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Ayill's Aged Stone Shield  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
AC: 32
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +5 DEX: -5 STA: +25 CHA: +10
SV FIRE: +15 SV COLD: +15 SV MAGIC: +15
Effect: See Invisible (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:Shield
Light:Stein of Tears
Submitted By:Lorelie
Lucy Entry By:Mynlaeni
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-10 18:00:05
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 55

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This item is found on creatures.

NPC Name
Lord Yelinak

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Uploaded October 26th, 2014 by Merf
Updated March 8th, 2023
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Great for Druids :)
# Dec 07 2002 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
I'm wearing this shield now, and as a 65 druid it gives me like 82 hp's. The see invis is sort of wasted on me since at 60+ druids are always gonna have mask of the hunter/stalker in effect, but the ac/hp(sta)/resists/charisma(for charming animals) makes it a great shield for a druid.

I would tend to think this would be more of a druid shield, but mainly because all the knights, clerics and shamans would usually have better ;)

#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 28 2001 at 12:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) AWWW MAN DUDE! DANNNGG! PSHHHH!!
just my 2cp
# Nov 11 2001 at 2:46 AM Rating: Default
some of these posts have some good points, but most are just gibberish that people try to say to look like they know sumtin. well i say that this shield would DEFINETELY go to a priest class (if ya dont know what they r, ur screwed), ESPECIALLY clerics that have CH, cuz when a mob gets on u after a CH, its not pretty! i know this for i am a lvl 57 cleric myself. havent tried goin for this yet, but maybe in the future

Heelius Maximilus
57 cleric Bristlebane
Orphias Mclarenn
26 ranger Tarew Marr

Through think and thin, the most worthy will always prevail.
to the one below me
# Oct 29 2001 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
Dude, you even know how harsh it is on a PvP server? I think not, if you play on a pvp server you worry about Magic resistance and then, Fire and Ice, then Poison and Disease, but Poison more now adays cause of Tash, but if you don't have any other exp. on a PvP server, you shouldn' talk. You don't know how hard it is to worry about you running and then get killed out of nowhere simply because the guy wanted to. Rallos IMO is the worst of all, seeing anyone can kill you. Vallon and Tallon comes in a way second, and then, the diety server Sullon. But over all, either way, all are scary and you have to worry about crap that's gonna happen to you, whether you're carrying money or having to carry a lot of droppable armor. SO Don't talk smack about people going crazy about items that has a lot of MR, cause in PVP, it's totally a must. Believe that. If you're wondering what server I'm on, I'm on Vallon, Human, Paladin, go check it out, see how it feels like to be killed running around and for no apparent reason what so ever.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 18 2001 at 6:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You sorry little greenies that play on ur NON-PvP servers are missing the what a great effect the See Invis spell is. I play a wiz and items that can give a melee class (like a Ranger) see invis should be BANDED. nasty sheild
RE: Nasty for PvP
# Jun 30 2001 at 6:26 AM Rating: Default
oh u ******* little reddies on ur PvP servers that think u are someone.

and the only thing that should be banDed is armor.....
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 06 2001 at 3:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I play a Erudite Paladin and I think I'd rather use my Shield of the Stalwart Seas over this. I was just wondering IF a erud pally was to get this shield....which would be better? (btw, some of u might argue about using this on dragon raids, but I don't know a damn thing about high lvl sh33t) =oP
Incredible Priest class shield
# Jun 04 2001 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Let me start by saying I play a 58 cleric and have 145+ played days . I am a member of a large guild on Solusek Ro and have hit every zone in the game except 3 - PoM , VP and ST . At the high end of the game the only people really worthy of this shield would be the priest class (druids/clerics/shamans). Only exception being SK's/Paly's who don't have their epic or happen to possess some awesome 1-handed weapon they would actually use over there epic . In a situation like that SK's should get preferential treatment for the shield as they tend to pull/scout/do CR etc. more often than a Paladin .

