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Staff of the Chamberlain  

Lore Item Placeable
Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 45
DMG: 28 Dmg Bonus: 146
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +20 MANA: +20 ENDUR: +20
WT: 10.0 Size: LARGE
Class: ALL except BRD ROG
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:2H Blunt
Merchant Value:18 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Submitted By:Qynn KrymsonHeart
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-12 22:08:39
Page Updated:Sat Apr 20th, 2024

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Average Price: 20,000pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 57

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Icewell Keep

Uploaded September 7th, 2019 by Drewinette
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not good for int casters??
# Jan 28 2003 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
37 posts
My mage loves this staff. I don't understand why people argue about it's +int value versus 2 other single handed +int items, because no one would use it that way unless they were a newb. I only melee when i HAVE when my pet is dead and the mob is on me and i can't gate or recast a pet. In those situations the only way i live is to finish off the mob myself, and at that stage i've already used up the mana that the 2 other items in my hand give i swap this into my hands instead. It's ratio is better than any piercer i can buy, and it's slow enough that i can still cast damage spells in between swings...has saved my life many times
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 22 2002 at 6:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Garbage, worthless, not even worth twinking with =(
Crap for int casters
# Sep 27 2001 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Crap for INT casters want to know why? Stein of mogguk same INT only takes up 1 slot that means you can put an another INT item in the other one!
Good Staff
# Aug 21 2001 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
Chamberlain Krystorf isn't exactly a walk in the park, so not many of these staves will be around (especially since he doesn't even have it very often). Seen lots of high end offers on this from 35k upwards.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 20 2001 at 3:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok i kinda feel happy hehehe cause the person who sent this in is my UNCLE HAHAHA hehe. Cool huh?
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2001 at 12:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i am selling the weapon on cazic-thule server for 10K so! get your money to me and i sell it to you the name is Xangx saelaru is just my main character
Who would use?
# Jun 23 2001 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
I don't understand this at all... stats aren't that good for a healer/caster... and dmg/dly are not that good for warriors... so I would think that it is a staff that no one wants. Even though it does drop off a hard guy I don't think anyone would buy this for over 2k just for laughs.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 14 2001 at 9:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What kind of frickin **** piece of $hit warrior would use this? God Verant!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 14 2001 at 9:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
This staff--under thought of
# Jun 12 2001 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
This staff is worth up to 35k, who says the ppl that kill at are gonna use it? Look at lguk, at the frenzy... half the ppl who get the sash just sell it! Last nite, i sold my Staff of the Chamberlain for fbss, loam encrusted sash, and golden bracer on karana cuz i really need a haste item, i got far better offers then this tho. So first look around b4 u critsize the weapon. And btw, a lvl 57 cleric would've loved it if he had the money FYI!

Avante Bladesong -- Seiseker Swiftstrike
Bard of 52 songs -- Monk of the 35th circle
Karana Server
RE: This staff--under thought of
# Jul 24 2001 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
raid to kill dain=55+ last i checked...a 52 PROBABLY wouldnt be there, and it would almost seem that any 52 melee that was there would have at least a SoDB, and as for this item being good im still not convinced
that cleric is on crack he could have much more wis from 2 items(35 range)
if he had maxed wis and wanted the mana there are better yet(cone of the mystics+CGS=14 wis 50 mana)

the only real advantage i see is a trophy
Shaman Weapon
# Jun 01 2001 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
This is a very nice 2hb for shaman. +10 wisdom +20 mana. For a shaman there are only 10 weapons that do more damage than this weapon, and of those only the GFG gives as much widom.

Yes I know that since Kunark most shaman go with the JCP but there are still shaman who prefer the 2hb and thankfull from time to time we get a nice item.

I personaly would consider using this instead of my Icegrinder, soloing and would go with it if in a group.

Sure it might be only an avg weapon for a pure melee class, but with stats like +10 wis and +20 mana this weapon was not intended for pure melee. And yes it may be only an avg drop off that high of lvl mob, but I would think you could sell if for at least a few thousand pp if you find the right buyer.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 01 2001 at 8:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Nothing more than a fun item
# May 22 2001 at 12:04 AM Rating: Default
Yes this is an okay item for mid levels but let's put this into perspective.

-This item drops off a lvl 60 dwarf deep in icewell who likes to hang out around the dain.
-By the time it is remotely possible for you to obtain this you will have stuff that is much better.

