have started dropping as of last patch? Someone is selling one on Tholuxe that I want to buy, but there is no price reference and I don't know how common the dang thing is, cause this is the first one I've ever seen being sold.
RE: When did this happen?
# Feb 19 2002 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I bought this weapon tonight for a Jade Mace and a Bloodpoint, worth about 13kp total on my server. Not a bad deal, IMO, the guy said he loved the mallet, that the proc worked great for taunt. He also said he got it off the Loremaster in the Chardok fortress, and I think not only is the Loremaster a pretty rare spawn, but i think this is his rare drop, and since no body camps Chardok royals for exp, this isn't getting looted much, so its pretty rare. Looks like a big Brown Wooden Mallet, cool look.

Khallim Bloodhelm
Dwarven Champ of 53rd Blade
Tholuxe Paells
RE: When did this happen?
# Feb 14 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
No, this dropped mid December of last year. I had to email the item in 3 times since then to get it added here. It is relatively new, but still about 2 months old. Either these are staying in guilds and not being sold much, or they're just that rare.
Nerf this troll in druid clothing
# Feb 11 2002 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
Spectralus Whitepaws, 60th Druidess on Cazic Thule.

Decent damage/delay weapon and it keeps mobs from training all over the frigging zone.

Lady, either you're sadly misinformed of other classes capabilities, or extemely self-centered to be complaining about an ultra rare weapon that procs a snare. Especially when there's already an ultra-rare 1HB weapon (Sap Encrusted Branch) that also procs snare in PoG.

Perhaps you should experience a monk train in zone full of mobs and either runs over your little butt, or spoils a camp you've been working for the last 5 hours, and enlightens you as to the joy of allowing a snareable weapon to a 'mere' melee class; especially when said melee couldn't find a 'snare' class in our level range on that particular night.

Zinj; Fat Grumpy Monk of Norrath
Just my 2cp...
# Feb 11 2002 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
I think this would be neat to dual wield with a "Ribcracker." You could have this in your main hand and the Ribcracker in your secondary (b/c it is Secondary only). Don't get me wrong there may be better weapons, but I just think that it would be cool to have an "Anklesmasher" and a "Ribcracker" both. Here is a link to the "Ribcracker" if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Thanks.
RE: Just my 2cp...
# Feb 11 2002 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
Tell you what would make an awesome combo. This weapon and a silken whip of ensnaring(14/28 -5ac procs snare either melee)The +ac on anklesmasher almost offsets the -ac on the whip. Everytime a warrior hits he would have a chance to snare. Just imagine the agro. =)
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 11 2002 at 2:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What is the warrior epic quest weapon. i really want to know!!
RE: warrior epic weapon
# Feb 11 2002 at 5:07 AM Rating: Default
WTF? If you cant post on topic dont post at all. You really want to find that, try using the quest and equipment search links over to the left instead of being lazy and posting stupid questions in any ol' weapon page.

Sorry. I take that back. There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people with questions.
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 10 2002 at 5:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well with the Winter Olympics coming up I have only one thing to say: Shouldn't this be a hockey stick?
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 10 2002 at 1:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've been a druid in my whole EQ career (Can't seem to switch to anything else..I'd hate to have to zone more than twice to get where I'm going -=P Anyway)
# Feb 10 2002 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
This has dropped twice during guild raids, so far those are also the only ones I've seen on the server. Dropped off of Loremaster something or another out of the library. Nice weapon, the aggro is great for tankin.

-Groob, 57 Myrmidon
-Aeleth, 51 Naggy/Vox beotch
Sovereign's Might
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 09 2002 at 9:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 1k or more.. god what has EQ economy come to? i remember when SSoY was 10k minimum.. and bronze breastplates were 400 gold each.. oh well ill deal with it i guess.. just kinda sad not playing for a while and seing a 10 20 weapon with 4ac go for less than a 9 24 weapon did.. by the way.. if anyone plays DAoC on galahad send me a msg.. patata
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 10 2002 at 8:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) (no text)
RE: ...
# Feb 09 2002 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
551 posts
It's called Evolution:
Back when dual weilding SSoY's were "Ub3r"... that WAS the best alternative!... Kunark came out and introduced NEW weapons (better alternatives)... then Velious came out (even better alternatives) and now look at some of the Luclin stuff coming out!