1) Warriors can kick stun at 55+
2) Really Uber mobs are IMMUNE to stuns ANYWAY so
they really don't need to use this for stunning
3) Point blank - the more hits and the more damage
the better your chance to PUSH a mob . i.e.
hit fast , hit hard . losing 3 shield bashes
to get in atleast 3 or MORE hits is equal if
not better .
4) SK/Paly Epics are 2 handed .
5) This comes off such a rarely encountered
and difficult mob to begin with ANYONE so
blessed as to receive it better have it
permanently crafted to their arm otherwise
it's WASTED .
6) If your a warrior or SK or Paly and your
pulling from melee range - THERE BETTER BE A
GOOD REASON and you could easily borrow
someone elses shield for pulling for one
night or one mob .
7) Paladin sword can be bashed with already
8) This item is 90%+ use item . If your aren't
going to use it atleast 90% of the time please
don't deny the use of it by someone else who
would benefit from it more than you .
9) The longer your friendly neighborhood Healer
lives , the longer YOU live .
10)As far as resistances are concerned the Cleric
needs the highest resistances of anyone IMO
except the puller . The reason being is just
about the only thing a cleric does in a RAID
LEVEL situation is HEAL , no stuns , no AEs ,
no DD , NO NOTHING except heal or dispell
certain affects( blindness , disease , poison )
. Every ounce of damage WE take and HAVE TO
heal is 1 LESS spell DIRECTED at DAMAGE
PRODUCERS/TAKERS . Most cleric deaths in RAID
LEVEL situations are not caused by melee damage
, they are the result of AE's or DD spells
that hit us and any deaths from melee's is as
a secondary affect due to low health from the
other things having hit us . Clerics pull alot
of aggro healing especially CHing and our AC
is usually the only thing that keeps us alive
for 5 or 6 seconds until we get DA/DB off or a
self sacrificing tanker goes into OVERTIME mode
to get the MOB_01_badmofo of his cleric and get
aggro under control again .
11)3 BIGGEST REASONS for failed raids

1. Cleric/s died
2. Enchanter/s died
3. Aggroed to many mobs or at the wrong time
12)Really Uber mobs the trick is to kill as FAST
AS POSSIBLE . The longer the fight the less
likely you are to win . Try fighting mobs that
quad hit for 560 points of damage that enrage
, flurry , riposte , etc for more than 60 or 90
seconds - IT SUCKS . Some fights take 10
minutes to complete but still - THE FASTER THE
BETTER . MAX damage in shortest amount of time
with the LEAST number of melee hits as
possible ( due to certain defensive
abilities ) .

I know this was a long post so if you actually read the whole thing , thanks and sorry

Harkaelian Soulforge
58th Cleric of Brell Serillis
RE: Incredible Priest class shield
# Aug 02 2001 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
the 25 STA is nice for caster's too, i'm a barb shammy and a have high sta to begin with and i get beat up quickly, so clerics/druids would need it alot (i realize sta sta @lvl55 doesn't equal much,but every hp is needed)
i think it would be best for clerics,then shaman's then druids
normally the only thing that will out agro me (between slowing,poison dot,desc dot,str/AC/agl/dex/resist de-buff) is a CH'ing cleric :)

just my oppinion :)

Larendan Nitewolf

p.s. don't flame people. it just shows your stupidity,add usefull info or shut up :)
RE: Incredible Priest class shield
# Dec 15 2001 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
glad you mentioned that Fiery Defender, while a 2hs, is used for bashing as well. But at these levels (59-60), sometimes lower, some of us already have better damaging weapons than epic before these levels. But our epic stats are nearly unbeatable by any other swords available to us:
Damage: 35
Delay: 40
Ratio: 1.142 Amazing
AC: +15 Str: +20 Sta: +10 Wis: +15 Magic Resist: +10 Fire Resist: +10 Cold Resist: +10 Poison Resist: +10 Disease Resist: +10 HP: +70 Mana: +30
Weight: 0.1
Weapon Skill: Two Hand Slash
Classes: Paladin
Races: All Races
Planar Item: Yes
Effect: Holy Shock
Type: Random
Charges: Unlimited
There are about 7 1hs swords with better damage ratio than our epic, but their stats are pathetic, with some rather stupid procs. We have a 2hs that pretty much rocks any other weapon in the game, puts epic to shame basically.
Petrified Heartwood Flamberge
dmg 50/del 39
AC 40, str 25, sta 25, wis 25, int 25,
sVm 15, sVf 15, sVc 15,
hp 100, mana 100
effect: engulfing roots


