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Runed Scout's Breastplate  

No Trade
Charges: Unlimited
AC: 37
STR: +6 DEX: +6 STA: +6 WIS: +14 AGI: +6 HP: +40 MANA: +60
Effect: Call of Earth (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 10.0)
WT: 8.0 Size: LARGE
Class: RNG
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Appearance:Velious Chain 2
Color (RGB):40, 120, 75
Submitted By:Enia Starlyte
Lucy Entry By:Anaxis
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 09:55:52
Page Updated:Tue Oct 25th, 2016

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 45

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Ranger Thurgadin Armor

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velious quest armor
# Nov 25 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
all this armor, whether skyshrine, keal drakal, or thurgardin sucks compared to the Kunark armor...or at least the BPs do. You simply get a group and go kill trakanon as a ranger to get a tunic that can teleport you, which is a lot better than being able to get a tunic that casts a spell you can already cast. Maybe I'm stupid in thinking so, but it makes a lot more sense to me. Tolan's Darkwood is the set to wear.
RE: velious quest armor
# Jan 11 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
641 posts
Maybe I'm stupid in thinking so,

Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
# Jan 23 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Not sure if I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the forreststalker chest piece has better stats. Shouldn't they be about the same seeing as how I thought they were the mirror image of each other depending on faction?
Any level works
# Aug 17 2003 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
You don't need to be level 46+ to do thurgadin armor quests. You only need kindly or higher faction with Coldain.

As an added bonus, the effect on the BP also works at any level. I did a mq of this with my 37 ranger and it was a success.
RE: Any level works
# Sep 28 2003 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
You can do the armor quest at a certain stage of Warmly. Hail the quest giver, go through the text, if he tells you what he needs your faction is high enough
# Jun 12 2003 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
I have to say .. after much drooling over this BP in my youth, I was disapointed when it finally dropped on a raid, I looked over the stats and passed on the role. Why? Because Tae Ew I traded my phase spider carapace for beats this BP in every aspect with the exception of the mediocre right click effect. Furthermore I am not going to greedily roll on a BP like this when there are rogues that would love to have the right click 100hp heal effect.

*sighs* Oh well .. it's gonna be a long time till I get a BP upgrade
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 17 2004 at 12:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It dropped on a raid? What are you smoking? This item doesn't drop on a raid, this item is the result of a quest, the corroded chain that drops to enable this isn't even wearable as armor... Go back to your hash pipe and stop clutterring up the boards. The stats are not very different and the AC jump this one gives you over the PSC is well worth the minor stat increases on the PSC (yes, minor, because you don't need CHA and INT, you do need WIS, 60 Mana and +15 HP, the other stats that do differ are only by 1-3 points except an add'l 5 to POS, an add'l +5 to CLD and -3 to FIR and -4 to DIS). Not to mention the manaless 25 AC/4 DS buff you can now give every member of your party.
RE: Disapointing
# Apr 21 2004 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm... Lemme see...

"It dropped" and he "passed on the role"(sic)... I'm taking a wild guess here and saying he only claimed the Corroded dropped and THAT's the loot they rolled on. Why else would he pass up the chance of a Ranger-Only, NO DROP chest piece for the sake of the Rogues in his guild?

Try reading a whole post before flaming the author.
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 15 2002 at 7:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) >A rogue wouldnt last a day outside its city environment. Verant did a bad job with naming the class guilds....
# Oct 12 2002 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Is the screen shot correct that Halfling Rangers can't equip this armor?
RE: Halflings
# Oct 20 2002 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
just an old screen shot)

Roxas Nitehowler
58 outrider of illumanati
hunter Roxas Nitehowler
Plainswalker of illumanati

hunter Roxas
WoW retired
# Jun 30 2002 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
hey, i was just wondering if i could MQ this? like him turn in the BP, then i turn in the diomends? thanks...
RE: MQ???
# Dec 11 2002 at 12:05 AM Rating: Default
Does the order count when MQing? cause i can get the diamonds, but not the Bp. SO if someone turns in the BP them i turn in the 3 diamonds do i get the BP?
RE: MQ???
# Jan 18 2003 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
Aye, you would get teh BP... Have your friend turn in the BP and then you turn in the flawless diamonds. MAKE SURE that you both have good faction. If you don't... follow a guild into Kael and hit some of their giants. I followed a friends guild in and smacked each of their giants once, they took out tormax or vindi or statue... can't remember which, but that was a big help.

