Location: The Grey outside the temple Placeholder: Eternal Golem (any standing outside the temple) Appx Spawn time: 4 - 6 hours Hit Points: 6000 appx Moderately Magic Resistant - resisted root a few times (55 Druid) Attack Damage: 130 hp with 712 AC, proc's an 8 second stun spell. Level: 48 - 50 appx (blue to 55 and 53)
In 2 days, I have killed him 2 times both time he dropped the Harness of Grey Flesh. The Shattered Golem is about as hard to kill as the Revenant Shissars that lay around the edges of the temple.
I was considering rounding up a force to go kill Sentries and Guardians in Skyshrine to get a Guardian Belt, but this item has the same AC, similar stats, and is droppable (thus buyable). Neato.
EDIT: Oops...alright, the stats aren't that similar (agility versus stamina). Still a nice piece though.