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Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying  

Lore Item No Trade
AC: 30
STR: +9 WIS: +9 INT: +9 HP: +75 MANA: +75 ENDUR: +75
Haste: +41%
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Appearance:Velious Plate 2
Color (RGB):70, 70, 70
Lucy Entry By:Mavik
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-10 07:58:16
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 60

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Yelinak's Head

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Kael Drakkel
Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying item window 2016

Uploaded November 29th, 2016 by snailish
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# Sep 01 2002 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
I'd say these were nice gloves for about any class. Specially like a Sham or somethin that melee's some also. Prolly anyone but Monks would get these.
So no talk on the actual quest
# Aug 30 2002 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
Well no one talked about the quest or kill strategy. Just alot of yack. (waste of web space)
#Ardnahoy, Posted: Aug 21 2002 at 11:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) After reading the war of words concerning who should get these gaunts, here is my perspective:
RE: Who should get these
# Sep 21 2002 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Hehehe you my friend have obviously never played with a high end ranger.
RE: Who should get these
# Aug 30 2002 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
"Bards seldom deal melee damage"

Been melee'ing since level 1 (60 atm). Will melee to the day I stop EQ. Just wanted to clarify that.

as for the gloves, DKP, Merit, whatever. It's not like there is a discussion about who gets to loot what when something drops.
#Ronaan, Posted: Aug 27 2002 at 5:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) no monk in their right mind would wear these gloves, as our epic is much easier to get and has better stats.
# Aug 17 2002 at 9:10 AM Rating: Default
If your saying these shouldnt go for caster your a complete moron. There is a ton of reasons this would go to a caster. One reason if how often do you see gloves with 9 wis and 9 int? Quite possibly never. The Resist only sweetend the pot and if you think a caster would take these because there mana hungry your a complete and utter moron. For example I shaman may take these to throw out a few other of here wis items that dont give good stats other than the wis. Dont go ******** roggy if you havent ever played a caster over lvl 10
RE: Retards
# Aug 21 2002 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
332 posts
I'm sorry Kudamorfa, but I feel that your argument is seriously flawed and ignorant. I say this based on personnal experience from having played a druid, cleric, necro, chanter, and wizzy past level 20, and from observation during groups and high-end raids.

For starters, all my baby casters have INT over 200 with relatively newb gear (robes from Halloween event of 01' being the most uber item). Also, my one semi-twinked caster (necro, no shoes or gloves, INT of 213) dealt very little melee damage after level 20 (with a decent weap and maxed skill). My druid, cleric, and wizzy, while not twinked, also did very little melee damage after 20. My chanter hardly touched another mob after level 20 or it met with a swift death.

I strongly believe that casters deal more damage after level 20 with the mana gained by sitting and medding for 1 minute, than by 5 minutes of melee. It seems YOU have never played a tank past level 20.

To put a haste item on a caster is a travesty. I don't care if your caster has a 50/10 staff. The melee damage of a caster is meager. Casters are more useful with their mana. If you haven't figured that out yet, then you have not reached level 20, or you need +INT in real life as well.

As far as I'm concerned, these go to a melee class first and foremost. Only if the entire guild already has this (or better) should a caster loot these so they don't rot.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
RE: Retards
# Dec 06 2002 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
63 posts
The only class i have never seen melee is a wizzy. All others, even in the high end game, I have personally watched melee, so there is merit in any class getting these. However, if there is for some reason a melee who doesnt have a haste item yet, it would make sense that they go to him. NBG
RE: Retards
# Jun 16 2003 at 9:31 PM Rating: Default
we had katta staff of peace drop from lcea , went to a mage who melee's now ^^

Nice agro recuction proc too
Who should get these?
# Aug 06 2002 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
While I agree that these gloves would be great for anyone, I think there's a point that the casting types are missing.

To even attempt completing this quest you will need a very solid guild with quite a few 55+ peeps. Think of it this way: once your caster is in the mid to high 50s, isn't his INT (or WIS) usually maxed out due to the other items you've gotten along the way? While +9 WIS and INT is very nice, chances are it is just going to push you over that famous "soft cap" on stats.