ps. faction must be "warmly" **i think**
RE: MQ???
# Feb 22 2003 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
Mine is allied and the friend is probably same or close since she hunts Kael alot. thanks for the info. Hope i get this soon. Ivy etched is starting to get alittle worn out. Time to retire it, it has served me well.
RE: MQ???
# Nov 25 2002 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default
Is MQable. I MQed mine.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 28 2002 at 10:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Where can I get my faction up with dude?
RE: Where?
# May 09 2002 at 5:53 AM Rating: Default
572 posts
You need the Corroded Chain Tunic that drops in Kael off lvl 50+ giants in the arena, it is a pretty rare drop. And you need the 3 flawless diamonds which are about 2kpp each on Prexus, and you need the faction with the dwarfs.

Edited, Thu May 9 06:47:39 2002
CoE effect/BP
# Apr 23 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
In my experience as a ranger, I am not getting flooded with tells or constantly begged for Call of Earth. Even in groups I rarely get asked to cast this, though I do.

I honestly think us rangers got short-changed with the CoE effect on out Velious BP, I think a heal spell of some sort would be more in order (awesome). BUT! It isn't, so I am not going to cry over spilled milk, mainly because overall, this BP is badass. And once I get my diamonds, I will be happy to get rid of my dusty, bloodsoaked Treeweave :p Good Hunting

Skulreaver Swiftblade
54 Pathfinder
Dualwielder Extrordinaire
RE: CoE effect/BP
# May 08 2003 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
of course
What you expect from Verant?

Someday maybe they will be honest in telling you not only what you get in each expansion, but how you have to get it, or what if has.

need info pls
# Mar 22 2002 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
I have the corroded chain tunic, and am about to get the other two flawless diamonds.
What I want to know is, other than turning in the tunic and the diamonds, what else should I have all set? Will I blow the deal if I dont have a certain faction..?..ect. thanks in advance.

Skulreaver Swiftblade
54 Pathfinder
RE: need info pls
# Nov 21 2002 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
Oh Boy Skullreaver, i have no clue what you have done with your magelo, but you have never 1011 ac unbuffed with this crap armor you wearing! I wear about the same armor, a bit better i would say and only come to about 937 ac unbuffed

Deecey Riverwind
57th Outrider of Tunare
Ancient Saga

Edited, Thu Nov 21 00:06:56 2002
RE: need info pls
# Sep 21 2002 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Kindly is plenty good enough. Did 2 pieces on kindly faction.

Masteraen Mistrunner
52 Ranger of Tunare
RE: need info pls
# May 14 2002 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Actually I did the Runed scout's boot a few weeks ago with only amiable faction. Unless I was really lucky, I think all the quest just require you to be amiable.

On a side note, I collected toes and heads for the 1st and 2nd shawl and gave them to a lvl 17 wizzie friend....she did the first 2 shawls at indifferent faction. Go figure.

RE: need info pls
# Oct 12 2002 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
While it is possible to do the quests with high amiable faction, I wouldn't risk losing my items. Just kill some more giants until you get to Kindly with coldain, then quest your armor. What do I mean by high amiable? If you con amiable, you can hail the npc and follow through the conversation. If he gives you the last part of the quest (ie. I will require a corroded chain tunic and 3 flawless diamonds), then your faction is high enough. If not, then you need to kill more giants.
RE: need info pls
# Mar 29 2002 at 8:10 AM Rating: Default
Yes you will waste the items if you don't have ally faction with the coldain. We did a raid in Kael the other night and a few corroded items dropped, a druid in our guild tried to do quest without correct faction and lost their items. A good way to get faction fast is to ask someone doing a ring war if you can hit the giants for faction, just run the line and hit as many giants as you can and pray you don't get the aggro. Good luck.
RE: need info pls
# May 01 2002 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, you need only Kindly for Coldain quests. . You need max ally for Kael and SS quests. .
RE: need info pls
# Aug 15 2002 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
ACTUALLY you don't need max ally for Kael or SS quests. Ally in any amount will do.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 05 2002 at 3:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I just got the CHain BP today from kael, just got to get the Gems...IM SOOOO HAPPY =)
# Nov 29 2001 at 1:13 AM Rating: Default
Call of Earth
Damage Shield by 4 (L50)
Increase Armor Class (AC) from 24 (L50) to 26 (L55)

Classes: Rng (L50)

