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Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore  

Lore Item No Trade
AC: 40
STR: +26 DEX: +26 STA: +26+4 CHA: +26 WIS: +26 INT: +26 AGI: +26+4 HP: +495 MANA: +495 ENDUR: +495
Attack: +20 HP Regen +4 Mana Regeneration: +4
Recommended level of 5.
WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Item Information:
Your Serpent Seeker's charm grows in power as it draws from your knowledge of the Serpent Spine Mountains.

Item Lore:Given to those seeking knowledge of Serpent Spine Mountains
Item Type:Charm
Charm Effect:Your Serpent Seeker's charm grows in power as it draws from your knowledge of the Serpent Spine Mountains.
Lucy Entry By:Daygard-Rathe
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-15 20:02:09
Page Updated:Mon Aug 26th, 2019

Expansion: Serpents Spine The Serpent's Spine

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 5

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Charm of Lore


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Crescent Reach
Quest Name
Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Crescent Reach

Max stats shown.
Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore

Uploaded September 30th, 2015 by SCindyee
Updated October 1st, 2015
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charm of lore - Vergalid
# Jun 12 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
You need to get the key to give you access to the back of the zone. That's where the undead mobs are.

They see invis and are packed kind of tight so it's hard to single pull.

Good luck!
Some info
# Jan 19 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Maxed Stats:
Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore
AC: 40
STR: +26 DEX: +26 STA: +26 CHA: +26 WIS: +26 INT: +26 AGI: +26 HP: +495 MANA: +495 ENDUR: +495
Shielding: +2% Avoidance: +15 Stun Resist: +5% Attack: +20 Regeneration: +4 Mana Regeneration: +4
Recommended level of 5.
WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7

Figuring up if it's even amount for each turn in, then without the raid drops, stats would be:
AC: +37 Stats: +21 H/M/E: +400 Resists: +20 Regen/FT: +3, etc.

EDIT: The stats are a percentage of the total. Each item gives various percentages, but basically, between 2% and 5% for each. Once you turn in 10% or more worth of progression, you get the charm. I used to have a list of the percentages, but it has gotten destroyed in a hard drive crash I think.

Here's some that I remember:
The ones in CR are 2%, 'cept for the Linguist's Note is 4%. Most of the rest of the /open /loot ones are 2%, 'except the Steppes one I think is more and the one in the pool of water in Goru`kar Mesa. Doomfount is 3% as is the one from the Guardian of the Gate. Icewing, Dranadune, Obsidian, and Slavedriver Azza are all 2%. Basically, you get 5 hps/mana/end per 1%, but sometimes one less total depending on where you at on the progression. So basically, 9 or 10hps for a 2% item, 14 or 15hps for 3%, 19 or 20hps for a 4%, etc.

Map Entries for pick up spots:
Crescent Reach
P 226.1212, 1239.0743, 129.3917, 0, 0, 0, 2, Throne
P 2920.2036, -460.3725, -115.9560, 129, 0, 127, 3, Bone_Pile
P 199.5793, 1220.0513, 116.6288, 113, 0, 127, 3, Bone_Pile

Blightfire Moors (missing Flower location)
P 1279.4653, -603.8477, -86.0478, 123, 0, 127, 3, Bone_Pile
P -3190.4160, 2277.7688, -3.7889, 123, 0, 127, 3, Rock_Pile
P 2057.5127, -2060.5002, 19.8296, 116, 0, 127, 3, Bone_Pile

Stone Hive:
P 762.5276, -573.3672, 37.3416, 123, 0, 127, 3, Flower

Goru`kar Mesa (prob missing something, the Quest guy in NW corner and I think the one in the bottom of the pond with all the aggro mobs around, but here's most of them):
P 43.2414, -1575.7883, 44.7069, 126, 0, 127, 3, Rock_Pile
P 1157.9077, -1050.8340, 61.4785, 119, 0, 127, 3, Supply_Crate
P -1931.4727, 478.9301, 42.8297, 119, 0, 127, 3, Rock_Pile
P 1099.7391, 1510.8185, 14.3454, 123, 0, 127, 3, Crate
P -33.4293, 609.8723, 174.4922, 119, 0, 127, 3, Flower
P -1971.4155, 1156.9204, -38.6672, 119, 0, 127, 3, Bone_Pile
P -131.3895, 1078.8032, 80.1971, 126, 0, 127, 3, Flower

