Picked this up in the bazaar on stromm for 625pp, my piercing skill was 9 at the time, within two levels of fighting with it in my secondary slot I am now at 164. Great weapon!
Just picked one up for my rogue on Nameless for 2500. Overall it seems to be better than LDoM for my rogues level and the proc real soon will just add to that. All that and graphic kicks *****
Edited, Thu Sep 23 02:05:19 2004
Mercy is for the weak, death is your redemtion, embrace me for I am Death!
Posted:Oct 23 2004 at 6:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You have to be CRAZY!! Lost Dungeons of Morrath are so great for weapons!! They have the best weapons in all of Morrath and beyond!!!!!...
I have to dissagree that this would be better than LDoM, 21/13 plus stats (dont remember), and 3% to BS. And that LDoM sells for ussually 1500-2k, better deal.
Took me a while to figure out why he thought a 21/13 was better for a while, then i realized you reversed the damage/delay... 3% at 200 is what... 6 skill? what does 6 skill really matter when you could get a 12% backstab bonus anyways? and he said it was for his current level, legendary dagger of might (im assuming as thats the only 13/21, not 21/13, that works for LDoM) which, by the way, being as low end as it is, should not have its own abbreviation... yes, i know i cant spell, go ahead and flame me for that... 12 damage at 45 or 13 at 53? oh, and dont forget the proc, im gonna have to disagree with you because you didnt think before posting (no, i'm not nice)