Skill: Abjuration
Allowable Targets: All

Range to Target: 150 feet

Resistance Check: None

Mana Required: 50
Spell Duration: 600 ticks (60.0 minutes)
Duration Formula: 3
Casting Time: 3.50 seconds
Spell Recovery: 2.50 seconds
Recast Delay: 6.0 seconds

Spell cast on you: The Call of Earth surrounds your body protectively.
Spell cast on someone: Soandso's body is surrounded by the Call of Earth.
Spell fades: The Call of Earth leaves.
info pls
# Nov 27 2001 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
240 posts
46 ranger here. I've been able to squeeze my way into several Kael raids, and with some real good luck, maybe i could get the bp drop , but the flawless diamonds. Doh. I guess I am better off purchacing them. Anyone know the rough value of these, on the Eci server? The bp and 3 diamonds and I got me a sick replacement for my treeweave, so the drooling has begun.
pls, some help
# Nov 27 2001 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
240 posts
Why CoE is pretty weak for a free spell
# Sep 15 2001 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
1st, its lvl 50 spell, where most of the velious quest bp's grant higher level spells to other classes, or spells they wouldnt otherwise be able to cast, most of which have MUCH higher mana cost than 50. Wow, so if i cast CoE on my entire party with my bp, i just saved a whopping 300 mana. Ooh, thanks tons.

Cleric BP spell : Celestial Elixir - Level 59 - 300 mana
Druid BP spell : Regrowht of the Groves - Level 58 - 600 mana
Shaman BP : Riotous Health - level 54 - 150 mana

Magician Robe : Shield of Lava - Level 49 - 120 mana
Wizard Robe : Enticement of Flame - Level 54 - 240 mana
Necromancer Robe : Conjure Corpse - level 57 - 700 mana
Enchanters : Rune IV - Level 44 - 236 mana and still requires the peridot.

Monk BP : Invigorate - No level - No mana cost (not a spell for any class)
Warrior BP : Invigorate - see Monk.
Rogue BP : Invigorate - See Monk.
Bard BP : Selo's Song of Travel - Level 51 - /shrug
Shadowknight BP : Invigorate - See Monk.
Paladin BP : Shield of words - level 60 - 300 mana
Ranger BP : Call of Earth - level 50 - 50 mana

Some may argue that the pure casters didnt get great spells all around, they also all get spells on velious boots and leggings. Priests get leggings, boots and bracers. For some reason monks get spells on the same slots as priests, leggings, boots and bracers, yet rogues and warriors dont, nor do any hybrids. I think verant did a horrible job in balancing the spell effects on the velious armors, all around. Most notably the ranger bp spell based on mana and level, and the other level 44-49 spells on bp's (but at least the others are more than 50 mana)

Anyway that's my rant, and the reasons i personally dont think CoE was a worth while spell on the ranger bp.
RE: Why CoE is pretty weak for a free spell
# Aug 21 2002 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
BS to the below posts....

Why I agree with the above...hmmm. We always get shorted as rangers, in the weapons department we do fine, the armor dept ok, cept for the only decent plate look comes from mithril, if u want that look, i did 3 lvls ago. As for the topic at hand, WTF would verant give us a 2point ds 20point or so ac increase and minor atk buff, (sorry dont have spell up atm so dont know stats) personally I agree, you go give the casters sick hit spells or ds for free saving them 300-700mana, but u save us 50 mana on a spell that we mainly really only use on ourselves because we have it, it wouldnt be one id run all over Norrath, Velious or the moon to get. Wake up Verant, uve been getting complaints about this ranger crap forever, start changing it or delete the class, if id have known that one of my best helms I cant wear because when I started I didnt know I had to pick Woodelf ( Helm of the Tracker) BAHHHHH. All I gotta say is <sensored> Flame U Verant. We try our damndest to make ourselves better, kill for these items and then we say, ohhhh woweeeeee, ty mommy and daddy verant, just what I wanted a CoE BP weeeewhooooo. /Jackrabbits

It'll Never change, oh and, in my friends defense too, start making a few better caps, legs and bp's for druids ok, u got 6 out there that are dope as hell with 8+wis on em and NOT druid usuable, but we get the Brown Chitin Protector, ty so if want to melee instead of being a druid i can pretend im a warrior WTG boys....

