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Cursed Halo of Thought  

Lore Item No Trade
Slot: HEAD
STR: -5 DEX: -5 STA: -5 CHA: -5 WIS: -5 INT: -5 AGI: -5
Mana Regeneration: +3
WT: 1.4 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):0, 0, 0
Lucy Entry By:Atarak
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 03:56:10
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Shadows of Luclin Shadows of Luclin

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 60

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This item is found on creatures.

Umbral Plains
NPC Name
The Fabled Doomshade

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Umbral Plains

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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The quest for the quest..
# Aug 28 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
47 posts
Supposedly there's a quest in the game to turn the negative stats on this and the other "cursed" luclin items positive. It's been in the game since the day luclin opened. Honest. It's just that in all the time since then, nobody in the entire EQ player base has been able to figure it out, ever. The devs told us so, so it has to be true, right?

~This is not a nerf!
~Working as intended.
~The fleeting quiver is in game.
~The classes are balanced!
# Jul 02 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
its like a sick joke :D
as a cleric
# Dec 24 2003 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
as a cleric i love my halo. I use it when in a CHeal chain and if doing a mob like behemoth where we just drop a bunch of quickheals ill bust out the improved healing 4 item. Anyone who says its worthless lacks.
# Aug 16 2003 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
Nysse is a gimp, and TCR are cockblockers on KB mmmkthx
not useless... the FT is worth it :p
# Dec 04 2002 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
I still have this on my head at 65. FT3 is still FT3. Without KEI and with this thing on I still have WIS 280. So I lose nothing using this, but gain FT3. My resists are good enough to use even on raids.

Nysse Tulee
Storm Warden of Karana
TCR, Kane Bayle

P.S. I'm too lazy to change headgear when tradeskilling... thats why my WIS is 280 with this things on. heh.
# Sep 09 2002 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
Got this quite a few months ago and have simply upgraded other items to balance the negatives.
With Kei, POTC, Solstice earring and this I'm a walking, talking mana machine and only ever take it off when killing dragons for resists or tradeskills for the int Smiley: cool
int/wis cap..
# Aug 24 2002 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ever think of some high end person wearing this who has 260+ int/wis ? Since the cap is at 255, they lose nothing in the mana department. Guess not everyone thinks of that.

This is more of an item for those who hit 255+ in the stats they need with buffs and can hit 255+ in resists with buffs/song. It really only means a nifty FT3 item to them=P
RE: int/wis cap..
# Jan 17 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
I agree your point but I have to correct you on cap : post 60, you gain a 5 points cap bonus per level : a level 65 has his wis capped at 280, as well as other stats.

Edited, Sat Jan 17 12:42:31 2004
RE: int/wis cap..
# Aug 03 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
But check the dates... in 2002, there was nothing above 60... :) In all truth, the FT3 would be enough of a draw to wear this, if not all the time, at least as a swap in when resists not needed. Wis over 200 is only 6 mana per point, so losing 5 wis is 30 pts of mana. As a 64 shaman, with kei/voq on, I regen more than that per tick, w/o any FT going on, and double it if canniballizing hard. Very nice item, overall.

kiting dream
# Jul 17 2002 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I use this while kiting and I love it.
Patch upgraded this Item
# May 09 2002 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Much to my joy I logged in to discover that my halo has been patched to be only -5 all stats -5 all resists.

It no longer subtracts hp or mana so this is only a loss of about 12hp and 8 mana for me. Its a great toy.

Zatanna Zatara <MiM>
Sexiest Wizzie on RZ

Edited, Fri May 10 00:35:36 2002
mana regen
# May 03 2002 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
Um, fights over, time to med, put this on, regain mana faster till your fm. Still got time to med ? Take it off, put your +stat gear on. Med the missing mana pool that you just recovered to full. Can you say win - win ??
awesome item
# Apr 10 2002 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
I got this item and I wear it when I meditate. It is a VERY nice item to have! You'd be a fool to not roll on it if u got the chance.
Think about it
# Apr 09 2002 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
This is an item that negs to your saves but the spell on it is a TRIGGERED spell so you put it on trigger it and then put it back in you pack. I can care less about the stats it is the spell that you really want. I would love to have this item.

56 seasoned Cleric
RE: Think about it
# Apr 24 2002 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
TRIGGERED? so you just make up your own rules?
(Worn) means exactly that.
RE: Think about it
# Apr 09 2002 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
It is NOT triggered.

Sarelorn Stonecaller
Arch Mage
Sol Invictus
The Tribunal
Before you knock it...
# Mar 26 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
There are arguments for and against this item. Having recently entered into the high end game, I can begin to tell which posters are in that stage and which aren't I believe.

