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Ancient Fire Etched Flamberge  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 44
DMG: 46 Dmg Bonus: 143 AC: 30
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +25 STA: +10 HP: +50
SV FIRE: +25 SV MAGIC: +14
Effect: Flame of the Efreeti (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 55
WT: 4.5 Size: TINY
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:2H Slashing
Lucy Entry By:Affliction - Erollisi Marr
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-10 07:57:16
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 55

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This item is found on creatures.

Temple of Veeshan
NPC Name
Lord Kreizenn

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Temple of Veeshan

Uploaded December 23rd, 2022 by halfridge
Updated December 26th, 2022
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epic better?
# Feb 12 2004 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
hmm epic does look better and 150 dd proc so i would go with epic .

aeroglis Soulstrummer 65 bard

anemic bloodlust 65 warrior
Stats have changed along with dmg/dly
# Dec 28 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
Dmg 46, dly 44, ac 30, str 25, sta 10, hp 50, mr 14, fr 25
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 15 2001 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) oh sry monk cant use sry bye thx for watching keke~
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 15 2001 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ~~~~~MONK LEWT~~~~~
# Nov 04 2001 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
The damage on this has been increased to 46.
LOOK of Sword..
# Sep 07 2001 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
Ahha looks like a Dark Reaver..
not a bad blade....
# Sep 01 2001 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
I just got this sword the other is a worthy sword...
I am a 60th level Crusader on RN...IMO this sword is still not as good as the epic...however, it was much easier to get than the epic!

The 100pt dd proc is a pretty regular and a nice effect. The ac is sick and the sv fire is unreal! Good sword....but Primal is what it's all about for us Paladin's :)

60 Crusader
Rodcet Nife
RE: not a bad blade....
# May 24 2002 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Only thing better about pally epic is bash

Fiery Defender Ancient Fire Etched Flamberge
DMG: 35 DMG: 46
DLY: 40 DLY: 44
AC: 15 AC: 30
STR: 20 STR: 25
STA: 10 STA: 10
HP: 70 HP: 50
SvFire: 10 SvFire: 25
SvMagic: 10 SvMagic:10
SvCold: 10
SvPoison: 10
Proc: 155 DD Proc: 100 DD (Semi-Lure)

Personally I would go with the Ancient Fire Etched Flamberge...not sure about the rest of you guys.

Willowe Wyspkyla
59 Warrior
RE: not a bad blade....
# Jul 20 2002 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
3,705 posts
Yes, but note that his post was from last September, before the stats on this were upgraded. I don't recall the old stats, but perhaps his comment made mose sense before they upgraded it. Notice that the posts referring to the upgrade were in november.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 26 2001 at 10:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Haste does not work that way... Haste does not effect the delay on the weapon but the hits per second - get it right
# Oct 03 2001 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
You dont know what your talkin about. Delay has to do with hits per second. just think about that for a sec
# Aug 12 2001 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
I wonder if it actually looks like a Flamberge, which is what they call the wavy-bladed swords. Kind of like a western version of a huge kris.
RE: Looks
# Feb 14 2002 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
Wrong, a Flamburge is Generaley a huge straight bladed 2 handed sword that has 2 large prongs/barb looking things about a foot up the blade from the crossguard.

Though the name af the type of blade you are refering to eludes me. Cant remember it for the life of me.

Edited, Thu Feb 14 04:17:59 2002
RE: Looks
# Aug 13 2001 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
I grouped with the guy who has this on Brell, and unfortunately it looks just like a Dark Reaver. What a waste of an opportunity to make something awesome look halfway decent.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 18 2001 at 12:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) poopy! i should be a cool graphic stupid verant this could be one of the coolest looking items in game if they did that the Flamberge is by far the most formiddable looking swords in the world
# Aug 12 2001 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
still i think the nature defender for paladins is better, more ac, more stats, and sronger proc, not to mention great looks!!
better than epic?
# Aug 11 2001 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
would i be wrong in saying this is a -far cry- better than the paladin epic, fiery avenger?
RE: better than epic?
# Aug 13 2001 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
Well I would have to say I would still take the epic over this weapon. I think they would do about the same damage overall, since this weapon has a slight bigger dam output, but has a slight less ratio so they should about even out. The bonus's are what do the trick for me. At this point for my paladin the added bonus's are more important that dam, because the damage is there. I don't care about do 160 or 180dam per hit. At high lvls we cant fight mobs alone anyway, for the most part. Especially if one wants to go to the planes or uber dungeon. It takes several groups. So all in all the probability of winning this weapon on a roll is minimum, I know someone has to win it, but its still very hard to do.
One more thing the Fiery Avenger leads to an even better sword yet. Our Fiery Defender, which I personally feel the best sword in the game (that is arguably of course), just my personal view.

