Damn this Game is made for fun and not to whine.There are more then one plane and there are more then enough items for everyone.and a Guild is not raiding just one plane no thez raiding all plane to satisfz all their members.
Once (most of you will probably not remember it) Once long ago there was no level 60. There was no equipment with +60 to all stats, there was just a higher quality of player, people that you enjoyed grouping with talking to. This type of Player would realize that an item they found to be lacking could almost always be used and appreicated by SOMEONE. They were happy to see those people get items that they did not need. I remember....and I miss those days.
Beautifully said! "The Golden Year" - seemingly gone forever - but never forgotten by those who lived & accomplished it.
To The Triumvirate: The Players (not the "gamers") who fought from the floor of the world to enforce that good prevailed over evil. Who invented such things as "camping". Who made one's reputation count! Who championed social justice without hesitaion whenever encountered. The GM's - once active and evident [semi ;-)] who were the police, the judge, the prosecutor and the defense, who enforced what was right, not necessarily what the company policy was or what prejudices might be at work, on a case by case basis. The tuff but true side of The Company who saw the vision before the term was coined. Who made the selfish mad, but had the accute insight to tailor a living world along the lines of what it should be and not give in to the powers of corruption.
For a fleeting moment in time you proved with a virtual reality that people/humans could, as a group, be all that they could be. Although it has never been done in the totally real world (yet-optomism added). And after a decade has been destroyed and faded into a legend in the game. You were the first and to my knowledge the only to set up such a large population of humankind for an extensive (read not negligable) period of time & maintain as close to a Utopian way of life than anyone has except on paper. Throughout thousands of years human history and civilizations it's never been accomplished before.
One person said to compare this to other class items.....Well, I dont see any other class specific rings here. I think this is a very nice ring and would wear it.
For all you monkies complaining about the little things, mad cuz it dont have hp, blah blah blah. IMO this is one of the better droped rings out there. Id be very happy to see this thing drop. Id certainly wear it daily.
i'm a monk and i'd still go to hate even if there was nothing there for me. reason? my friends. geez u think a shaman has a nice time in fear buffing and slowing?
equipment and lvl defines your character. your friends and actions define the more important kind of character.
Ever think of how a cleric feels in FEAR? You can do hate without a monk. We pulled with an Iksar shadowknight not long ago. He got two pieces of armor off chests. But what would a cleric get off of a common mob in fear...Um, other than the wis belt not much. And a ceno belt is two more points of wis to boot.
You can do hate without a monk...Try doing fear with no clerics. That would be a challenge.
Posted:May 09 2001 at 10:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) One of the first posts was talking about how there was no reason to go to hate for a monk, who is a required class.
I see everyone here complaining about this ring. I see it as something for monks in a zone that has next to nothing. Will I wear it? Prolly not but it may come in handy if I ever have to make a corpse run into hazardous teritory. I personally like the fact that Verant has put more monk items in hate. Lets face it if you want to go to hate, a monk is a must have player yet that monk has little to no chance of getting anything there. think of it as a small reward for your hard work.
I see everyone here complaining about this ring. I see it as something for monks in a zone that has next to nothing. Will I wear it? Prolly not but it may come in handy if I ever have to make a corpse run into hazardous teritory. I personally like the fact that Verant has put more monk items in hate. Lets face it if you want to go to hate, a monk is a must have player yet that monk has little to no chance of getting anything there. think of it as a small reward for your hard work.
Take it from a level 56 Monk, this ring is crap. I'd probably let it rot if I found it, and I'd pick it up to put it in the bank just to say i had one at best. No AC, and the stats are just plain worthless. I switch out Velium Jacinth rings, and Velium Fire Opal rings for whatever situation I'm in.
The effective stats on this ring are: 3 str/sta/dex/agi, and the resists... It's just simply not worth the use of a ring slot for the minimal overall increase.
Not complaining I guess, it was nice of them to put a new monk drop in hate, but if it were maybe... 5, or 6 to all stats with AC, then it might be useful to some.