Palladius Axe of Slaughter
dmg 51/del 42
AC 80, str 25, sta 25, agi 25, dex 25,
sVm 10, sVf 10, sVc 10, sVp 10, sVd 10
hp 100, mana 50
effect: Strike of the Chosen
Lamini's comeback:
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 04 2001 at 9:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why would any dual wielding class want a shield? HAHAHAHA, Greed? has to be, let those who can use it have it. Being a rogue I have never used a shield, for all 58 1/2 of my levels. I'd just go play pally/sk if I wanted shields. Greed and idiots playing this game make it worse and worse everyday. And yeah bite me if you don't like it LOL
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 01 2001 at 10:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This should go to PAL/SK, but I think DRU/SHM/CLR would roll too, since most would use it at that level (they have over 200 wis already).
#Anonymous, Posted: May 31 2001 at 4:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i just want to take a momment and laugh at the dipsheeeeetz that posted that "U noobie" post.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 31 2001 at 1:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is DEFINATLY a ranger shield!..... No other classes should get this .... NO WAY!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 01 2001 at 10:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'd agree except that if a ranger isn't using both hands to melee, he's not effective. I'd say its more in line with a Pally/SK. Perhaps a cleric, but usually clerics equip a WIS item in their shield slot.
who should get this?
# May 30 2001 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
well, IMHO this is perfect for the Cleric.

warriors tend to use either 2H or Dual Wield, so no use for them.

though the stats are fine, this is no item for a warrior.

since Clerics can Emergency-Melee if their tanks gets screwed, this shield provides them with some stats-buffing to boost their chances of surviving until the tanks are healt up.

Conclusion: not everything that looks like a weapon should go to the warrior.

if I were the group leader of a party that get hold of this, the clerics would roll for it.
RE: who should get this?
# May 31 2001 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
At the level to attain this item, a cleric will NOT be melee'ing. If the tanks are dying, then the cleric is camping so that they can log back on and start rezzing the raiding party once it is safe. This is a Shaman, Druid, Pally, or SK item. A cleric is supposed to be able to take the blows, yes, but this gives no WIS or Mana.
RE: who should get this?
# May 31 2001 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
Oh another thing...if you look at high level clerics..(high enough to fight yelinak) will note most of them use a sarnak battle shield. Please go look up the wisdom on that..I'll do it for you...ZERO. Why? Most clerics can break 240wisdom if they felt like. I know I swap wisdom items out all the time..I wear 6ac/65hp rings and I still have 202 wisdom (soft cap at 200wisdom)
RE: who should get this?
# May 31 2001 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, druid or shaman but not cleric?

What type of crack did you have for breakfast?

This is on YELINAK. A level like 70 dragon deep in skyshrine. Paladin's and Sk's that level probably have epics (read 2 handed weapons). Druids and shaman can use it sure..but a druid is a couple HUNDRED AC behind a cleric at this level plate vs leather afterall.

Oh it has no wisdom? Yeah that would warrant a shaman or druid getting it over a cleric because they don't need wisdom....get a grip lol they use wisdom too.

This item should go to a cleric. Why?
1. They use 1 handed items..
2. They need his ac to avoid death (um who will res the cleric if he dies...kinda important he lives)
3. Would you like him to be feared on a dragon run? That MR is a definate plus. I mean it's all well and good to have a tank on the dragon...but if there isn't a cleric to heal them it's pointless. A druid or shaman unfeared on a dragon is worth a little more nothing..but not much.

