Some good points here. If you don't have any augs at all, then you should also destroy this aug, as to equip it would mean you are lame.
In fact, if you have any gear that gives you additional stats, destroy that as well. Fight naked. It's the best. So refreshing! Feel the wind beneath your wings! and fly! fly to the heavens while screaming "I HATE AUGS THAT BLOW! AND GEAR, TOO!
Consider this list:
And note, many augs that fall from zones in similiar level to the one where he got this one from have like, at least 5 more hps and 5 more mana.
These augs, wellthen, can't you see? LOOK>>>> They totally Rule, Man. Because in the end, that 5 mana and 5 hps? That's your life. So do what he says. Dont use an aug that gives you 40 hps or mana. Wait to use an aug that gives 45 hps or mana.
That makes excellent sense.
Now, concerning women. The same idea applies. Do not try to pick up a normal girl. You must only pick up Victoria's Secret supermodels. Until that day, remain at home and dream of the love you will be receiving from a Victoria's secret model. No sense wasting your time dating the girl next door, or the one down the street. How would that help accomplish, well, anything?