Look, people are ******** because this item totally, totally sucks. If you think it doesn't, you're simply wrong. If it came off of a lvl 40 guy in Eastern Wastes, fine, but it drops off of 55+ mobs on the second floor of the Plane of Hate (which is filled with 55+ mobs).
For normal circumstances, nobody would ever wear this over a velium fire opal ring (or even platinum) 6 ac, +65 hp, and those are trivial to get. If you want resists, you'd never wear this over a velium diamond ring (or even platinum), +8 all resists -- also easy to get if you're hanging out in Hate to begin with.
If you think +3 all stats matters, especially to a non-caster, then you must be playing a different game then the rest of us.
I read these things all the time and all I ever see is people whining and complaining about items. If you're gonna comment then comment, but don't ***** cause otherwise you're only displaying your stupidity. As for this item, it's really nice, but if you're high enough to go the planes then you're prolly gonna have something better on. One thing that comes to mind is rune etched wedding band, the little ac (2) that it has is really nice plus it has more str, sta and agi, but no dex. :shrug:
Confooshus Say, 51 Heretic Rastanator Smokeadub, 38 Monk Justarius Souldeceiver, 21 Cleric... All on the Mithaniel Marr server
Is there something I'm missing? Last time I checked, there are better rings out there for a monk, this is a very nice ring however, if you play on a pvp server. Its also just a game, not every new item verant puts into cerculation is going to be of EPIC quality, and be all/all. The easiest way to balance the classes is by makeing equipment not usable by some. Thats one of the games simple truths. I have seen stuff that I would love to have on my druid or monk, that I just cant use. OH well, thats life, every thing has a reason for being in the game, just because you cant use it doesnt meen verant screwed up, maybe they just dont like YOU!
Posted:May 06 2001 at 11:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Has anyone ever told you to shut yer hole- well just to make sure SHUT YER HOLE IDIOT. Whaaaaa monks get all the good stuff, Whaaaaa this should be a caster item---- change your diper and go to bed less some quaint hamlet be without it's traditonal fixture in the morning. (thats a village idiot for you people who dont' know)
Posted:May 07 2001 at 12:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey moron, he was kidding. He was referring to all the posts YOU make pissing and moaning about how monks never get any good items. I wish idiots like you would stop using this as a whine board.
Posted:May 05 2001 at 12:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have been seeing way to many Erobate comments on how other peoples posts are bad in some way... "Actually, I was thinking the same, though I wouldn't post it in such a crude manner," its just a post, Ero, get over it.
Posted:May 04 2001 at 11:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why the hell does this thing have any weight at all? Jesus Verant, if you're gonna make a semi-stupid monk-only item, then give it 0.0wt at least.
Actually, I was thinking the same, though I wouldn't post it in such a crude manner. But, it is a good point. There are plenty of 0.0 wt items showing up, why make a ring (especially one for monks) weigh 0.1? Oh well, it's not like that 0.1 is going to break you.
I think what the poster above is annoyed with is, well, this ring is pretty poor really. I think a Velium diamond ring is FAR better (ok ok, not too easy to make, but my jeweler can make them 1/2 at least). given the fact that the stats are...poor, it should be 0.0 weight. Monks don't need all these other stats, they are not worth it, and with all the nice rings you COULD have...I don't see many monks too concerned about this. Also, its no drop, so you can't even twink with it =(
Posted:May 04 2001 at 7:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey when you sell you might need a little cha .... might.. anyhow this ring would be great for most classes too bad them monks get it what a waste
Posted:May 04 2001 at 6:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) With no AC, makes this ring one of the worst monk rings. Why waste your time going for one of these when you can buy 6 AC, +65 HP rings for 400pp each?
Posted:May 06 2001 at 6:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Love browsing a board full of posts that are obviously made by blue server players.
If i were on rallos zek (pvp) i would rather have the coldain insignia rings. Right now i have the 8th ring, no drop and the 7th ring no drop. Far superior to the above hate ring and no drop.