On the other hand (pun intended), the highest item haste in the game (as far as I know) is 41% which these have. I think it just makes the most sense to go to a melee type.

One other thing to consider: there is just no dang way that a single "pick-up" group is going to get this item, it's going to be a full guild effort. So the idea of these just "happening" to drop AND the guild involved decides to random on them is ridiculous. Every guild that I've ever heard of that is capable of doing this is going to have a loot committee and will have decided way in advance exactly who it is going to.

Just a humble warrior's opinion...

Zzirf Y'Zzirf
RE: Who should get these?
# Oct 02 2002 at 8:07 AM Rating: Default
Think of it this way: once your melee is in his mid to high 50's isn't his strength already maxed? And he will probably already have a 41% haste item so giving these to a melee will prob just push his stats over that famous soft cap so there is no reason to exclude any class from a chance at these. Hopefully you now realize that the "reasoning" you used for your argument against casters getting these can be used against melees getting them also. Anyone who is in on raid and helps kill the mob and can use these should have an equal chance at them unless stated otherwise before the raid starts.
RE: Who should get these?
# Feb 27 2003 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
I dont know about other severs, but Drinal, this is the farm spot for 41% haste items. Realistically, this is the first place a guild can assuredly get 41% haste items, as two drop every kill (GoDS head) and talismans. For a guild that is just starting to kill yeli, I am guessing that 41% (non epic) haste items would be the rarity, instead of the commonplace.

Doomshade/rumblecrush (I dont remember which) drops one, but it is a rare drop. Yeli on the other hand, for a 1 hour raid, is garanteed to drop 2 of the 41% haste items. IE why it is the farm spot for solid haste.

RE: Who should get these?
# Aug 15 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm...what some of you arent considering is that there aare better gloves for melee. THese ahve no hp and any guild that can do this has probably outfitted their melee with other,better haste items. We did this today and the head went to a ccleric.
RE: Who should get these?
# Aug 29 2002 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
141 posts
These, as you might not have noticed from the image or the stats description DO have HP - 75hp to be precise.

But they WILL be mine... to complete the set - Belt of Dorf Slaying from Dain, White Dragonscale Boots from Tormax, and finally GODS from Yelinak (I have Mask of Dragon Slaying - but that doesn't count :)
RE: Who should get these?
# Aug 09 2002 at 7:14 AM Rating: Default
Got these for my 60 Ench. Ac and hps nice, resists decent. Fear my 1h blunt skill now with 41% more haste.
# Jul 21 2002 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Im tired of people posting what class could use this item and what class should get this item... it really sickens me THESE GLOVES WOULD BE GREAT FOR ANYONE.. now you all have to agree they are AWESOME Gloves.. and ANYONE would be happy to have them, and who are any of you to judge who would benifit more from these? exactly.. you dont have the right.. so just leave it alone
< Devexus >
70th Retired Wizard of Cats in Hats
# Jul 08 2002 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 08 2002 at 11:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Jul 14 2002 at 11:31 PM Rating: Default
You're lame~
# Aug 19 2002 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
made me laugh :D
# Jun 19 2002 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
melees dont need int wis mana eh? what bout sk and pal? think before u speak next time !

Tinador 54 pal
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 26 2002 at 8:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And rangers :P
RE: wtf
# Jun 26 2002 at 5:18 PM Rating: Default
Even warriors need intelligence and wisdom. They directly affect trade skills and skill ups with taunt and disarm. While the mana might be wasted on a warrior, no raid leader with half a wit would exclude warriors from having a shot at these gaunts.

~Korbyn Battlecry
Myrmidon of The Tribunal
if you notice
# Apr 21 2002 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
If you noticed these are all all therefore that means they are good for any class/race combonation not just melees sure they would be an awsome upgrade to gem inlaid gauntlets or treant fists but hey melees dont exactly need 75 mana or 9 wis/int dont even really need cha all that much so these would be great for casters as well although i dont prefer to play casters (too much involvement and responsebility for me) i wouldnt be surprised if i had to roll or whatever against my entire group for these.................just my 2cp
RE: if you notice
# Apr 26 2002 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
Not a chance in hell am I going to let some gnomish tinkerer install hoses made from siren guts in my nose....Have you been inside Ak'anon?
Melee all the way
# Mar 27 2002 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
I find it interesting that nobody comments on how much these would rock for a rogue as well. Of course i'd happily see it go to my guilds warriors first.

