Posted:Jul 29 2004 at 1:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i think this is pretty nice for 55+ for mnk/bl better then most bazaar buyable items for sure and i know my friend is dying to get rid of his bazaar bp and so far fennins bp is a slim chance so i say if u can kill these mobs then do it cuz there is slim chance of gettign somthign better i think
any tips as to where in riwwi a 65 bst can solo without having to worry about the mobs running off abd brining back several adds with it? also is there a decently safe spot to pull without alot of mobs guarding it?
Barindu Zone line is the best your gonna get. What might help some is to push the mobs into water when you fight. I'd imagine their running would be considerably slower in the water, otherwise grab your druid buddy to come heal and snare
I've seem this bp drop twice while camping the Officiator, and both time it dropped from "an officiator" in about 100 kills. so drop rate about 1 out 50 which is pretty rare.
Posted:Jul 09 2004 at 11:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i hate to say it, but i do think this would be best suited on a monk or beastlord.
Someone doesn't know anything about Beastlords or Monks. This item is specifically made for them unless your a selfish warrior who needs it for down time. The AC for a beastlord with this and for a monk is amazing since we get AC bonus and our best tunic doesn't even go 50 ac +. the regen is great as a beastlord to solo. and great for a monk also. AC is not even a factor the stats and the regen make up for it. Of course if your a warrior, rogue or another Non-leather class yeah this item is going to be of no use to you in AC.
It seems like any mob in the zone can drop it. I got it last night off a Mastruq Warfeind in Riwwi after trying for about 3 hours a day for two days to get it to drop. I guess I got extremely lucky to have it drop that fast.
just to note something, there are two type-7 +15ac augments that can drop in ferubi as well, so this bp can be bumped up to 40ac if you find them. if you're lucky enough to get this bp i'd recommend sticking around ferubi a while to find one of those augs since they are common drops off the pxet elite nameds. happy hunting ~
Umm, this is from the EASY GoD zones. These zones are not flagged, and do not requite Elemental or time gear to grind in.
Plus, its only 8ac less than stonehide armor, and I'd sure as heck sacrifice 8ac for +15 regen.
This is a HUGE upgrade from fungi tunic, with no negative stats, and its Monk/BL wearable. Honestly, this is better than a Tae Ew tunic, even with the lower ac, unless you already have regen maxxed.
Around 20 hours killing in arena doing named cycle to get this. For iksar this looks bad, its the chain look. makes you look like a shaman with a big gold chain.
Dropped for me off of A Ra`tuk Screambringer. Spent about 35 hours killing trash mobs, a lot of that slow-going solo with my Druid near Quin ent before it dropped when a few guildies came by to help my monk get it. In this space of time at least two others in zone got one, one in arena and another in the courtyard and two caster tunics dropped for me(one rotted). Patch says the BiC drops rates have been increased - would hope they did same for other loot. Has awesome graphics on a monkie. Pic of it is on my magelo bio secion & background. Missmolly Goodgolly - Tholuxe Paells http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=542788
I think they nerfed the drop rate on these.... Figures... when i didnt want one i saw 3 in a relativly short period of time... now i want one for my rogue and i havnt had this drop for me since parking my rogue there :( Im up to 1300+ kills :(
Seems pretty random had one drop off 3rd mob I killed then never saw another one for a week, might drop more commonly off higher level mobs like stuff in the arena building
Yeah my friend was camping this for like 2 weeks all the time. last night me and him and some other peeps were in this zone and as soon as he went to bed it droped Lol. Talk about ****** timeing. It does drop though VERY VERY rare but it does drop.
Well, I am 0-500 mobs. None have dropped as of yet. I'll goto 1000 mobs and if it doesn't drop by then, I'll call it a scenic tour of Riwwi. Either its so rare it's not worth trying to camp or it was a fluke and doesnt drop anymore.
Oh .. BTW Neither of the BP's have dropped. Meaning the spell haste caster BP.
EXP is blah... I get 2%-3% per kill of AA solo at lvl 65.
Oh yes, daddy like, no the mobs don't summon, and another named or 3 roam through there too,,, Me (65 bst) and a 65 drood kited these around in the lil room very efficiently. Cheers and good luck to those going to hit up on the camp.
Feral Lord Deezy Fosheezy Proud Member of Inner Fury Bristlebane
I don't know what people are doing to get things to drop here in 10 minutes to 2 hours - it took me about a week and a half, average 3 or 4 hours a night to get one of these to drop. Finally dropped off a mastruq decapitator in the courtyard. To those of you out to find this, good luck =)
Seen one drop in 10 mins and seen it take up to 2 hours depends on how fast you clear and where you kill mobs at, the temple near the back is the best, pull the red guys with the last name Warfiend they drop them more often
I got mine 2/18/04 and I put in on in place of my old fungi and it ONLY ADDS 5 HP PER TICK! I sent in a bug report because Fungal Regrowth is supposed to be 15 hp per tick. I'm lvl 65 and no where near the regen cap. If you get one check the regen and send a report maybe they'll fix it and btw it still looks like a tunic (not plate) when equiped on half elf bard.