I had never heard of this weapon before I was shopping for a cheap 1hs in the bazaar for my Pally when on a player vendor I saw this for 80pp yes 80pp I could not resist buying it
wouldnt swiftblade of zek and this weapon be a good coimbo for a MT ... 11/18 10ac 100hp and other stats ...plus the 41%haste from zek's blade.. it seems to me it would be MUCH better then this and a slain unicorn shield..wouldnt it?
People who can afford to buy Zek's blade will NOT use this offhand or mainhand whatsoever. put a 40k item and a 50pp item together they just dont match.
Hahaha, very funny. You're getting the benefit of the doubt, but there are people who read this board and would actually think you're serious, so be careful
i got one today off a shadow. I dont have a warrior char to give it to, im not in a guild and was solo when the thing dropped. Wanna buy it 8) send me a /tell with a reasonable offer and I can have my pocket druid meet ya somewhere to make the deal. First reasonable offer will get this nice wep as I need pp badly for new equip Trim 48 Pally E-Marr server
Yes, it is primary AND secondary. One dropped last night and I won the roll. Now to find a guildie warrior that wants it (most don't want anything to do with piercing).
This is actually a really nice wep at the level you can attain it. I don't know that i'd pay 4k for it, but it's definetly worth weilding. One dropped for our group (levels 38-47) hunting at the stables. I (lvl 42 warrior) put it in primary and noticed a big difference in taunt from my 8/23 wep, plus the 10 ac is incredible. All in all a very nice wep to be able to get in the low 40s...
Pair this up with a shield of the slain unicorn and you get what 20 ac and the ability to keep mobs on you? And if the unicorn shield sucks for you this is a easy shield that does damage, fast damage, and can pair up nicely with another one hander.
I will agree with those who have lauded this weapon as being quite worthwhile. I would add to the reasons stated below that it's also nice, when it is procured during a raid/hunt, that it is warrior only. After all, 70% of all piercers will be rolled on by just rogues or rogues and shaman. Nice when I can pick up a useful weapon only rolling against one or two people. ;-)
dont know hard to sell this thing and it is NOT common drop ive seen 1 of these and 10 GJBS in 11 lvls in Citymist youll get Wus before you get this thing
7 damage is a bit low yes, but when I use it in my primary I can keep the mob on me. IMO a warrior's job is to keep the mob hitting him, and let the real damage dealers do their work in relative safety. And AC is king.. one of my favorite weapons in the game.
Posted:Apr 14 2001 at 10:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this is DEFINATELY not worth 7kpp+!! come on only 7 dmg? ya the delay is nice, but 7kpp?!? get real! i wouldnt pay more that 500pp for this worthless blade!
*Sighs* newb. 7 dmg/20 delay on its own is a GREAT warrior taunter. a warriors job is to TAUNT the mob any means possible. Now, you throw in 10 ac - holy !@$@ thats a nice ***** of a poker. Now, go ding lv 4 and maybe you'll learn something.
I am goign to have to say this thing is worth a lot more to a warrior then 7k. awsome delay and even better AC on a super rare drop, rofl wurmslayers go for 7k and those are more common then a wizard gating out of trouble to save his own neck.
Anyways I would have payed a lot more then 7k for this if I had not been given it as a present for my Birthday... prolly more near 15+ just for the ac. but I guess thats just me..
Posted:Feb 24 2001 at 11:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) heh, got mine as a trade, guess guy didn't know what it was worth(neither did I at the time). Got the Defender, a black enamelled bp and a ssb for a yak. Imagine my surprise when I was offered 10k for it
Posted:Feb 04 2001 at 5:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) wowie, i got mine for 1k! boy am i a happy warrior now! :)
Posted:Mar 25 2001 at 6:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yeah i dunno what server you guys who are saying you got people payin ya 10k for em thats nuts they go for 1 to 2k on tarew marr
I guess we re coming from servers where the ppl think :o) This item is worth much much more to a warrior than a yak. Does a yak go for 10pp on ur server, or what?
This weapon ROCKS! I honestly think it compares favorably with such big guns as the GBS, BBoT, Wurmslayer, etc. Most people would have to get to the Lamentation to be able to say they clearly have a superior weapon. 20 delay on a weapon is NICE- I mean, think about the delay on those other weapons. Yes, it's unfortunately piercing, and the 7 damage is a tad low, but these are compensated for WELL by the extra ac. A warrior's purest purpose, after all, is not to deal damage, but to take it. This is a Shield of the Slain Unicorn on crack! How many other weapons combine such a superior taunting ability with a massive 10ac? In fact, I'd rather have this than a Wurmslayer, since I'm always the main tank. Save the Wurmies for the secondary tanks. This is especially good for low-dex warriors, as they don't have to hope for a proc to help them keep taunt. Too bad it's lore- I'd sell my sister to dual-wield this. If I had one.
On a related note, I think a warrior has as much responsibility to keep their gear in top form as they do to take a pounding on the battlefield, and I'm surprised at how many tanks stay in leather and bronze so long. All you AC-deficient warriors out there who are getting your casters killed- go do some bargain hunting! I spend a lot of time in EC, and I got my Viik's for 200pp from Mr. Clueless. I'm using it with my Icepaw War Claw, which I got for 100pp and 3 Deathfist Slashed Belts. Hate me.