Looks like they're still using the cookie-cutter to make gear with. Instead of making this CLR/DRU/SHM and NEC/WIZ/MAG/ENC usable, they've made two versions.
The difference?
This one has +3ac more than the pure Caster version (Cord of Dark Bindings); and this one has +5 Combat Effects, whereas the Caster one does not.
Now, I'm not gonna bother sending hatemail to the guy in charge of itemization (at least, not over this item), but why bother making 2 items if the differential between them is so non-existent? But, since 2 items were made...
I can see why the Silk Class version would have less AC. And I don't think we're going to miss Combat Effects all that much. But, since we were denied a mod that the Priest version has, why not replace it with something else, so that each would have the same amount of mods, if not the same kind? They obviously took great care in ensuring that the numbers of the stats/resists/mods on one would exactly match the other.
Oh, what the hell. Considering all the other problems I'm seeing with improper Foci attached to Class equipment, the bizarre lack of some Foci for certain Classes altogether, and whatnot...I guess asking for an explanation regarding the lack of +5 Combat Effects is pretty far down on the "hit list".