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Twisted Shank  

Lore Item Placeable
Evolving: Level 1/6
Skill: 1H Piercing Atk Delay: 32
DMG: 10 Dmg Bonus: 33
Backstab DMG: 10
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
HP: +5 MANA: +5 ENDUR: +5
Required level of 60.
WT: 1.5 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Illusionary weapon of a shiliskin assassin
Item Type:1H Piercing
Merchant Value:20 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Submitted By:Fleven
Lucy Entry By:Nilwean [Cestus Dei]
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-11 04:53:48
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Depths of Darkhollow Depths of Darkhollow

Average Price: 65,000pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 65

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

NPC Name
a freemind gatherer

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name

Item Lore: Illusionary weapon of a shiliskin assassin

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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Fourth evolution
# Aug 21 2013 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Fourth step is the Blade of Nightmares FYI
Fourth evolution
# Aug 21 2013 at 1:20 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
jairskinstrippa wrote:
Fourth step is the Blade of Nightmares FYI

There was a known issue with respect to evolving items a while back, which is why this item is loaded but doesn't appear in the list here. If you own or see the item and are running Item Collector in the background as you play, it should automatically update, after which it will display as expected here.
Third Step
# Mar 15 2012 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
the third step in this evolution is the Blade of Shadow:

Been evolving this for my necro - great weapon at 65 if you dont twink
Third Step
# Mar 15 2012 at 10:36 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Archetype01 wrote:
the third step in this evolution is the Blade of Shadow:

Been evolving this for my necro - great weapon at 65 if you dont twink

There was a known issue with respect to evolving items a while back, which is why this item is loaded but doesn't appear in the list here. If you own or see the item and are running Item Collector in the background as you play, it should automatically update, after which it will display as expected here.
Still droppping fine!
# Mar 09 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Shank still dropping fine. Cleared all the mushrooms that roam around in the flats above the freetrader area (as posted) manbe 6 or 7 times. At least one gatherer spawned each time, two popping many times. After a number of belts and cloaks two popped and they both had the shank! It was clearly visiable on them when they had it. Looted the first and had plenty of time to bank it and return for the second as a druid. My rogue is now happy with a new toy!

72 Druis, Tribunal
4th evolution
# Aug 16 2007 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts

Blade of Nightmares
Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 24
DMG: 16 Dmg Bonus: 16 AC: 6
Skill Mod: Backstab +8%
STR: +3 STA: +1 WIS: +4 INT: +4 AGI: +5 HP: +35 MANA: +40 ENDUR: +40
Attack: +5 Haste: +30%
Required level of 60.
WT: 1.1 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4

4th evolution
# Aug 16 2007 at 7:43 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
neridz the Braindead wrote:

Blade of Nightmares
Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 24
DMG: 16 Dmg Bonus: 16 AC: 6
Skill Mod: Backstab +8%
STR: +3 STA: +1 WIS: +4 INT: +4 AGI: +5 HP: +35 MANA: +40 ENDUR: +40
Attack: +5 Haste: +30%
Required level of 60.
WT: 1.1 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4

Lucy's Item Collector has an occasional bug where it won't read evolving item information for whatever reason. We have the item in our database, but it isn't flagged as evolving from the last time it was updated (2007.07.20). If someone wants to upload a up-to-date version, it should display normally in the sequence again.
Bandolier swapping
# May 25 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
Let me know if anyone else has tried this. In the past if I had a weapon that needed to be evolved, I would swap it in and out with my bandolier, until the last minute, and then I would pop in the evolving item. (By the way I used this technique to evolve my blade of the eclipse) But now when I tried this with my ranger on the twisted shank I go no exp on blade I tried several mobs but still no evolution, until I left blade in the whole fight or at least the vast majority of the fight, then I was getting about 1% per kill. It seemed to make no difference if I bow kited just as long as the twisted shank was left in.
Bandolier swapping
# Jun 20 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
429 posts
That trick has been nerfed long ago. As I recall, you have to have the item equipped for at least 30 seconds to get any evolving xp.
I saw him :)
# Mar 25 2007 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
Well it took probrably 3 hours of non stop hunting. I killed all the mushrooms in the little valley between the freemind out post and the undead camp. Not sure but killed one little shroom near water fall seemed to cause the spaun or change it cause got these little shrooms. Dont rmemeber there names . Call them micro shroom. Gatherer spauned in center of little valley seems random. Never saw him spaun again so don't know if its random or set spaun point. Droped cloak sold for 50 or so plat worthless to me :)