Aamadanae Whirlwind
45th Paladin of The Knights of Burning Justice
Situationally Better than all 2(3) Epics
# Aug 12 2001 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
I'd use this sword over the fiery defender when resists and interupting spells isn't an issue, falling back on the FD. I'd use a shield/1hander combo when I was the main tank.

It has an AC advantage over the Jagged Blade. This is a good alternative to warrior epics--your guild specializes its warriors, i.e. uses trolls and ogres for damage absorbers, giving them gear to build AC/HP and quick weapons; and other races/lower levels as damage dealers, giving them stat gear and overall higher damg/sec weapons. Picture the lvl 60 Troll in the guild with mad AC/HP Gear on. Then give him this. Arguably he wouldn't hit fast enough to maintain aggro, so as give him a lead on other melee's by several seconds. This gives a good shield quality AC with still nice damage / second. Warrior's don't get the unreal 1handers that PALs get and thus have no method of compensating their damage output when they add a shield. Again though the Jagged Blade is better for resist situations.

Anyone who knows more about SKs care to add their comments?
RE: Situationally Better than all 2(3) Epics
# Mar 24 2002 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
SK coment....

Damn nice sword. better out there, but nice. I might use over my Epic if I was tanking because of the 30 AC (Verant does not think SK need AC on a lot of SK only weapons for some reason) and the slightly better ratio. But if this drops I'd Pass because my Epic is in the ballpark with this weapon, I personaly would rather have a lot better ratio Like Great Spear of Dawn, RockSmasher, Blade of angels, or the Ever so lovely Cudgel of Death.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 02 2001 at 7:33 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) The Shadow Knight Epic is the most powerful PvP wise, the Cleric's is most Useful. The Shadow Knight Epic has Stats that better suit a shadow knight than the stats on this weapon, and the proc for the SK epic is a 330 dmg Life Tap, you may also bash with the epic. About the ogre tanking thing, on a guild raid, it wont matter who tanks considering the mobs start hitting for around 500 and stuff, so you extra HP gives you maybe one more hit and the AC may make the hit 490, but i think an epic is better than this.
RE: better than epic?
# Aug 12 2001 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
hm...Fiery Defender is the pally....and i admit that pally epic sucks now after i see that sword...
RE: better than epic?
# Aug 12 2001 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
Yea there is no partical effect and the epic procs a 150dd with stun. Then of course there are the other stats. All in all the pally epic looks cooler, gives better stats, and has a better proc.
RE: better than epic?
# Aug 16 2001 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Pally epic blows this thing. It's got comparable damage output, but the FD would probably do more straight damage as it's delay is lower and the ratios are very close.
The FD allows you to BASH.
The FD has better all around resists and stats.
The FD looks wicked(When people have the spell effects turned on....)

No warrior or any dual wielding class would use this weapoon very often as the damage output from a pair of 1 handers is far more substantial than even the best 2 handers.

In conclusion, it's not better than the paladin epic weapon. It's nice, but not better.
# Aug 11 2001 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
Now if only they made flamberges LOOK like flamberges...
30 ac drool
# Aug 11 2001 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
30 ac yummy. But most likely a warrior isn't gonna use this still because it won't create the aggro that dual wielding fast weapons will.

Cidro Mcbuff
Terris Thule
Clan Ta'Veren
Hmm effect:
# Aug 10 2001 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
Not sure but here:
Flame of the Efreeti
Moderate to Resist
Decrease Hit Points (HP) by 100 (L1)

Classes: None

Skill: Evocation
Allowable Targets: All

Range to Target: 20 feet

Resistance Check: Fire

Spell Duration: Instant

Spell cast on you: Your skin erupts in flame.
Spell cast on someone: Soandso's skin erupts in flame.
RE: Hmm effect:
# Jan 10 2002 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
how do you figure out what a spell, does from the spelldat file?
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 10 2001 at 7:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wouldn't it be easier to just write "The proc is a 100pt DD fire spell" rather than copy paste all that junk just to show us you know how to run an spdat.eff parser?????
RE: Hmm effect:
# Aug 10 2001 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
Kori maybe if thought for a second before posting you would realize that if someone said"

proc is a 100pt dd

that has less credibility than a spdat.eff parser and more people would trust it rather than just

