These are agreat weapon to use. Im currently using them on my 35 druid. Funny part was I bought them from Thurgadin vendor for about 1 plat. Best deal i made lol
Since these claws have 0 weight they should make a nice weapon for any class to use and especially for the melee classes. Since Sta in long fights tends to drop quite a bit and meleeing skills suffer accordingly these would help a bit in that department. I have also found skills like Swimming seem to be affected by low Sta. Swim too long and no skill incease seems to happen for ages. Just my two cents!
Posted:May 13 2001 at 9:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If these are NO DROP you can't sell them if you loot them. You guys are crazy saying you sold them for what ever plat you did. Unless you happen to sell them before or after a path that made them sellable. :) But current pic says NO DROP.
just so u know, a black pearl is worth like 25plat, LOL. Anyway, i found one in velk's and sold it for 400plat, its really not worth much more, anyone selling it for more , and esp over 1k, is a greedy, slimy, un-washed, hairy, oily, evil, rotten, creepy person. i wish i could say what i wanted to say, hehehe, but i cant use bad language, goodbye
I would expect these to sell for around 1400-1500. Someone on Veeshan was auctioning one for 5000pp.. while that does sound high, it won't surprise me if that's where the price settles, seeing as the next druid 1HS up sells for 13,000pp.
Posted:May 19 2001 at 11:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok, does anyone see, DRUID ONLY on this item. no i think not. if this were a druid only item i could see it selling for 1k. but as it is, this is also useable by wars, pallys, rogues and the like, and none of them in thier right mind would spend 1-5k on this item when they could get much better items for that price. to charge 5000 for this item would be ridiculous and anyone who would by them for that much is crazy. also, i don't know about the other severs, but you'd have a hard time selling a runed falchion for 770pp on tunare.
ok, does anyone see, DRUID ONLY in the reply? i only see a list of items with their damage and price. so its worth more when its desired by fewer people? oops, economics! supply/demand? jeez what a dumb conversation. sell them for 2pp!
Do a quick search on eqprices for 1hs weapons that a druid can use.. a Runed Falchion is the closest weapon and it sells for 770pp. This weapon is MUCH better. It will be interesting to see how much these sell for..
I bought one for 650pp + a black pearl a high-level gave me for a port :)
I think I got a great deal. Even if the price does settle at lower than what I paid I don't mind :) it's a great weapon.
i bought one for 450plat, makes sence since its stats are close to the ebon razor and thats the same price. Not as nice as the Stormfeather talons, but works till something better rolls in. Price should be about 600 plat i think, only reason i say this is druids can use, makes it a bit more valuable then 450, but at that price only druids would buy it, stats are not worth that much to the rest of the classes.
Wait, so if they aren't NO DROP ( GOD DO I HATE THOSE 2 WORDS !!!) then are the still not lore ? Cuz if so, I gotta get me 2 of these, unless they DON'T fit in both melee, which would suck.
Could some one plz give me a general price data ? I'm on Drinal if that helps any, or atleast give me drop info ???
I got one tonight for free when I purchased a pair of Gauntlets of the Black. It IS a primary hand weapon and is no longer no drop. I was killing specs with it for a while in oasis and had fun doing it. Go get 'em. They're fun. Raluvyen Lvl 43 (and I look it)
Bought one on Tholuxe-Paells last night for a price too low to mention. And to think I had my heart set on an Icetooth's Claw... :) This weapon will be awesome all the way into the mid-30's.
I pity the foo' who takes a group of average level below 55 into Velketors. Shame they made it no drop cos now every newbie druid and their friends are gonna be running round with one...
me and some friends got a couple of these last night. i got one rotting someone on a twink, and the other is on my gate bot. pretty cool look on a druid in gnome skin... a true bot.
These claws go really nice with a weapon that not many people in the game know about, called Stormfeather Talons. These talons are off-hand only, 8/23 claw weapons, and are +5 to str, agi and dex. They are a rare drop off of Stormfeather the griffon in iceclad. They are worth about 4k but I got mine cheap for 2.5k. Just wanted to let people know. I believe they're the best off-hand claw weapons in the game as well, but I may be wrong.
yes, i know it says no drop in the picture, but from what ive read off of previous posts, the claws are no longer no drop, so i would preciate it, if anyone could tell me how much they cost.
Heh, well i got this last night, looks pretty kewl. Gotta have it for the look, equip some gnome skin and ur styling. anyone ask u for a port, say "umm sorry im a ranger." just my two cp.
I'm having a little trouble locating this fellow. I've searched North and South Kaladim and even used my tracking skill, but I can't seem to find him anywhere in Kaladim. I even talked to every other Everhot asking about dwarven wire, but none respond. Where am I going wrong?
These are no longer no-drop, they are not lore but can only be equiped in primary slot. I am a 29 druid and was given a pair for porting someone outta Velious. They look pretty cool on a druid and at my level they are a pretty good weapon too.
-Lame stats for the level it takes to get these no drop things. -Claws are everywhere now, they even changed sainy's claw (bard only piercer, used to look like a weilded longsword but pierce) to look like claws. -Sainy's claw is primary OR secondary but you look like a moron since the graphic is the primary claws look in your offhand (the claws curve the wrong way) and I'd bet these are the same way. -About the only class high enough to go down there and not have better would be a druid.