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Cryptic Page [Ocean of Tears]  

Lore Item No Trade
WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Lore:An ancient cryptic page
Item Type:Misc
Lucy Entry By:Danalog
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 15:46:17
Page Updated:Tue Jun 23rd, 2020

Expansion: Omens of War Omens of War

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 15

[Quests | Recipes | Comments ]
This item is a ground spawn.


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Used in 1 recipe.
Recipe list - Premium only.

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Ocean of Tears

New Ground Spawn Loc: Siren Island between 3 sirens, +945.87, +7858, -232 at 4pm game time.

Place in your oceanoftears_1.txt map file.
P -7861.1147, -942.7594, -235.4109, 0, 240, 0, 3, Cryptic_Page

This spawns once every game day (72 min real time) and is up for half a game day (37 minutes and 30 seconds) then despawns. If the Ogre is up he will pick up the page.

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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charm the ogre
# Nov 29 2022 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
There was no sirens when I was there between 5 pm and 11 pm and 11 am and 8 pm, just the ogre. Can confirm, ogre picks up the page. Dire charm the ogre if he's there and wait.
Spawn Time
# Jun 22 2020 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
9 posts
I confirmed today that the spawn time on this page is 37 minutes and 30 seconds. The time of day doesn't matter but if the Ogre is up he will pick up the page. I was sitting there for about 2 hours partially AFK and didn't notice at first that the Ogre was periodically saying "Junk on ground. Me take." Then I came here and read the comment below. I compared the time stamps between the Ogre saying that and they were exactly 37.5 minutes apart. I dire charmed the Ogre and sat him down by the campfire on the side of the island to roast some marshmallows and exactly 37.5 minutes later from the last time the Ogre emoted the page spawned. This would explain the varried times posted here between 3pm and as late as 8pm game time is because it's not actually based on in game time of day but the last time that dang Ogre had picked up the page.
Spawn Time
# Jan 30 2022 at 4:46 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
Arrived & merc took out the inky's & ogre (they aggroed).
5 mins later sirens popped & page spawned at 4pm game time.
Conspiracy theories on Sirens' Island debunked
# May 30 2020 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
56 posts
How to get your Cryptic Page from Ocean of Tears

In Ocean of Tears, open and study the map. In the west-most part you see an island to the south and a group of islands to the north.
Focus on the group of islands to the north.

One island sticks out further west that the others, in the southern part of the group, and on the current (2020) in-game map (Brewall's) is marked with a "Sirens".
This is where you must go.

On the top of this little island you will find three NPCs, and depending on the game-time it's either 3 x "an alluring siren", or, two dark elves and an ogre named Dragoon Darl, Dragoon Artellin and Brawn respectively.
They are standing on the top of the island, a small hill, facing away from the hilltop towards the water.
The sirens spawn between 5am and 6am game time, and then despawn around 2am game time.
The elves and ogre spawns around 3am game time and despawns again around 5-6am.
The bag you need is on the ground between them, or if not there it spawns around 5pm game time.

Note that the ogre, Brawn, when he spawns will pick up your Cryptic Page while saying "Junk on ground. Me take.".
The bag does not despawn at a specific time as many seem to report. Instead the ogre takes it.

Location of the page:
Stand on top of the island at location +937, +7856 facing north, the bag spawns straight in front of you.
Looking down at a 45 degree angle you see right at it. It's way bigger than the 9 previous bags, so easy to spot.

Edited, May 30th 2020 7:50am by Barbasja
Cryptic Page up for half a game day
# Feb 01 2020 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,312 posts
Cryptic Page in Ocean of tears spawns once every game day (72 min real time) and is up for half a game day (36 min) then despawns. Whether or not it was picked up previously. I saw it spawn at 3 PM (almost 4 PM) and despawn at 3 AM game time.

This is different from the other 9 Cryptic Pages.
On an island with sirens, like other posts have said
# Sep 17 2017 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
66 posts
P -7861.1147, -942.7594, -235.4109, 0, 240, 0, 3, Cryptic_Page

It spawned during the 3 PM game time hour - it'd been 3 PM for a while, so not sure why the other posts are trying to pin it to a particular time. You can add the above to your oceanoftears_1.txt.

Quoting the post I found most helpful - I went to the wrong 'siren isle' at first:

MarMarTehFirst wrote:
I ran all the way to the west side of the zone to find the three "an alluring siren" sitting atop the island at the aforementioned /loc, surrounded by gobbies. It was 8 AM game time. No ground spawn visible.

For those who are not savvy with /loc: Just to be clear, yes it I all the way at the west side of the zone on the map. On the map it is the western most small island marked with sirens. Lots of goblins marked around it.