Verant made EPIC weapons, practically EPIC zones, raised the lvl cap, and gave classes different skills... some people wish it to back to the "good ole' days" when Rangers had SOW at 50 and ShadowKnights never had Lifetaps, and great items weren't sold cheap, and very few twinks were around... but I feel the game is evolving for the better...

I believe anyone can carry around an UBER weapon in a full suit of twniked out armor... but it's the person behind the character that makes him/her great!
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 09 2002 at 8:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Don't take this wrong, but IMHO, melee classes should not have "snare" effects on weapons. Stun, yes, shadowknight "engulfing darkness", yes, rogue "walking sleep", yes, but not snare. Rangers and Druids snare. I know this sounds petty, but it's pretty disheartening when you are allowed to be in the group just because you can snare (fellow rangers/druids know what I'm talking about). We lowlys have to have this to hold on to =)
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 13 2002 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
24 posts
Maybe we melees wouldn't need this if you druids and rangers knew how to manage aggro properly. I shouldnt direct this at just them, though, other classes have problems managing aggro too. This is an excellent warrior weapon not because of the fact that it snares the mob, since its easy to have a druid or ranger, etc, in group to snare he mob, the snare proc has a LOT of taunt to it, and can really help a warrior keep Aggro. I would love to have one of these, especially with the 4 ac and the 10-20 ratio, very nice.

Khallim Bloodhelm
Dwarven Merc of the 53rd Battle
<Acolytes Reborn>
Tholuxe Paells
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 11 2002 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
ahem, last time I checked, Rangers ARE a melee class... We wouldn't get into a lot of groups without snare, so whatever gets my foot in the door is all good. Maybe if we got a huge boost in defensive skills to compensate for losing key spells like snare, I'd be for that, but otherwise I think it's invaluable to our class.
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 10 2002 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
65 posts
The thing with procs is you cannot control *when* it occurs so potentially it might break when the mob hits run mode or even not proc an entire battle.
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 09 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
45 posts
Don't take this wrong, but IMHO, melee classes should not have "snare" effects on weapons. Stun, yes, shadowknight "engulfing darkness", yes, rogue "walking sleep", yes, but not snare. Rangers and Druids snare. I know this sounds petty, but it's pretty disheartening when you are allowed to be in the group just because you can snare (fellow rangers/druids know what I'm talking about). We lowlys have to have this to hold on to =)

Spectralus Whitepaws
60th Druidess on Cazic Thule

******** and you know it. Stun = Clerics and Enchanters, plus Paladins. Darkness = Necro and SK. Walking Sleep = Shaman. So why should the classes you mentioned get spells they can't get, while you WHINE about other classes getting a snare? Please explain.
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 09 2002 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
/rant on
I hate whiny Druids. Any class that can solo 4 exp giving mob at once has no right to complain about an effect on a weapon that drops in a 50+ zone.
/rant off

Notice which class CAN'T use it.
I doubt we'll ever see a weapon with any form of Snare or Root. And I'm not going to complain about that. We don't really need it.
But it would be nice =) Just think of how dangerous we'd be if we could Snare or Root =)

Geof Starchaser <Mystic Knights>
Tarew Marr
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 11 2002 at 2:28 AM Rating: Default
look! we have a smart guy who can attack druids! guess waht else wizzys can quad kite too! didnt remember that did ya? didnt think so. who can solo from lvl 1-60? necros...oh, but that doesnt **** ya off. next time you try to complain about some druid complianing, remember that the other classes have advantages too, and they have disadvantages. remember this too. druids are basically useless after 30, cuz rangers can snare and sow, shammys can regen and sow, clerics and shammys can heal, and finally shammys have better str spell then druids. we have a very hard time finding groups after about lvl 40....and it gets even harder when you get into the 50s. even for evacs, wizzys are better cuz they deal out more dmg to the mob.
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 11 2002 at 2:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /cry for all the pissy little druids out there. Well you don't see the other classes crying about this weapon now do you?
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 10 2002 at 3:44 AM Rating: Default
Twig off of Tunare has Ensnare on it and is Beastlord useable.
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 10 2002 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Stop and think about that..."Twig off of Tunare".../sigh

