Anyone who has completed this quest, what do these look like? Does it actually look like a kilt on a lizzie? Not sure if I would like that or not... Probably just looks like leather or something, tinted prolly?
With Luclin coming out, all my concepts of how things looked have gone out the window. I know I am *not* happy with the way my Skull-shaped Barbute looks on my DE SK. Formerly, it had a very cool, burnished-silver look, in the shape of a nice looking skull with small horns. Now it looks like I some some demented vase (pronounced "vahz", not "vayse") from the **Martian Limberger Dynasty** on my head. I honestly am not even sure that there are eye-holes in the danged thing!! WHAT is up with that?!? Anyone else come up with any really, really wierd, bizarre stuff from the Luclin expansion?
I really resent that all my velious stuff looks like newbie gear now. ry'gorr tunic looks like ringmail, same with my giant gladiators sleeves. and my formerly very cool (to me at least) kromrif military leggings make my wood elf look like he hasn't seen the sun in years. ironiclly, ivy etched looks pretty decent now... I haven't run into anyone who had a delivery boy style ranger helm, but i hope that got dumped for something better
Logged on my DE SK who also has a Skull Shaped Barbute. Unbelievable. Absolutley chuffing unbelievable. It looks dire!
My Human Pally with the same piece of kit looks like a Viking from a kids history book. Also wearing Ro Greaves which are now just a dull dirty grey! I can't bring myself to describe my Mithril BP, it hurts too much ....
Havent noticed anything weird looking yet - since I can barely move when logged on - but was hoping to be able to see cloaks & masks..what happened to that?