I got this item, took around 8 lvl 55 to 60 people if I remember correctly and it was a pretty good fight. And from what I've seen the chamberlain usually doesn't have the staff. It's a fun item to have and give it to your newbie twink caster and let him melee with the best of them for a while. But as far as someone killing the chamberlain that will actually use this? I doubt it.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 20 2001 at 8:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My question is.How can you type your name up in the little box thing of this message?I've been trying to get my name there and it won't work lol.If ya know write me back.
RE: i have a question.
# Jun 14 2001 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
You have to register with Allakhazam and login.
Druid had one
# May 16 2001 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
My Druid on Lanys had one till i traded it away i regret that now :( epuiped on a druid its nice for 2 reasons stats are nice and you can actualy join in a melee battle i averagesd 70-90 a hit and in places like karnors when your tank goes ld and someone who isnt a good fighter is tanking it saves your life id rather have this a nice Velium looking staff then some doll :)
#Anonymous, Posted: May 06 2001 at 8:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL u got stein and some dagger well anybody can get those some people like to be alittle differnt lol.
No Thankyou..
# May 01 2001 at 12:10 AM Rating: Default
Get a Sacrificial Dagger and Stein of Moggok for far less, and gain 15 Int instead.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2001 at 8:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you would accually use a sac dagger? hehe if you have a necro give him a harvester or better , now that would be better
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 30 2001 at 11:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Good thing its not no drop. Might make a nice twink item to play with. 28/45 is HORRIBLE. You may not think so but to get this item you have to play the high level game. And to kill this mob you are definately using something WAY better than this. You may think that the stats are nice for casters but even if it was a one hander a caster at the level needed to take down this mob would be losing stats if they replaced an item with this.
RE: What a piece of crap
# May 01 2001 at 2:22 AM Rating: Default
25 posts
28/45 is NOT HORRIBLE. My warrior uses a Mithril Staff (28/45) and it is a very fine weapon. With the FBSS on, I can deal out some serious damage, and actually taunt mobs off of my 49th lvl Monk friend. I taunt better with it than dual-wielding Yak/and a Wraithbone hammer. I can crit in the 120-150 range and had a crip of 238 once, me and the mob died simultaneously. As far as casters go, sure, go with the Sacrificial Dagger and Stein, it would be a much better choice.

#Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2001 at 10:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you taunt better w/ Mith Staff than dual-weilding, then you are doing something wrong.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2001 at 8:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) sucks, mith staff sucks, get serious
# Apr 30 2001 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Isn't that equivalent to the Mithril Staff? Think so. Approx 30th level equipment.
RE: 28/45
# May 01 2001 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Take a look at those stats again. Hmm, 10 WIS/INT. And Clerics, Druids and Shamans (spelling?) can use it. This is DEFFINATELY not level 30 equipment. This is not amazing for its level, but that doesn't matter. A Paw of Opolla and CGS may give more WIS, AC and less weight, but that doesn't mean this staff is for level 30s.
RE: 28/45
# Aug 10 2001 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
The stats on this are pretty poor for the level that this is attainable. +10 wis/intel on a 2h blunt is minimal. Plus no resists. So yes I would say this is 30-35th level twink equipment at best (maybe the 40s if a RNG/SHD is using). Anyone that is going to be in a raid killing him will most probably be 53+ at least. If they don't have better equipment then this at their level they will probably not live to kill the Chamberlain and the Royal Guards that surround him.
monk shouldn't use
# Apr 30 2001 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
look at the weight I sure hope a monk wouldn't choose to use this.
RE: monk shouldn't use
# May 03 2001 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
Well, several nice 2hb that are monk only are 10 wt cause Verant likes to handicap a monk where ever possible. hehe Not to mention the premier (for 97% of high end monks, and all the little monk twinks running around will ever potentially get) monk 2 hb, Tranquil Staff is 10.0 wt. (Do note that I said actually obtainable weapon, and barely so at that sometimes)

However, coming from Icewell keep, the dmg/dly ratio is way off for a monk. And you are right, they shouldn't use it, it's defiantely not worth it for the wt, and just won't do enough damage, not to mention the stats would all go to waste basically on us, besides 20 hp.

Someone else said pal/sk item, which does make sense to me. Pure casters don't often melee enough, certainly not well enough, and the stat boost isn't enough to justify dropping 2 hand items. Either way, I hope whoever gets these enjoy and makes use for them. =)
RE: monk shouldn't use
# Dec 09 2002 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I take your point Gestalt <one of the few sencible monk posts i have ever heard to be fair >
but IMHO this would make a very good shammy weapon , fairly good ratio <not the best but ok> add 10 wis some hp and mana and all round not a bad start for a twink or first char now that bazaar is up and running. people who flame that this is not worth the trouble to get it should realise that not all the gear in the game SHOULD be uber hell it would be boring if it where the case. 8)

Jarkeld Hammerhiem <Darkstorm Dragons>
Druzzil Ro

oh i got one of a merch for under 250pp in SFG hehe.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 30 2001 at 8:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 28/45 is crap
RE: Crap
# Apr 30 2001 at 9:59 PM Rating: Default
I know alot of SK's that use 30/40 2handed weapons, 28/45 isn't too far off from that. It's not great, but it's decent.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 30 2001 at 8:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I sure hope casters don't use this, it's built more for hybrids with that dmg/delay ratio. Putting it in the hands of a caster is almost ruining it, they get much better +wis/int, whatever is appropriate, on one hand. Pure casters would use a stein of mogguk and priest casters a paw of opolla or CGS or something to that effect.
RE: I hope casters don't use this
# Apr 30 2001 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
Forgot to mention that Warriors and Monks probably shouldn't use it either, since Monks get better weapons (by far) from easier places and Warriors have the same. This is definately built for SK/Pallys
First poster :)
# Apr 30 2001 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
Nice! Looks like a caster item at 1st, but it's a great SK/pally weapon! ;) (And I hope it's rolled that way)
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