When you finally level past 49 you can discuss this with me further...I have 2 characters over 55. I know what goes on during a high level don't.
RE: who should get this?
# Jun 01 2001 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
I wouldn't even want this shield being a cleric. The ONLY good thing with this is the *25* sta, making it a perfect tank shield. The +5 MR over normal shields (ie: sarnak, prismatic) is a small benefit but not worth taking it over a class that would actually use it, like shadowknight. Most clerics would be using Orb of the Infinite Void or better.
RE: who should get this?
# Jun 16 2001 at 6:27 AM Rating: Default
IMHO druids and clerics should be the first to roll for this item, although at the level it's attainable it's not really worth much to any class, llike avenea said, a cleric would have better than this at that level and so would a druid and shaman probably.. and as has been stated several times paladins and sks both use 2hs so it's useless to them also, just another item VI put in to make people argue over something that doesn't really matter, oh and that first post, your not the only person on the face of the earth that has 2 characters over 55 so don't be saying hdgf like "i know whats going on in high level raids, you don't"=P
Who would get this
# May 30 2001 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Simply put a warrior, bard or rogue would never get this item. This well I would use it to bash or pull stuff is BS. At the lvl where you could get the shield and the amount of effort required to get it would mean that this shield is only something that would go to someone who would use it all the time. This drops of a dragon. You don't get toys, or items you would use sometimes off a dragon when there are others that would use it all the time.

Most likely shaman/druid/cleric since practically any of those classes would be max on wisdom and would appriciate the other stats of these shields. Possibly paladins/sk with a 1hded weapon but both classes do have 2hded epics.
# May 30 2001 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
Well, Yelinak is a pretty darn tough're better off getting orb of infinite void.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 30 2001 at 8:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WTF are u noobie thinking about ?
#REDACTED, Posted: May 31 2001 at 8:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i am playing (got bored of game though so stoppped) a lvl 43 ranger, and i have used lodizal shell shield when pulling and playing on rallos zek. Ever thought about resists? about ac? stats? god what an idiot the original poster is. especially calling people noobs, im so happy that there are so many idiots playing everquest to make fun of.
# May 30 2001 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
While calling people "noobs" you sir, are being a "gimp."

Lord Yelinak drops it. So guess what? The Warrios, Rogues, Paladins, Rangers, and Shadowknights likely HAVE their epics. Think they're going to put it down for this? A rogue not dual wielding is likely either braindead or soon to be.

As a result, clerics, druids, and shaman are more likely to actually use the shield than have it in the bank. I have 213 wisdom. I think I can do without the 9 I get from my current Aegis.
RE: U Tard
# May 30 2001 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
ALL Shield Classes need this at higher levels. For MANY Reasons.
4)25 Phucking STA!
5)AC never hurts
6)And also most wis Classes will have over 200 wis in the 1st place

|>|-|/-\Tt |_o0tz 40r /\/3\/\/bS
RE: U noobie
# May 30 2001 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
umm, heh, if you think any priest class would not want in on this loot then you do not really know the stats that priest classes are looking for when they are 55+.

Just a little FYI, I play a 56 druid on Drinal and I have had max wis (200) since I got my epic at 54. Since then I have been switching out low wisdom items for better stat items, mostly containing AC and Saves, as I go over 200 to keep it at 200. Currently I could have over 215 wisdom with all my wisdom items on, but I have switched out low wisdom items for items with better AC and saves on them.

My secondary slot contains a sheild with AC12 Wis5 Mana50. Now, I have 202 wisdom and soon to be more then that after I get the shawl quest completed. I would switch that sheild that I am wearing out for this sheild in a heartbeat because of the AC alone. The rest of the stats make it all the more better. Look around you, how many druids, clerics, and shamans, do you see wearing a sarnak battle look at the stats on that sheild and you will see that it has NO wisdom on it.

The looting/rolling rights for this sheild are totally determinable by the raid leader/loot leader, so whatever, but my humble opinion is that it should be default PAL/SHD/DRU/CLR/SHM as those are the classes that would use this sheild all the time. Every other class would either only use it on special ocasions or for pulling alone. That is just my opinion, main reason for this post was to point out that priest classes do not need a secondary item with wisdom on it at 55+, they will most likely have over 200 wisdom anyways.

