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Before Green [Scribed by Glomox]  

Lore Item Temporary Quest Item
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Item Lore:Scribed by Glomox
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 0 sp 2 cp
Submitted By:Fleven
Lucy Entry By:AndyMJ
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2017-02-18 12:27:51
Page Updated:Thu Jun 21st, 2012

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 25

[Book Text | Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Before Green


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Quest Name
The Tome Raider

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
The Overthere

Book Text:

Before Green
This is known as the Age
of the Snake. The snake
race known as Shissar,
slithered upon Kunark.
The Iksar had yet to
unite. Our people had yet
to learn the Black Arts and
the ways of Fist and Tail.
Divided, the Iksar were
enslaved by the snakes.
In the centuries before the
Green, the Iksar were
slaves of the Shissar
They ruled from the ancient
city of Chelsith which rested
deep within the land now
known as The Overthere.
From there would sprout much
evil. The Iksar were
tortured like Frogs and
suffered at the hands of
the Shissar. The Iksar who
showed genius were to help

the snakes in their dark
rites. These few were the
seeds of rebellion. The
Iksar began to plot a
revolt, but a greater force
would strike first. The
Shissar were an arrogant
race. The power bestowed by
the gods was not enough.
They made pacts with other
gods and demigods. They
found the rifts of time and
space and used them to
gather magic items once
held by the guardians of
the planes. The Shissar's
disloyalty and blasphemous
pride would bring the wrath
of the gods upon them. No
power could stop the force
to come. A green cloud
formed in the skies above
Kunark. The cloud began to
descend upon the land. From

its green core the face
of death began to form. It
was of no god they knew.
It opened its giant maw
and spoke in tongues
unknown. From the mouth of
death rushed forth a green
mist. The Shissar shamans
began to cast spells in
hopes of shielding their
city and the necromancers
began to assault the mist
with great spells. All were
futile. The mist rushed
forth. The first snakes to
be swallowed by the mist
had their scales and flesh
rot and fall from their
bones. Horrid screams of
suffering could be heard
from within the mist. A river
of flesh and blood flowed.
The Iksar stood and gazed
upon the gristle that was

once the Shissar. With the
Green Death came the
liberation of the Iksar.
The season is now 0 A.G.,
After Green.

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No longer temporary
# Nov 08 2023 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
This item appears to not*** be temporary. Killed him today on The 7th/ tunare. Same info on guy that drops it, spawns top of the cliff by where Sev spawns. Easy fight for a 48th Necro. For anyone doing 9th Necro cap just trying to help.

Edited, Nov 8th 2023 11:52pm by beggen
No longer temporary
# Nov 09 2023 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
beggen wrote:
This item appears to not*** be temporary. Killed him today on The 7th/ tunare. Same info on guy that drops it, spawns top of the cliff by where Sev spawns.

This is a different item, [url=/db/item.html?item=30207]Before Green (Zero B.G.)[/url] dropped by an iksar tomb raider in Emerald Jungle, while this one is quested.
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