Hunted with my 63 necromacer was slow going till i learned how to take em down. Then a friend joined with his shaman and things picked up. Mele alone might do this but only well equiped my pally got wasted down coudnt keep heals on. good luck on your dagger going back soon.
# Aug 10 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Was just wondering does the guy who drops this spawn if you don't kill the place holders and just wait??? I am Sure I can take him but I can't kill all the Sporalis and have them be kos to me and gang up on me... Been at the camp for a long while just sitting and waitin for him to spawn but still a no show...
# Aug 16 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
You have to kill the sporalis to get him to spawn. If you sit up on one of the pillars you can single pull all the mobs, if you are patient and observe their pathing.
# Aug 07 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
how much hit points does this thing have could a 66 mage solo him??? some info plz
Evolving tips
# Jul 03 2006 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
My 65 rogue now has 2 of these fully evolved..yes i luv em!...anyways, I found the best places to evolve this thing was in Walls of slaughter with a group, and on my own in grieg's end. It does seem that number of kills and amount of xp both a play a roll, but i've found also that it levels faster if you get the kill shot. I've been told that the evolving items have a sort of personality, and their name plays a part in the trick to evolving them, like for example "DEATHs Maw Dagger" translating maybe to kill shot ;) I'm not entirely certain on these theories but i do know they helped me out, it did seem that the faster I was killing, especially in a small group or 2 or 3 in an area of mostly db's it would level every 2-4 mobs. It did seem to do well in semi-old zones but i have to state right now it did crap in HS one of my fav zones.

So basically kill a LOT quickly of at least moderate to good xp worth and get the kill shot, i found no trouble in having group mates back off at the last few % of a mobs life for my dagger.
Evolving tips
# Aug 27 2008 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
. . .
"seems" faster?
Either provide evidence or don't make claims.
Did you do any testing at all to figure this?
Evolving tips
# Jul 03 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
How did you get two if they are "Lore"?
Mikaal Drazzminius
Tier'Dal Necromancer
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Evolving tips
# Jul 06 2006 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
I kept one on my rogue, and my bf's beastlord held onto the other until I had mine evolved, then it lost "lore" and I was able to weild the other.
# Jul 01 2006 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
i was in POK and i saw a guy selling a twisted shank. sent him a tell asking how much he said 100k. i offerd him 75K he asked if i could go to 80K. i said would 78K be ok and he said yes. this is a VERY good price on fennin ro. i plan to level this in GE and sell it for 250K-320K. depending on price in bazaar.
good place to evolve it..
# May 17 2006 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
I have Lvl'd two of the shanks now to final and for the first 3lvl's I would say Veksar is the easiest place to lvl it for me. I was charming Highborn Commander's and killing everything past the goblins to the shops. After lvl 3 the experience dropped considerably so I started doing The Lost notebook Hard getting 1% xp per kill solo. The last lvl went by alot quiker with both daggers getting 2% per kill. Both daggers took me about a week of killing during off hours. I wish you luck if anyone notices someplace better for a necro let me know.

70necro of Tunare

Edited, Fri May 26 08:28:05 2006
leveling up
# Apr 28 2006 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
I decided to equip this item while farming the mushrooms with my 70 necro. I was killing all the light blue mushrooms and all the mobs on beach below there and getting about 6% per round. I think i was getting about 1% per 3 kills.
How to Level this
# Apr 15 2006 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
Some elements :
1- This weapon is evolving faster if you solo than with a full 6 group, so boxing 2 is the best way if you have access to a high level character (70).
2- I am pretty sure that it evolves on both number of kills (light blues or dark blues) and on the level of mobs killed. Modifiers of zones (ZEM) may interfere with the process.
3- The best zones are those with a lot of mobs, a fast repop and low HPs.
4- Whatever you will try, it takes time to evolve, be ready to mass kill mobs for a long time. I guess they are supposed to grow with your character, so that you start low at 60 and it grows with your character. Not a bad idea.

My own experience : box 70 BST 1100AAs CoA gear + 70 BRD wearing this and auto-singing haste/overhaste/regen-manaregen.

I tried many zones, but best are skeletons in SSRA mines (low HPs & very fast repop, all light blues to a 70) and terranis spiders/bubonian rats in Plane of Disease (VERY low HPS & a full cycle in the western caves). The plus are no downtime, with a bonus for PoD with many DB mobs (=AA xp). The ratio is somewhat 10ish kills for 1% evolved in ssra mines, and 5ish kills for the same 1% evolved in POD.