If you are in high end game though, and still don't like this item at all, could you switch to E-marr server and come with me on a raid for it? Wouldn't mind being the only caster willing to roll it :)
# Mar 20 2002 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
Best in the game? Flowing Thought 5 is on a really nice caster robe that drops in the deep. I don't see where you get that FT3 is best in the game. I would love to have this item anything to cut down med time is potentionally a grp saver

OOM medding
# Mar 10 2002 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
Personally.. I think this item is hilarious. It's got the best caster spell in the game.. non damage wise.. but it's got -10 to everything. I would personally get this.. espically if all your stats are doing increasingly well a the least.
Hi I like this?
# Mar 10 2002 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Regardless if it can or cant be uncursed ide still Wear it, as a non-Epic Enchanter haste waste alot of my mana ive been on many raids were i was the only one C2ing/Hasteing i would LOVE to swap this little thing for 3 more mana a tick
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 08 2002 at 10:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow, what a helpful post you just made ***. We are just trying to figure out how to get rid of the negative stats because there IS A WAY. Verant said there would be cursed items and there WOULD BE A WAY TO UNCURSE THEM. Now take your level 10 noob moron attitude, learn how to spell, and SHOVE IT.
Pls....don't talk if your ignorant
# Mar 08 2002 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
To everyone that thinks that remove curse would work on this item.....OMFG your see if it did it would be nerfed like "that"....believe me....Hmm....why you ask? Well neg 10 to all stats is bad yes, but with FT3 it makes it worth it right? in most cases yes....thats why verant put it in if you could just Magicly take all the neg stats off it, this item would be even ******* awesome...(even to powerful) therefore would be nerfed = )

Trust us....even though we think Verant isn't smart....(most of us do)...they have some things figured out....i'm sure they wouldn't let an item like this just Slip by them unnoticed!!!
RE: Pls....don't talk if your ignorant
# Mar 26 2002 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
110 posts
You can sorta take off the stat mods... well, I can at least ;) seriously. just ask the local shaman to buff ya back to where you belong (Would gladly give up 10 on any and all stats since they would still be over 150 with my junk on me) True, without the negs I'd have that 10 more, but yeah, THIS IS WORTH IT. nuff said. :)
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 07 2002 at 10:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) actually there is a new spell out there..remove curse..possibly may be used to uncurse this item and you woulg get all stats..just a thought
quest to uncurse?
# Mar 07 2002 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
Does a quest exist to uncurse this? or does greater remove curse do anything?
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 06 2002 at 1:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is obviously something you would only wear while you are medding between fights. How hard is that to figure out? All of you getting into arguments about exact mana regen and what you are giving up versus what you gain are just being silly. You wear it when you are LOM or OOM and medding between pulls. You put on your normal gear when you get up to full, and then maybe wait a few seconds while you regain the rest of your mana that you now can have due to not having the negatives on you. Then you NUKE, RINSE, REPEAT. It's that simple.
# Mar 07 2002 at 2:48 AM Rating: Default

The only time I DON'T wear it is when I need resists(i.e. raids). I do NOT blow out my entire mana pool during any given fight, so the loss in mana means nothing to me. I'm rarely hit in combat, and usually don't get cast on, so hp/resists don't matter.

I DO however spend most of any given fight on my feet. This provides an extra 3 points/tick even when I'm standing.
mana to regen comparison
# Mar 06 2002 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
As a priest or caster at lvl 60 you should have 12 mana per int or wis unless you are now sitting at the 255 cap. So going upon the assumption that you don't have capped wis or int then the cost of 10 (x12 mana per point) takes away 120 mana. This item grants mana regeneration of 3 mana per tick of 6 seconds. So in order to have a use for this item you have to be willing to go with a 120 mana point loss from your total to gain the same level of mana back in 40 ticks (converted 240 seconds, converted 4 minutes.) Also for a necro/shaman and when someone uses a mod rod you also must consider the loss of stamina resulting in a decrease in total hp decreasing the amount of hp you can eat down to gain mana.

-Alphawolf Silverblood
-Crusader of Clan Ta'Veren
-Terris Thule
RE: mana to regen comparison
# Mar 26 2002 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
110 posts
Well, if you care about the 120 mana you might loose, get to FM with it off, throw out your first heal, then put it on. Being a shaman and running slows, Malos and Cripples I have far too much taunt to sit down till mob is well over half dead, and besides that, I was probably standing for close to a minute just getting all those off. If I am covering spot heals between C-heals on the off tanker (which would imply a second mob and sacond round of debuffs) I am easily on me feet 4 minutes anyway.
This Item Sucks...
# Mar 06 2002 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
Look at all of the naegative buffing stats it has, umm let's see, all of them are negative. I wouldn't wear this item on my best caster even if you payed me a million k pp.