Blackfeather Roost:
P 1015.7834, -2466.5945, -283.9613, 129, 0, 127, 3, Flower

Icefall Glacier
P 1155.7422, 2042.9165, 25.3583, 127, 0, 119, 3, Ground_Spawn

P -792.0000, 1640.0000, 0.0000, 128, 0, 128, 3, Worn_Jug

Crescent Reach:
S [ ] Broken Nokk Insignia found in discarded bones (460, -2919)
S [ ] Ancient Jewelry Box found in pile of bones (-1225, -201)
S [ ] Linguist's Note groundspawn (?, ?) room inside inn, second floor, 2nd door on the right

Blightfire Moors:
S [ ] Murdunk's Rites Beads found in pile of dusty rocks (2063, -2061)
S [ ] Ancient Blighted Bark found in moss-covered rocks (610, -1276)
S [ ] Petrified Leather Boot Sole found in ancient rocks (930, 46)
S [ ] Preserved Hairy Halfling Foot found in where the red flower grows (-1157, -2410)

Stone Hive:
S [ ] Preserved Kithicor Baneleaf found in rustling banebloom (576, -776)

Goru`kar Mesa:
S [ ] Devan's Feathered Arrow found in age-old stones (-481, 1927)
S [ ] Thunderhorn of the Tribe found in old Tuffein lockbox (-1509, -1096)
S [ ] Sliver of Goru`kar's Willowstaff found in waving woodblossom (-1072, 137)
S [ ] Sparkling Windwillow Leaf found in silverspun petals (-599, 29)
S [ ] Cracked Waterspring Scepter found in algae-covered stones (1576, -44)
S [ ] Split Ravenoak Bow found in storage crate (1050, -1159)
S [ ] Oread's Willow Whipvine found in forgotten bones (-1153, 1972)
S [ ] Dromrek Worry Stone reward from a task given by Shrynn (?, ?)

Blackfeather Roost:
S [ ] Silvered Blackfeather Plume found in feathered fernstem (2457, -1031)

Vergalid Mines (Both instanced and static):
G [ ] Vergalid Scale trash drop past the crystal clicky, more common from bone golems

G [ ] Muddy Royal Scroll randomly dropped by a burly hill giant
S [ ] Wulfnor Crown Gem found in a worn jug (-1640, 792) open/loot the chest from outside the hut

G [ ] Cursed Lorekeeper's Quill randomly dropped by an elder icewing
S [ ] Shattered Krithgor Keystone groundspawn (?, ?) behind spell merchants SE part of zone


Instanced Valdeholm:
R [ ] Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon dropped by Lorekeeper Udengar

Instanced Frostcrypt:
R [ ] Krithgorian Royal Crest dropped by Harfange the Black; Frostcrypt instance #2
R [ ] Runed Sash of the Wraithguard Beltron the Shade King; Frostcrypt instance #2

G [ ] Lock of Veldyn's Hair dropped by Obsidian
G [ ] Elven Child's Vinewand dropped by Slave Driver Azza; outside Vergalid Mines
G [ ] Trinket of the Scale dropped by Dranadune; west side of zone
G [ ] Relicstone Torch dropped by Sulfurog
G [ ] Doomfount's Essence dropped by Doomfount
R [ ] Oblivion's Dark Core dropped by Oblivion

R [ ] Direwind Totem dropped by Direwind Gust
G [ ] Gate Guardian Core dropped by Guardian of the Gate

G [ ] Core of the Tyrant dropped by Magmaraug; (West wing)

Instanced Ashengate (Tier 1):
R [ ] Ambersnout's Snout dropped by Ambersnout the Aberration; Jenray (West wing) raid instance

Instanced Ashengate (Tier 2):
R [ ] Elddar Moonlocket dropped by Dyn`leth, Firstborn of Lethar; Master Drizzlorn Un (North wing) raid instance
R [ ] Ebonheart of Lethar the Black dropped by Lethar 2.0; Master Drizzlorn Un (North wing) raid instance

Yther Ore.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2012 6:09am by Yther
Flower location in Blightfire Moors
# Oct 30 2018 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
127 posts
The quest results say the red flower location is amongst vines at -1160, -2410. I am working on the quest now so I will let u know if I find it.
"You can't run with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy!"
Some info
# Feb 21 2013 at 6:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Super post, Yther! Appreciate it.
Check progress`?
# Oct 19 2008 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Is there a way to check where you are on the progress?

Long time since I did this.
Velk 60 Grave Lord of <Europa Mangler>

Velk 65 Arch Lich of <Europa Agnarr> (Retired)
Argolas 90 Huntmaster of Bristlebane <Jaggedpine Defenders> (Semi-retired)
Lolien Windblade 60 Warder of Morell-Thule <Retired> (Retired)
# Mar 26 2008 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
After doing this on several toons I have noticed that the stats do vary depending on which Item you turn in. It is not a fixed stat table as I had originally thought.