To all the casters out there wanting these. This is an end game item. Even your experiences up to lvl 55 can't give you the perspective needed to understand why these gloves will absolutely never go to a caster. It's not biased, it's very fair, and it's what will benefit the guild the most.

Xisix Anklebane
Dwarven Rogue of EMarr
RE: Melee all the way
# Apr 16 2002 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
Hmm. Interesting thought, since our guild has any number of casters, int and wis, who wear these. There are many better gauntlets out there for melee, including those dropped by Tormax and Vyemm. 41% haste is also fairly easy to come by once your guild is NToV capable.

Mistress Ainyan Dreamweaver
Blades of Wrath - Torvonnilous
RE: Melee all the way
# Aug 02 2002 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Haha Hardly. I would puke if I saw a caster wearing these. If your a caster thats this far in the game and still needs 9 int so bad youll gank 41% from a melee you suck. They serve no purpose going to an int or wis caster other than to say "Look how stupid my guild is for giving me this". And another thing, 41% haste is NOT easy to come by even in NToV. Especially not in a hands slot. Im very close to banking my ragebringer and if I saw 41% haste gloves go to a caster, I would bank my guild. Yes we are NToV capable, Yes we kill Yelinak whenever possible, and NO we are not dumb enough to give these to some robe jockey that still needs 9 int bad enough to have the gall to go in on a lotto for these.
RE: Melee all the way
# Oct 02 2002 at 7:26 AM Rating: Default
Ok you want to talk fair? ANYONE WHO IS IN ON RAID AND HELPS KILL mob should have equal chance at any equipment or quest item that results in euqipment that person can use unless things are stated different at the raid start.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 14 2002 at 3:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i've seen at least 2, maybe even more clerics toting these babies on my server....
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 13 2002 at 2:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Are any other casters really mad that there is haste on this? Oh well, this is an item I'll never see
RE: hmm
# Mar 15 2002 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
Upset that if I'm in a guild that actually kills Yel, and we get two dragon haste items instead of one? Nope, not at all. Time to stop thinking about youself.

-Yuzuha (enchanter)
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 05 2002 at 9:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) these are 41% perm haste k thx bye
# Nov 11 2001 at 3:05 AM Rating: Default
any one know the haste percentage on these babies?
RE: ???
# Dec 03 2001 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
i believe it is 40% haste
RE: ???
# Dec 12 2001 at 8:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Its 41% but close enough
# Aug 23 2001 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
how bad does your skyshrine faction go down after killing Lord Yelinik?
RE: faction
# Aug 31 2001 at 3:13 PM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
Not sure for Yelinak (since they have always hated me) but its probably the same as killing King Tormax.

From maxed ally with Kromriff, Kromzek, KingTormax one kill of King Tormax took me to ally with Kromrif (they don't see him as their king so no faction loss, very minor, same as killing one normal giant), dubious to Kromzek, and apprehensive to KingTormax.

So killing Yelinak, assuming its the same amount of hit, would take you from max ally with CoV and Yelinak down to Dubious with CoV and Apprehensive to Yelinak.

I took another 8-10 hits during our clearing of mobs after Tormax and went to Threatening with Kromzek. So you drop from Max Capped Ally to just barely non-kos. So if you aren't Maxed Ally with CoV you would most likely go KoS to CoV mobs.
RE: faction
# Oct 05 2001 at 2:59 AM Rating: Default
I don't unedrstand why you would want to though... If you kill King Tormax and take his head to Yelinak... the reward comes in 3 stages, for 3 types of character groups....

Granted none of the effects give haste... but there are other haste items....