Edited, Wed Mar 6 09:47:35 2002
RE: This Item Sucks...
# Apr 23 2002 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
Well, that coming from a gnome warrior who can't benefit from the FT3, of course it sucks to you, but I'd wear this any day as a druid, I rarely get hit so the neg stats don't mean anything (except for resists on raids, I'd take it off then), but the FT3 is huge
RE: This Item Sucks...
# Oct 24 2003 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
*waves at Toneth*

ok, this item does NOT suck. There. while in xp group situations, I dont need the resists (depending on fight, of course) and I need mana... I need the mana more then my int. (Which would be 261 should I be 61+)

this is uber, I want it :D

Natem Shadowchasing
Enchanter of Raiders of Thought
58 Field Goals and counting
RE: This Item Sucks...
# Mar 06 2002 at 12:16 PM Rating: Default
Just wear it when you want to recover your mana. then change it in battle.

P.S. I'd wear this for 12kpp. I NEED MONEY!!!!
million k pp
# Mar 06 2002 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
Tinyfist wouldn't even wear it for twelfty million thousand pp )
Nice item
# Mar 06 2002 at 2:56 AM Rating: Good
I got this last week. It can be freely put on/taken off. As for the loss of mana making it useless, that doesn't matter unless you're frequently blowing all of your mana. When soloing or in an xp group, I don't get hit, I rarely get cast on, so the resist and stat differences are really irrelevant. What it DOES give me is an extra 1800 mana/hour regardless of whether I'm sitting or standing.

Sarelorn Stonecaller
60th Arch Mage
Sol Invictus
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 06 2002 at 4:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) if you dont have clarity or better on it gives you an extra 1800 mana per hour.
RE: Nice item
# Mar 06 2002 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
To echo Candtnete, only a little more briefly.. Duh, they STACK. This will STACK with C3, Archlich, etc and FT will stack with itself up to a cap of 15 points. Now stick that on your C3. Nice mana regen, huh.

Wychway Darkmink
Warrior of 58
RE: Nice item
# Mar 06 2002 at 5:49 AM Rating: Default
51 posts
After shifting through your post, I think I got the impression that you would throw this item in the dumpster because as a necro you can lich faster than FT3 will take you up. That's great, I applaud you awesome necro abilities /applaud. The thing you are missing though I believe is that mana regen spells/songs stack with all FT items. Hell, even FT items stack with FT items. It's not an issue of "Kodiac's gives you more mana regen than FT3 so I only want Kodiac's", it's "This item would be nice for when it's me and a warrior xp grinding somewhere and FT3 would keep my mana bar up for faster kills when clarity is not readily available".
RE: Nice item
# Oct 01 2002 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Note the limitations of necros: we have mostly little spells, many of them with fairly long casting times. In many situations I'm keeping up on mana without ever sitting down. And as a DoT/pet caster, I have to wait for spells and Bones to do their work anyway. It wouldn't make me very much faster. So I wouldn't roll on it with friends, and maybe not even with a pickup hunt. Let an enchanter, healer, or nuker have it.

But if I had it, I would wear it most of the time. Mana regen 24 beats mana regen 21 any day.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 13 2002 at 5:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) heheh your missing the whole point . wich is lets say it takes 10 min to med to full ( we all know its less) each time you med to full you have 2000 mana. now take 150 mana away everytime you med to full . that is basicly what you are doing when ever you use this item . now factor in the kodiac regen ability and you lose even more mana each time you med to full.
RE: Nice item
# Jun 20 2002 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
And you r missing the point that you simply put your normal gear on, at the start of a fight to have max mana possible, and switch to this when you need to recover mana.
Once you have used say 20m, you put this item on instead to get FT3, and voila, you dont lose any mana at all when putting it on and get the benefit of FT3, and can continue casting without having lost any mana but now you R regening mana faster. When you eventually get back at FM with this on, you u switch back to you normal gear and med the extra mana back too., and thus you get full benefits of both !

Simple as that, I would pay tons of pp for this one.

Edited, Thu Jun 20 09:57:07 2002
# Mar 06 2002 at 1:28 AM Rating: Default
Always wondered about Druids "Remove Greater Curse" spell... maybe Cursed items can be put on, but only removed after the curse is removed?

Edited, Wed Mar 6 01:33:23 2002
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