100pt dd
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 10 2001 at 1:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Not shure what Flame of efreety does but if its not a Large AoE then this thing would be AWSOME and if it is a large AoE then you can alway use it when its not dangerous to do so.
# Aug 10 2001 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
This thing is almost godly; with a nice haste item, just THINK what this thing does. Nice resists too.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 10 2001 at 7:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /em thinks about what this does with a good haste item
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 10 2001 at 9:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Haste item, this..../moan
# Aug 10 2001 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, but think about it. At this level, most everybody is VERY capable of getting 100%+ haste... calculate that out, it's 39dmg, 22delay... call me crazy, but I'd just take that.

However, you are correct to say that you still couldn't outdamage a rogue (especially with epic). That 15 damage on the rogue epic makes for some phenomenal backstabs, 500+ easy.

The AC makes it nice too, you get the aggro on yourself with this, you won't get hit as hard. You hit harder from the str, those resists are AWESOME (25fire AND 14magic?) plus that 100dd proc on it - which, with verant's new changes, doesn't cause as much aggro as procs used to.

All in all good weapon, might be a bit poor though for risk vs. reward though, but probably not :)

Anyways, thanks for reading this.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 11 2001 at 8:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) With 100% haste this would not be 22 dly. HASTE DOES NOT LOWER DELAY!
# Aug 12 2001 at 7:59 PM Rating: Excellent
100% haste on 44 delay is:
100 + 100% = 200
100 / 200 = 0.5
44 * 0.5 = 22

well... theres the math for ya, 44 delay at 100% haste would be 22 delay. Just because it isnt MEASURED in delay decrease, doesn't mean we dont try and figure out the delay a weapon has when hasted. That's what the guy was talking about.

Next time do the math and read the post before you try and flame somebody.
# Aug 12 2001 at 2:08 AM Rating: Default
how are you going to say haste doesnt lower delay? Did you like just start playing or something? Everyone refers to attack speed at any time as delay. We know it doesnt lower the weapons actual delay. Attacking faster = lower delay.
# Aug 13 2001 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
it's a fine distinction, but there is one.... verant's defenition of haste is increased number of attacks, not lower delay on weapons. one reason that it's not good to think of it in terms of lesser delay is that when you get into the really low-delay weapons like the revulvant whip and all then people start talking about things like "minimum delay" which is a complete myth because haste doesn't lower delay, and when you start off with small numbers to begin with the calculations get less precise since you need to round it off to a whole number if you're talking about a delay... think of it more in terms of reducing the unit of measure that delay is in. normally 1 delay = 1/10 second; with 100% haste, that same delay would equal 1/20 second, which results in a 100% increase in the number of attacks done with the same weapon while the stats remain the same
# Jan 09 2002 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
i could be wrong but i think it was players that determined how to measure haste on a common form as i seriously doubt verant would release statistical info like that. thus players used the percentages to to determine the attack rate.

i wouldnt doubt that verant themselves use it to put a new (unseen) change in weapon delay. if it didnt have any effect on delay then they coudl throw in the extra attacks wherever they wanted and even slow weaps would have some triple or quadruple attacks just to make sure u get the extra percentage. since i have never seen quad attacks on my hasted 2hs, i am sure the weapon dly itself is truly affected on the VI side of things. that way it attacks more often but still evenly spaced out. after all, i have seen accurate measurements from timing the blinks on the weapon attack button per 2-3 minute sessions. if the button blinks more often in the same amt of time, that tells anyone the time between plinks is shorter, thus a faster dly on the weap.

i coudl be wrong... but i still think the other guy had a good point. hehe after all, the way the haste is measured among players, it is deceptive. it seems anyone who hasnt asked or digged for the info, naturally assumed u take percentage off weap dly. i'm sure some of the early sellers of the FBSS liked the idea ppl were doing just that and winding up with an item that was far less effective than they assumed. i'm betting the system was devised by someoen selling haste items. myself, as an act fo fairness, would have made it determined by how much dly it appeared to remove fromt he weap. in my own eyes, it would be a much simpler concept.
# Aug 10 2001 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
(Lag caused double post, sorry.)
# Aug 10 2001 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
Yes Youre right.
Isnt it just great that clerics dont have to chain ch everyone when there are classes that can act as defensive tanks doing good additional damage and controlling their own agro while main tanks take the main beating?
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