Kills only?
# Jan 28 2006 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
After having read various posts mentioning what may be required to level the blade as well as other evo. and int. items i can't help but wonder... does the blade actually require you to kill a mob to level it, or is it simply the "you have gained experience" hit? And if the latter proves true, has anyone tried doing one of the ez low level item hand in quests such as the gnoll fang quest in South Qeynos to see if the blade gains xp from those hits? I plan to test this perhaps tonight, but would like the input of others who have had experience in leveling these types of items.

Edited, Sat Jan 28 22:14:05 2006
RE: Kills only?
# Jan 29 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Update: after having tested my previous question i have found that the xp hits given from item hand in quests does NOT seem to work.
Looking to buy one
# Jan 24 2006 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
If you're on Drinal server and get one of these and wouldn't mind parting with it, I am in the market. Price is negotiable. Send me an ingame mail to SOE.EQ.drinal.Kuber to deal. I look forward to getting a response.
# Jan 11 2006 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
just got it to drop. had NO trouble owning the camp for 2 days. the mob spawns once about every 2 hours and mostly drops cloaks. got my dagger the 2nd nite.
immediately after we killed the mob, three more spawned at the same time dropping another dagger and 2 more cloaks. very cool
The camp
# Dec 12 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
Freemind Gatherer seems to spawn between 10pm and 10am game time after killing Gatherers, Sowers, Harvesters, or Shamans. Still haven't gotten the damn dagger, just several cloaks and a belt.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 14:55:16 2005
Send me a msg then
# Nov 21 2005 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
ok well , send me a msg on alla if you know how to evolve this item in 12 hours or less.... thanks if any "Actually" knows lol
RE: Send me a msg then
# Nov 22 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
used to be you could go to Freemind Cipher in Undershore and open all the mushrooms around him for great evolving xp, repop was like 15 secs on them. would work on evolved items and spirit shrouds. SoE already nerfed it
# Nov 09 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
Heh, there's a trick with the blades... I got all 6 levels of mine within a 4 hour span. Sorry, but not gonna share b/c of potential nerfing. Daenetha
Why even open your mouth and waste air and bandwitdth by even saying that much? On another note, anyone know how to level these a little faster than the insane time its taking to evolve it?
# Nov 01 2005 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone have a picture of what it looks like at 6/6 in someone's hand? Just curious :)

Drop info
# Oct 30 2005 at 6:36 AM Rating: Default
** Editted to preserve camp and avoid over farming **

Edited, Sun Oct 30 23:36:08 2005
Other evolved levels
# Oct 18 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, so I'm a moron, but I have the 3rd and 5th evolutions of this captured in screenshots. I FORGOT to take a SS of the 4th evolution... is the lvl 3, and is the level 5. I also have the lvl 6, but that info is already up.

And YES, it DOES lose the augment slot. I have a ticket submitted for that right now, requesting the aug slot be put back in. Otherwise, I strongly suggest that people leave it in the 5th evolved form (still a 100-pt lifetap and 36% haste), so that you can augment it however you see fit.

-- D

Edited, Tue Oct 18 09:44:09 2005
RE: Other evolved levels
# Oct 21 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
I grabbed one of these blades, and have been working on getting it evolved. From your posting you seem to be having good luck with getting this to increase in level. From your experience what is the best way to get this to level quickly? I have had this equipped for 2 nights, and have only seen about 10% of return for the effort.

Thanks for the help..
RE: Other evolved levels
# Oct 21 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
Heh, there's a trick with the blades... I got all 6 levels of mine within a 4 hour span. Sorry, but not gonna share b/c of potential nerfing.

-- D
confirm drop =))
# Oct 14 2005 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
i can confirm this droppe din Undershore from a mushroom between the waterfall and the freetrader camp =))
RE: confirm drop =))
# Oct 21 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Can confirm it drops from a Freemind Gatherer. PH seemed to be sowers, harvesters, and shamans. My group and I killed all the shrooms till this guy popped, but his pop location was in the same spot as the ones listed.
My experience
# Oct 13 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
I will confirm that I had this drop today in Undershore, off of "A Freemind Gatherer". You can see it in his right hand, it's a -tiny- spike of metal.

Not sure of gatherer's level, but am guessing was mid-50's. My friend's 70 necro solo'd him in <30 seconds for me. To find him, go to the slave camp along the Eastern edge of the undershore, then a little Southwest you'll see a field where a bunch of mushroom are tooling around. Don't know placeholder for sure, but after we killed the Gatherer I did see A Freemind Sower that I didn't see before. Maybe?

Can't wait to get the evolved form.

-- Daenetha Harmoniae
66 Bard of the Nameless
Drop info please
# Sep 20 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
ANy idea what drops this?
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