# May 30 2001 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Its a Plate/chain Shield. Being made of natural materials adds Druid and Iksar to its use catergory.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 30 2001 at 7:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why can't monks use this? It's not limited to plate classes, so they should be able to.
RE: sucks
# May 30 2001 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
286 posts
Maybe because Monks dont use shields? Geez, must people whine about EVERYTHING?!
It Would Be Nice
# May 30 2001 at 6:11 AM Rating: Default
This would be awesome for my cleric but to bad I got a lot of ways to go just to get to level 55. /emote wonders if guild would raid it for her. :)

Breill Server
Living Shadows
#Anonymous, Posted: May 30 2001 at 5:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am gonna go against my better judgement and post on this. First of all if you think a war wont ever need a shield you are very wrong, that shield is perfect for pulling, thats right pulling thats what monks and warriors use shields for. When someone goes to pull 3-4 mobs the extra 32 ac is nice not to mention the saves if he has casters nuking , rooting, trying to slow him.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 30 2001 at 7:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) To all you people saying a warrior doesn't use a shield...Have you ever heard of Ghetto-bashing? Learn a bit about the class you slam fore you flame it.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 30 2001 at 10:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) sorry, im a lvl 56 warrior and NEVER heard of ghetto bashing. am i a n00b now?
# Aug 26 2001 at 2:30 AM Rating: Default
Just an fyi.... This is ghetto bashing:

Have your secondary melee slot hotkeyed. Now put your shield on your cursor. When bash is available, swap shield for sword and bash... then replace the sword.

OR..... you could just play a large race and not have to bother with ghetto bashing. That's what I did.

Mijj Itt, 34 Ogre Warrior
Druzzil Ro
# May 30 2001 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default

As a tank in a group the only recourse is to duel wield. Duel wield helps keeps the mobs attention on you and assists your taunting considerably. Therfore, a warrior with a shield looses out on his or her taunting ability.
Warriors are tanks.
# May 30 2001 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
Warriors are tanks, give em the shield and they will last longer in battle. :P Let the casters and the rogues (maybe monks) do the damage! Be a warrior, be a tank!

#Anonymous, Posted: May 30 2001 at 1:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why do you people argue over what class could get such and such item?! For one thing if your not in a high level guild or have about 40 friends over level 50, stfu, please and thanks, and dream on if you think you're ever going to get one of these. And if you ARE in a high level guild or have a ton of friends high enough to get one of these, I'm sure you they would decide who obtained it without petty dice rolls. See any reason to argue?
So-so i think
# May 30 2001 at 12:30 AM Rating: Default
Awesome shield no doubt, but considering taking yelinak out takes some serious hard work, and most of the shield users wil have better when they do, i doubt very many members taking him would even use this item, i think it needs a few stat boosts to make it more in line with Dain or Tormax loots
# May 29 2001 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
IMO, this should ONLY be given to Clerics, Druids, Shaman and MAYBE a SK. Factor in the needed levels/classes to obtain this, and you have almost all of these classes have their epics already (minus warrior and SK). Warriors, rangers, rogues and bards would be dual wielding, no point in them having a shield. Most paladins would have their FD, they can bash with this, no point in having a shield. So, that leaves the priests and SKs (I don't know too much about SK weapons, so I have to leave them in for benefit of the doubt)
RE: Classes
# May 30 2001 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
i don't know about other druids, but some of our best +wis gear comes in the offhand melee slot, so im not sure if any druids would give up what they have in thier offhand for a sheild with good ac, considering druids don't really get him much anyways......but then again i have no clue what im talking about, just my 2cp.
# May 29 2001 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
Ok, for all you stupid newbies. There is no point and no ethical reason for a warrior or any othe DWing class for that matter to use a sheild at all, ac won't matter if you kill the thing so fast it can't hit you enought to really do any damage. Take it from an expirienced player, shields aren't all they are cracked up to be, unless your a cleric, druid or shaman. O and for the moron that said he has to get his warrior one, I hope you got some big guild or alot of high lvl friends and can stand to be ripped on for beeing the only 50+ warrior with a shield. And then getting blamed for killing your entire group on a raid because you couldn't dish out the damage effectivly. Well to all of you grouping with warriors with shields and are high enough to use dw, Slap them for me would ya!
RE: Ummm?!?
# May 29 2001 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
How else is a warrior that isnt a Large race s'posed to break a mobs cast cept use a shield ,you are a fool if you dont think warriors at any lvl need shields
RE: Ummm?!?
# May 29 2001 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
At 55+ Kick stuns the mobs, just by "pushing" the mob while attacking it can disrupt casting, and usually the cleric or sham will stun a gating mob. that is how.

RE: Ummm?!?
# May 29 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
Psst...don't forget Paly's....I'd wear it in a Paly could always stand to be prettier (CHA sux) :)
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