Now irratated and irked 48.8th Seasoned Tracker
RE: Why CoE is pretty weak for a free spell
# Mar 08 2002 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
I dunno about you, but on raids, especially where I'm often the only ranger, everybody's asking me for CoE all the time. True, it doesn't take much mana, but casting CoE is such a pain. It's got what, a nine second recast time on it? That's a bit long for me, and it gets annoying waiting 9 seconds before you can start casting it again. Might just be me, but I like the breastplate, and I like the effect on it too.

Also, saying that the paladins get a level 60 spell that costs 300 mana, look at what it is. Shield of Words. Clerics, which you most always have, will have a better buff than that, so their effect becomes worthless almost, while ours still saves us a lot of hassle casting the dang spell that EVERYBODY wants.

Cleric bp, good effect, better than ours I'd say. Same with druid, and especially the necro, but that's all that I'd say beats our effect. Invigorate is nearly worthless when you're grouped, it takes 15 seconds to cast the spell, you'll have another pull incoming before you get two heals off with that, and you've healed all of what, 180 points. It helps, just a bit, but you're immobilized for 15 seconds, and in an exp group you can't go search for a mob to pull. The only time it's really useful is when you're soloing. Can warriors, rogues, or monks solo very efficiently? No, SK's are the only one out of the bunch that can. The Magician's effect is nothing more than a bone thrown at the mages because everybody else got an effect on their bp, the wizard's is pretty lame too, and the bard gets a song they get at level 51, yee-haw, all that does is free up a song slot for them, if that, they probably have to keep clicking on the bp for it to work, whereas the song they just click it once and it goes until they want to stop singing it (I don't play a bard though, so I might be wrong).

Think about what the effects do and how logistical they are before you go complaining, don't just look at the level and mana cost of the spell, or the fact that a class gets a free heal, look at the cast times of that free heal.
RE: Why CoE is pretty weak for a free spell
# Dec 22 2001 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
the spell invigorate is a 100hp heal. at lvl 52 my ranger is still using healing which is a 90hp heal. i often find my self going oom healing myself while i have never, not once, ever gone oom casting CoE on my party. the mnk/sk/war/rog just got a mana free heal that is better than mine. i would use a mana-less 100hp heal over greater healing when i get it at i think 56. the spell is nice dont get me wrong. its just i dont think having that spell on this bp is very fair. sk's have spells why dont they have there lvl 50 spell on there brestplate? giving a non healing class a manaless heal with little to no recast time is just not fair. pallies get there lvl 60 spell, i would take call of predator over this. with out saying this is a good or bad spell can anyone honestly tell me that this is a fair spell to have on the velious brestplates??

Ranklin Moonbow
Pathfinder of Tunare
52nd Season
Druzzil Ro
RE: Why CoE is pretty weak for a free spell
# Nov 15 2001 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
300 posts
No, CoE doesn't cost much mana, and it isn't a very high level effect. BUT, it does free up a spell slot, and it means you don't have to sit down and switch a spell out everytime someone in your group loses it, or someone asks for it. It may not be the best spell, but it's still one of the most often cast Ranger buffs.

Of course, this BP could have Skin Like Wood on it and it would still be awesome.
Faction ???
# Aug 23 2001 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
What faction does one need with this dwarf to get the dorf armor?
RE: Faction ???
# Sep 03 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
You need Kindly faction to get a full response. They will talk to you on Amiable, but not tell you the components. Believe me, was killing giants all night for response. :)
# Jun 16 2001 at 11:31 AM Rating: Default
Where do i get the Tunic??? and whats the PC on the Flawless Diamonds or the loc u get them at?

Alcarez Lonerwulf
39 Ranger
Terew Marr
CoE is good
# May 24 2001 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
yep, the only thing that really sucks about coe is that it doesn't stack with shissar. Thats the only aug line buff i ever get anymore, if there is no shissar I get straight haste, which coe DOES stack with. And even if the tanks dont want it usually the cleric and enchanter do. Helps them last couple seconds longer when they get aggro.
RE: CoE is good
# Nov 15 2001 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
300 posts
They did fix it in a patch, long time ago. Stacks fine with Shissar now.
RE: CoE is good
# Jul 20 2001 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
They fixed that in a patch a few weeks ago. i supposedly stacks now.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 18 2001 at 5:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok im not a super dupper high lvl ranger but it sounds to me like this call of earth spell rocks. the stats alone are sweet, and i havent seen a tunic or bp that has better, so if your gonna complain about the COE then you dont have anything better to do than whine about somthing that you probably wont even get in your life of EQ. and second if your gonna cry about it why would you even post a message about it? i mean come on, what a waste of space, i read this because i thought there might be some VALUABLE knowledge in what ppl said but all i hear is the pissing and moaning of the ppl who dont like the call of earth. grow up and me personally i think that it rocks
# Apr 12 2001 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
This rocks hands down- here's why -