Is it just me, or are all of the skyshrine quests better?
RE: faction
# Nov 27 2001 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
The skyshrine quests tend to be better, but 1. the boss quests are fabulous in any of the three zones and 2. being on dragon faction is awful because so many of the sweeter items are dropped off COV dragons and you spend as much time repairing faction as you do getting nifty items.
Just a side note.
# Aug 20 2001 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
I have seen several places saying that this would be a great item for a Ranger because of the AC (30)/Haste (40%).

While I have to agree about the AC being nice for a Ranger, 13 more AC than our Kael gloves, the haste component is a little tricky. Seeing that the effort to take down the mob will be a GUILD or GUILD ALLIANCE event, the gloves will go to what class that ownership will benefit the GUILD the most. With that being said, one of the two Ranger epic swords (Swiftwind) has 40% permanent haste. Thus, basically rendering the haste on one of the two items wasted.

The other point that I saw being made is that hybrids only need to cast during non-combat situations. I whole-heartedly disagree with this, while until level 59, a Ranger with epics will do more damage meleeing than casting Firestrike (due to the cast time), but at 59 we get Calefaction (450 damage with 2.5 second cast time). Any Ranger with this spell should be burning up almost if not all their mana with this spell to take the mob down as fast as possible. In the realm of Paladins, stuns are invalueable when the other stunning classes are busy healing or crowd controlling. Shadowknights have a nice array of DoTs to use if they can get them to stick.

Now, I am not sure if the Paladin or Shadowknight epics have a haste element to them, but I believe the Rogue epic also has a 40% haste. So, my point is, if you are an epic weilding Rogue or Ranger, don't use haste as an excuse to try to work your way into these gloves. Our epics cannot be passed down such as item like the Cloak of Flames that the other melee are wearing.

58 Ranger
Tholuxe Paells
RE: Just a side note.
# May 26 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
If you get these gauntlets as a ranger you could change out swiftwind for something better that you may of got from NToV or some other weapons that are better than swiftwind/earthcaller
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 27 2002 at 5:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're obviously not a ranger, there isn't much better you can put into secondary than Swiftwind, not due to the 40% haste on Swiftwind, but the 30 atk it adds.
RE: Just a side note.
# Mar 27 2002 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
This is non-weapon item haste. It makes it a lot more versitile than not being able to switch to 2hs, 2hb or a different offhander than the epic.
# Aug 07 2001 at 5:33 AM Rating: Default
First of all, you don't roll on things like this. Sorry, but when you're on a Yeli raid, you don't hear someone saying 'set the seed!' It doesn't work that way, despite how grouping in Unrest has undoubtedly prepared you for the tactics of uber mobs.

You're not going to be giving these to casters unless the alternative was rotting. If you want to use high level raids as the basis for your argument for casters getting AC, get a clue. Dain doesn't care what your wizard's AC is, nor does Yeli, Zland, or ever Trak and such. You're going to get max damage more or less every time.
Alternate allocation strategies.
# Aug 06 2001 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
To be perfectly honest, I think it would be somewhat of a waste to give the Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying to a warrior. The benefits that the Gauntlets provide would be largely lost on the average warrior capable of butchering Yelinak (haste, non-melee related stats), and, though the 9 strength and resists are fabulous, it becomes fairly difficult for a Warlord to have a buffed strength of under 255.

Indeed, the 30 ac of these gauntlets is EQUAL to the ac on the Warlord's gauntlets, and the haste is likely comparable to the Cloak of the Flames or the oh-so-common Cloak of the Crystaline Waters.

The 75 hps are far more significant to a ranger, paladin or shadowknight, and the haste and mana-int/wis are extremely helpful to these auxilary melee classes as well.

Would they be lovely for any class? Of course. In fact, they may well be worth giving to clerics, because of the fantastic resists they offer, coupled with extra hps, mana, and wisdom, which allow even *easier* equipment swapping, and make high-end AoE encounters significantly easier. With the wonders of Specialize, 75 mana is half a complete heal, which, in the long run, is a hell of a lot better than only 75 more hps on your main tank.
Monks will never get this...hopefullly
# Jul 25 2001 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
My only character is a level 48 monk on Rodcet. Hopefully neither me nor any other monk will ever get this because it would be a travesty for this to sit in the bank after I or any other monk got their epic...