Market is really flooded with those. Let's see, raid Chardok or kill Tunare. Kill Tunare or raid Chardok. Man, I think to get my Beastlord a snare item, we'll go KILL TUNARE! Yeah, that's it!
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 09 2002 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
Since when is a farming kill everything all mobs in the zone are mine druid worried that a melee class might possibly in anyone'e most absurd imagination in any way shape or form ever in a million years when pigs fly compete with them?

Ironhom Hammerforge
Dwarven Paladin
Tallon Zek Server
RE: MY Snare, lay off ;)
# Feb 09 2002 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default

altho, druids are VERY usefull in RM, whn they kite 4 HG's at a time. those things are NOT worth the effort to kill for the exp they give,. and this way all the enterprising rogues can just go lift some spending cash off the giants. After all, druids don't need to buy things, they are able to kill ANYTHING for ANY DROP. right? ;)
Delios Shadowsoul
Rogue of the 51st dagger and 200 alc tol
Officer of Mistaken Identity, Drinal
I want!
# Feb 08 2002 at 10:19 PM Rating: Default
I've been wanting a Snare weapon for my Paladin forever! It's about time.
Fear Kiting
# Feb 08 2002 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
Im not sure if this is the only one in game but its the first monk usable weapon with a snare effect. Despite the 5 wt I would like to get one of these, use it till proc then use ID to fear kite.
RE: Fear Kiting
# Feb 09 2002 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
Actually, look up Sap ecrusted branch, was found way before this.
# Feb 08 2002 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
Heh Shouldn't an "ankle"smasher be for short folk only (gnm, dwf, hlf) ? :)
# Feb 10 2002 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
I think the name comes from the Snare effect; breaks the mob's ankles, thus rendering it slow moving and unable to run away. :)
# Feb 09 2002 at 12:54 AM Rating: Excellent
308 posts
I guess tall people will just have to swing low and smash the knee instead.
# Feb 09 2002 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not short as a Half-Elf but I see plenty of ankles in my travels. Heck, just how damn tall is the average Giant anyways!

I would agree that it might be more appropriate for the stubby folks though ;)
from whom?
# Feb 08 2002 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
nice weapon anyone know who drops this?
# Feb 08 2002 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
i think this item has alot to potential, not only having snare, bu with all the now adn before haste items, even teh low rank ones, this woudl become a decent not incredible uber equip off hadn weapon..snare, witha bonus fo attacking and such, slowing the mob and lettign you beat the hell off of it witha possible 10/10 weapon? i think this weapon gets a decent score in my book, and in any case, i think as soon as i get on tonight i might just go out and grab one myself, jsut to have it, seems rather nice, i can see it going for a 1k or more i think, snare is to nice a ability to get completly not blown out fo preportion...well anywway, my 2 cps

Modnar Random
17 cleric
The Rathe Server
RE: potential
# Feb 14 2002 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
24 posts
Sorry, Mr. 17 Cleric, but 1st of all, this thing will easily be going for 10kp, and second of all, why the hell would a cleric need it?! And Third of all, I doubt very highly that you are going to just be able to "go out and grab" one of these! Right now, there are probably about 4 of these on every Server, since Chardok is severely undercamped, and because this drops off a mob that is prolly 55+, which means not a lot of people are gonna be going deep enough to hunt him, unless they are raiding Chardok. Just so ya know. lol, 1kp, I wish. and 10/10? Doubtfull, since the highest Haste item in game is like 43%, and the highest Droppable haste item is 36% at most. Maybe if you have a chanter, but then of course any weapon would be good.
RE: potential
# Feb 10 2002 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
You're kidding right? This weapon should be pushing 10-15k(depending on server economy).

Edited, Sun Feb 10 20:40:17 2002
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