4 PM spawn on Tunare
# Jun 04 2017 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Can firm location and spawn time on Tunare: 4 PM game time
6pm game tine
# Aug 09 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
Spawned at 6pm game time between the three sirens. It is just a shame to see such a cool zone completely unused by players anymore. Each island is like its own world, but with Glooming Deep and Cresant Reach, there is no need for young players to run way out here to fight mobs lvl 6 to 20 especially since most people now make 20 in two days or less. EQ should really do something like revamp these zones permanently and make them for higher players, so everyone can enjoy them again.
# Nov 18 2013 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
when i zoned in and went to the location there was no siren so i sit between the 3 npc's there ant went throw a full 48 hrs game time and nothing at midnight on the 2nd day the npc despawned a few sec later the 3 siren's appeared then at 4pm game time the bag apeared
# Nov 19 2013 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
I ran all the way to the west side of the zone to find the three "an alluring siren" sitting atop the island at the aforementioned /loc, surrounded by gobbies. It was 8 AM game time. No ground spawn visible.

For those who are not savvy with /loc: Just to be clear, yes it I all the way at the west side of the zone on the map. On the map it is the western most small island marked with sirens. Lots of goblins marked around it.

I sat and waited... got bored... killed the gobbies. Sirens were indifferent btw (like others mentioned). Checked the time: 3PM game time. Sat down, looked around me. Suddenly there it was! 4 PM game time exactly on The Rathe- Prexus server. YAY this was my last page....moving on :)
# Jul 13 2009 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
it spawns at 6pm for me. I was seeing if it was up for a guildie... loc 937, 7856 I was facing North. No mobs
7pm for me
# Dec 27 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
loc is right, spawns around are right. I just had to wait until 7pm game time. Have fun!
7pm for me
# Jun 01 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
Confirmed 7PM on the dot .... did not wait to see how long it would stay..heheh
7pm for me
# Nov 22 2008 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
Reconfirming the 7pm game time. Loc in between sirens is correct.
# Dec 16 2007 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
it is not out here in the general vacinity siren island has goblins on it and there is no ground spawn on the island anywhere...the 3 sirens do sit up there on the top but there is no bag---45 min timer?...been here 2 hrs....and noone has been here......did they move it when the patched and changed oot or is bertox oot bugged? this is the right loc but these sirens are indifferent unlike someone elses post saying they were attacked

There it is its just on a longer timer

Edited, Dec 16th 2007 5:49pm by divinereign
OOT crypt page
# Aug 10 2007 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
I can conferm on AB server that the OOT crypt page LOC is fixed just looted it today may the epic continue
spawn time
# Jul 18 2007 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Can confirm this spawns at 6pm game time. Wasn't up when I got there at 10am, and didn't spawn until 6pm.
found on island
# Jul 09 2007 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
loc is correct and it spawned at 6pm and at midnight was 2 dark elves and orge and if no invis your get attacked but sirens to me was indiff
# Jul 09 2007 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
Yep location confirmed, wasn't up when i got there but spawned at midnight game time.
yupp... confirmed and found
# Jul 05 2007 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
7/5/07 found on sirens island between 3 sirens
loc +945.87 + 7858 - 232.6

this spawned for me at 12:00 midnite game time

good luck campers
oot cryptic pg
# Jul 05 2007 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
7/5/07 found on sirens island between 3 sirens
loc +945.87 + 7858 - 232.6
Patch Today
# Jul 05 2007 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
From patch text....

Issue: Enchanter Epic 1.5
Summary: The Cryptic Page in Ocean of Tears could no longer be located after the zone was revamped.
Status: The note was moved to an island to make it easier to find.

... no more jumping of boats.
Patch Today
# Jul 05 2007 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
jumping of boats didn't work for those with slow ISP me

SoE has to better protect these 1.5 and 2.0 drop sites... especially with this much endangered class.
# Jun 07 2007 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
They change OOT and the bag have been hard to find. it is still at loc +555, +9270 now just under water. problem is getting to if, becourse zone is shorter then that. Take boat from Freeport, when it enters OOT it makes a swing outside of zone line, jump off and swim to loc. /have fun all

Ranza Mortia
# Jun 07 2007 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Did this today. I failed a couple times and tried different things to figure what I was doing wrong. Make sure to jump off boat ASAP after entering OOT.
found on island
# Jun 26 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
[b][/b]Found on Island. Was taking a small boat along the old butcherblock ship path and ran across a set of Siren's sitting on the backside of a little rock island with this as a ground spawn. Being the only one in zone and indiff to the Siren's I picked it up. Cryptic page new item... Good Hunting to ya.
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