Nice gloves though.
RE: Monks will never get this...hopefullly
# Nov 26 2001 at 7:38 PM Rating: Default
The haste on these is greater than the haste on the monk epic though...still shouldn't go to a monk though, but nothing really should! >:) haha
RE: Monks will never get this...hopefullly
# Nov 28 2001 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
However I might mention that the epic gloves for monks is a song based haste. Thereby it stacks with item haste, as well as spell haste. And before someone goes off, I know that these gloves would be worthless for a monk that is striving for his epic. Better to get a CoF or similar item to stack haste with.

Calinthalus Coronus

"Four times fifty living men
...and I heard no sigh nor groan,
with heavy thump, a lifeless lump
...they dropped down one by one."
These gauntlets
# Jul 13 2001 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
I understand what people say about these gauntlets being good for casters and such but any guild leader or raid leader in there right mind wouldn't let a caster have these because of the ac and haste are needed by the warriors and other tanks more than any of the casters. flame me if you want but i dont give a ****.
RE: These gauntlets
# Jul 29 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
I doubt I would grant these to a warrior, just because it would be such a waste of stats, prolly a ranger, pally, sk, (and probably that new hybrid but who knows) and very slim chance of bard and shaman. They just seem tailored for hybrids in my opinion, of couse feel free to flame me and tell me how wrong I am <smile> if you think it will change my mind.
RE: These gauntlets
# Aug 14 2001 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
The big reason a warrior wants this is because it enables them to upgrade just like hybrids. If you where a warrior what would you rather have?

a) Rbb + lod shield/Fearsome Cloak + Warlord Guantlets
b) CoF + Dain belt + Warlord Guantlets
or the big combo
c) Dain belt + lod shield/Fearsome Cloak + Guantlets of Dragon Slaying

Anyone would want to shoot for c. Which is why these Guantlets are the best, not just for hybrids because of the wis/mana but because of the all around stats that can enable any melee to do.
# Jul 01 2001 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
There is nothing more entertaining than reading how level 16-30 players would handle the "random" on this item. Brantos is correct, there would be NO random. The only things we random are stuff that no-one really wants.

The stats are great. Everyone in the game can see something they like here. BUT, the main stats on this item are AC and haste.

A side comment on AC:
In the high end game, when you are going against the biggest baddest mobs in the game, AC doesn't matter. Yeah, you heard me right, it doesn't matter. Yelanik, Sontalak, etc are all level 70 and don't give a *&^% what your AC is. My warrior, with 1300+ AC is getting hit for just as much as the wizard with <700AC (not counting riposte, dodge, and parry). HP and fast healers are the name of the game.

This is a melee item. Before all you casters start whining, think about it a sec. Every single one of you has had your WIS/INT at 200+ for at least 15 levels before you can reasonably expect to see Yelinak die. Add these gloves and you can switch around some other gear and get what? +100 mana? +200? Big deal! This would amount to a 1-3% increase in effectiveness.

The haste on these gloves is in the 40-42% range, making them THE best haste item in the game. Getting these lets tanks get good AC/hp items for their backs and waists that will boost their effectiveness a whole lot more than 3%.

[quote]i say anyone who does any meleing at that level should be entitled to a roll for the head and with the +wis/+int hybrids should get first roll the warrior then ...[end quote]
This is awesome! Lord knows those SKs and Paladins need all the mana they can get on these raids! (That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell) Other than divine strength and CoE/SoN/CoP, which are cast while buffing not fighting, hybrid mana isn't really a deciding factor in any high end encounter. Paladins should be fighting, not healing, and SK's don't have a spell they can cast that will overwrite the stuff the necros and shaman are throwing out.