Edited, Mar 27th 2008 4:47pm by Majjorcarnage
Get the aug
# Nov 12 2007 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
This is also an aug for this charm, VERY easy to acquire, and to upgrade. If you have invis, nearly every quest is a breeze. Just time consuming, but it's a wonderful compliment to this awesome charm.

Wanderlust Guild Loadstone
Sneaky Tricks
# Sep 16 2007 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Don't you think this charm is just to DIE for? I mean literally.

With several of the Gorukar containers you can sneak up to the container using Cloudy Pots or other invis. When you hit Open, your invis drops and the mobs around the container get mad. Once you have their agro, you aren't allowed to loot until they're dead.

The sneaky trick is to right click on the opened containers immediately after opening it. By immediately, I mean a lot less than 1 second, before the mobs scan cycle can notice you and agro. Once the loot window is open, you can loot even when you have agro.

Just be sure to loot before you probably won't have long to wait...and have a friendly cleric around to pull your corpse and rez for you...soulstones can cost a fortune with this technique.
Lost track
# Sep 08 2007 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
208 posts
Lost track of where I am haveing trouble figuring out where I need to start at again
Endless Knot
120 Shadowknight
Everquest Player Since 2001
Easy stats
# May 19 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
Similar to a previous poster, here are the stats you get from doing all the relatively easy parts - the stuff you don't need to kill to get drops, along with the one quested one. Really not bad, only took me around 3 hours to get this far with my 75 druid:

AC +13
All stats and resists: +8
HP, Mana, End: +163
Attack +6
Regen +1
Mana Regen +1
Avoidance +4
Stun Resist +1%

Is this list of turn ins here on allak up to date?
# May 11 2007 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
Just wondering if the list on this board is up to date?
Stats at 71
# Apr 21 2007 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
Turned in all /open and ground spawn peices, no kills. Its at AC:12, Str/dex/agi/sta/wis/cha/int 8, hp/mana/end 153, 7 to saves, 6 attk, 4 avoidance, 1 mana/hp regen and 1% stun resist
No Raid Max
# Apr 02 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
When I was looking to do this I wanted to know how good without the raids so after finding out myself here it is This is with All ground spawns as well as All kills that are non raid kills.

The no raid max is :

Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore
AC: 23
STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +15 CHA: +15 WIS: +15 INT: +15 AGI: +15 HP: +292 MANA: +292 ENDUR: +292
Shielding: +1% Avoidance: +8 Stun Resist: +2% Attack: +11 Regeneration: +2 Mana Regeneration: +2
Recommended level of 5.
WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7
No Raid Max
# Apr 18 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
thanks for the info...was wondering if doing this without the raid drops was worth it, and your info answered that for me.
charl of lore
# Mar 29 2007 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
as of march 29th i have all 1 grp and single turn ins only 2 raid turn ins, the book from the giant that helps flag for FC1 and dyn'leth's piece. my charm is 26ac 321hp/mana/end atk +13 regen +2 mana regen +2 shielding +1 avoidance +9 stun resist +3%
Stat Increases
# Mar 18 2007 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I worked on my charm over the weekend. From what I can gather it seems the bumps are related to completion of zone turn ins. When you complete the turn ins for a particular zone your stats go up.

Still have Mines, Vald, Frost and Ash left:

+8 to Stats
+160 Mana/HP/End
+5 Attack
+9 Resists
+1 Regens
+3 Avoid
+1% Stun

Happy Hunting!

Brumelin Badassedness of Last Requiem
Level 70 Necro from Terris Thule
Stat Increases
# Mar 29 2007 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
They changed the stats today for this item. Without any additional turn ins I am up to:

+14 AC
+183 Mana/HP/End
+9 Stats
+9 Resists
+7 Attack
+1 Regens
+3 Avoid
+1% Stun

Brumelin Badassedness of Last Requiem
Level 70 Necro from Terris Thule
no charm
# Feb 28 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
I've handed in 6 items, 3 from CR and 3 from Blightfire and I still don't have a charm....
no charm
# Mar 04 2007 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
click on your EQ button. select quests and then reward to get charm.
final stats
# Jan 26 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
Are this really the final stats with all pieces inclusw the Frostcrypt and Ashengate Raid Instances? I dont really now if this are good stats for a charm item, but if an item would have such stats after i have to visit Frostcrypt and Ashengate Raid Instances i would be really disappointed.
final stats
# Feb 22 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
its been upgraded so it's slightly better now
the ac is still disappointing though
You get Regen too
# Jan 04 2007 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Here are the stats From the sony site
plus wonderlust stone

Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore (Augmented)

Expanded View

Lore Item
No Trade
Magic Item

Slot: Charm
Armor Class: 27 (15 + 12)
STR: 32 (14 + 18) DEX: 32 (14 + 18) STA: 32 (14 + 18) CHA: 32 (14 + 18) AGI: 32 (14 + 18) INT: 32 (14 + 18) WIS: 32 (14 + 18)

Hit Points: 310 (235 + 75) Mana: 310 (235 + 75) Endurance: 310 (235 + 75)

SV Fire: 26 (14 + 12) SV Disease: 26 (14 + 12) SV Cold: 26 (14 + 12) SV Poison: 26 (14 + 12) SV Magic: 14

Shielding: 2%
Attack: 15
HP Regeneration: 4
Mana Regen: 4

Recommended level of 5
Size: Small
Class: All
Race: All

Augment Slots:
Slot 1, Type 7: Wanderlust Guild Loadstone

Do the stats above for charm need updated now? or is this because of how I aug'ed it and because the aug does not give the Regen.... and are not in ( ).

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 8:40pm by GrandPaSKULL
# Jan 04 2007 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 8:43pm by GrandPaSKULL
Stats at 22 turnins
# Dec 26 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I have turned in all 19 items from CR, BM, SH, GM, BR, and Steppes, as well as Trinket (Sunderock), Scale (Vergalid), and Keystone (Icefall) - 22 items total, but not sure if bits from higher level zones do more for it or not.

Stats at this point are:

AC/Attack: +5 each
Stats/Resists: +4 each (no corruption)
HP/Mana/End: +79 each
Regen/Mana Regen: +1 each

Everything except Vergalid Scale soloed as low 70s Shaman.

charm of lore
# Dec 20 2006 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
very important.. you have to hand in each item seperately. you get the charm after 5 turn ins... plus quest seems to be fixed after last patch, mine is now at 149 hps mana end, 20 to stats 14 to saves, 5 attack, 1 hp/mana regen.
note: these stats with the charm aug from wanderlust guild.. aug at 67 hps mana end atm..
Charm stats
# Dec 19 2006 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
You have to have charm in slot to see any stats
Charm stats
# Dec 21 2006 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks. Had figured it out but others might be slow like me (=.

Have turned in SH, CR, BM and all of GM except waterspring scepter as I can't clear the lake by myelf and the stupid ooze is too aggressive to try to sneak in and loot-n-run. Present stats are +2 to all stats and resists, and +44 to hp/mana.end and +1 to attack. The only actual change I have observed was putting Devan's Feathered Arrow in raised my mana, end and HP +5.

Note -stay away from the edge of the river or pond if you are solo kiting the potmeid lake where the queen is. The ooze swarms out and hits hard and I got hit and killed by them while I was FD.
12 items not stats
# Dec 17 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
turend in every item from CR, BF and all from Mesa except the one at the bottom of fairie pond. Got my charm after 5 but still have no stats on the charm despite turning in 12 items.
Okay that's a whole lot of work so far for nothing....
# Dec 17 2006 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Turned in 12 items - everything from CR, BF and all from GM except one from bottom of faireie pond in north mesa. I got the stone after five but the other seven haven't boosted my stats at all - which means i still have no stats on my charm.
# Dec 15 2006 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
You have to turn in 5 items at least, keep taking the xperience till the second tab comes up giving you and option to take the charm.
# Dec 17 2006 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
turend in every item from CR, BF and all from Mesa except the one at the bottom of fairie pond. Got my charm after 5 but still have no stats on the charm despite turning in 12 items.
# Nov 15 2006 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
i handed in 7 items and still havent got a charm, what am i doing wrong?
# Dec 14 2006 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
to get charm- press EQ button- goto quests- reward -et viola!
# Nov 25 2006 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
I had the same issue ... I just kept hailing him until he got anoid and gave me the option of rthe reward again
i think it is working let me know some of yall stats are.
# Nov 12 2006 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
on my lvl 55 pal i have turned in 12 items and my stats are all at 1 and hp/mana/end are at 23

with the wanderlust guild loadstone ac 4 str,dex,sta,cha,wis,int,agi are all 5 hp,mana,end 41 fr,cr,dr,pr,mr are all at 4 and +1 attack . i have done 7 of the quest
OK what gives?
# Nov 09 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
11 posts
this still broken or am i missing something? i have turned in 15 items and still not stats. any help?
OK what gives?
# Nov 09 2006 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Do you have it equipped?
OK what gives?
# Nov 10 2006 at 2:54 AM Rating: Default
Yes after equip thats what stats show
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