-Call of earth has less stacking issues than nature's strength

-Call of earth is something even casters call for

-Call of earth has a kinda slow recast time

-Its the only spell I cast in every group on most every member that is UNIQUE to rangers and doesn't come in a bottle =)

and hey, who cares? with AC 30% higher than planes' armor this rocks!!
and all you need is three rocks you can buy and a loot you can get with a decent 40+ guild....
45th Level?
# Mar 23 2001 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
I must say that as rangers get higher and higher in level, the need for AC, mana, healing, and damage output (including hitting the mob) has to increase. Call of Earth does a little of this so no complaints here.

Although, I think the only effect this armor is missing is some sort of regeneration spell. A regeneration spell would make this definitely worth the risk for reward Verant is always talking about.

I heard the Flawless Diamonds needed for this quest drop off of 56th level plus mobs. Not to mention the bp needed drops off named mobs in Kael. I don't see how a 45th level ranger can do these places without having a few groups using plane raid tactics and in effect, these mobs are tougher than planes mobs. They are made for post 50 characters. I guess a 45 ranger could do it if they just tagged along with an uber group, not really helping much, and looting the drops. But then, if they did that, I guess you could say a 1st level ranger could do it unless the quest giver paid attention to your level.
Items and Spells
# Mar 08 2001 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
Why must people moan about spells on items, Think of it this way, one less spell gem you have to use.....
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 6:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) don't be dumbasses,scouts is only used for the ******* woodelves-in all other races rangers are the scouts,they always look ahead of the party-rogues for woodelves are called scouts for the info they collect on the orcs,now you gonna get your reading done or what?
RE: scouts
# Jun 01 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
Hey, guy, just because you don't like Wood Elves doesn't mean you need to trash them like that. Yes, the Wood Elves use the word scout for their rogues, while the rangers are Faydark's Champions (as we should be and are heheheh). You could have explained it without the pointless and (IMHO) self-degrading comment. Each race has it's own unique aspects to bring to the game. Learn them and love them.
Rangers can sneak
# Feb 27 2001 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
Rangers can sneak and cast invis so they are just as good ifg not a better scout than a rogue as they have track and sow at their disposal also.

...this is in reference to RE erm

Quiverr 42 Ranger MM
RE: Rangers can sneak
# Mar 01 2001 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
I agree, rangers are scouts, rogues are just assasins
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 26 2001 at 5:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) scouts= rogues not LKSFJ!! rangers
RE: erm..
# Feb 26 2001 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Rangers as scouts would make more sense if you think about it realisticaly. i mean if you're in the depths of some foriegn jungle and you want to make sure you dont run into some monsters who do you have scout ahead of the group? Someone with track skilz maybe? A rogue wouldnt last a day outside its city environment. Verant did a bad job with naming the class guilds....
RE: erm..
# Feb 27 2001 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default
Who would i have going ahead? how about the guy that can hide and sneak so he doesn't get found.
RE: erm..
# Mar 01 2001 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
Ummm, How about the guy that can SoW and Camo his own self? And without the need to creep along.
RE: erm..
# Jun 11 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
I always ask myself this: on a CR, who would I rather have going to get my corpse? A rogue or a ranger? Rogue. No contest. Hands down. MANY mobs that see through invis can not see through sneak/hide.
RE: erm..
# Nov 26 2001 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
someone that can do a cr is not a scout. rangers are and always have been scouts. puller? no, monks are pullers, not rangers not rogues, if there is no monk then the ranger is puller due to the basic tactic that they can pull from a distance without undue aggro AND rangers can sneak AND hide, just not at the same time like rogues. although i agree with the post about rogues being good scouts in a city they are NOT by definition scouts. recon maybe, but not scouts.
RE: erm..
# Mar 24 2001 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
Well just to settle all the controversy....Rangers are the scouts of the woods....rogues are the scouts of dungeons and cities!

Kindredspirit Dreamwalker
36th lvl Ranger, Betoxx
"The Shadow Weavers"
RE: erm..
# Dec 23 2001 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
Rubs his chin and nods thoughtfully.

Kylwen 45 Ranger Terris Thule
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
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