These will be awarded to melee (warr/pal/sk/ran). Once all of the melee who contribute and perform have theirs, then other classes will be considered. (Monks will generally get suede boots from VP, and will therefore not go in on these)

If you want to complain or flame me, feel free, but before you blast me as a worthless newb who hasn't a clue, you should know that I have seen Yelinak die many times, and I own a pair of these gloves.
# Oct 20 2001 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
You melee types make me laugh. You yourself said AC doesn't matter, so that leaves the haste. You can have all the haste in the world and it still wouldn't help you if you didn't have casters to mez the mobs and heal you butt. Rationalize it how you want, but it sucks that you would exclude someone just to increase your chance on a roll. Everyone should get a chance, and don't make it sound like it is the first haste item you got. What did you go from 36% to 41%? 5% to a casters 3%. 2% Sure that's enough to exclude people.
# Dec 28 2001 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
Whoever said AC doesn't matter and is a tank...well, they should be shot! AC IS KING! Who cares about friggen haste when you're getting your @$$ hammered into the ground b/c you have crap ac! There are PLENTY of haste items out there and PLENTY of chanters willing to make it better for you. Sure a Cleric can buff your AC, but if you stack the Cleric buff on already amazing AC, you then are a true tank. The only thing second to ac is resists, and that's not entirely true sometimes.

just my 2cp

Gallowbraid 46sk --Bristlebane--
"Avatars of Bane"
# Sep 08 2001 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
As a Vicar, I would love to own these, hate to recieve them. To my mind it would be a waste, I only melee when fighting greens as the average blue mob will turn me into a pancake. I also would say not to the warriors, my suggestion (if my opinion were asked) would be that it go to a 2H wielding SK/Pal since when they cast agressive spells it does not slow down their weapon attack (assuming they time it correctly and they arn't casting a 3sec spell) Paladins do not heal during a fight, they stun/nuke, or if they have to lay on hands, their spells just don't heal for enough, and healing slows their attack rate.
# Jul 29 2001 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Not disagreeing with you but just want to point out that a pretty large percentage of playing time is not spent doing raids for most players, and ac does make a pretty big difference for most of that time. I do totally agree on classes tho, I would probably go to the wis casters right after melee simply because they end up in the thick a bit more because healing requires you to be closer than nuking.
# Jun 27 2001 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default
people arguing about who gets to roll and who doesnt really should be quiet because if u had ANY SENSE of high level guilds as i do then u would know that nothing is rolled on that its either defaulted or they go by POINT SYSTEM , which is everytime u raid somewhere or do something for guild u get points , the person who bids the most points wins the item , if u dont win the item u dont lose points but if u do win u lose points , nuff said , this item doesnt go to any certain class more than others it goes to the MOST DEVOTED PEOPLE!!!!! --- brantos --- xegony
# Dec 12 2001 at 7:03 AM Rating: Default
agreed, it doesnt say [class's: all, race: all] for nothing. the stats and resist's make it appealing to everyone, just because you "FEEL" you could make better use of them, doesnt give you more of a right to them

Edited, Wed Dec 12 07:08:07 2001
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 20 2001 at 10:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) In one aspect, you are all right. NONE of you will EVER roll for this item because THIS ITEM DOES NOT DROP. If you dwell into the item more before opening your mouth and making an *** of yourself and your guild, then you MIGHT have sense to notice that they are a QUEST ITEM. They don't drop off a mob. Idiots
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 20 2001 at 2:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is for melee classes not the cleric or wizard or chanter or any other pure caster sorry, i would rather see a warrior get this before any other melee then perhaps a rogue or monk then one of the hybrids then bard in that order. Where do i rank on my list you ask well i have a paladin and a shadow knight both in there 50's .
RE: Melee item no daught
# Jun 27 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
i say anyone who does any meleing at that level should be entitled to a roll for the head and with the +wis/+int hybrids should get first roll the warrior then bard then shaman and then the rest just my opinion flame at me if you want i dont really care
# Jun 13 2001 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Nobody will ever roll for this.
Any guild capable of getting these will predetermine who gets it. The guild leader, raid leader or officer will decide who gets it.
Don't be stupid folks.
There is no argument here. If you argued you would likely be removed from guild and not allowed to attend these raids.
End of story!
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