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Glowing Black Skull Necklace  

No Trade Quest Item
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: PAL
Race: ALL

Item Lore:A glowing black skull necklace
Item Type:Misc
Lucy Entry By:Archonmaster
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 17:21:57
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha Legacy of Ykesha

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 44

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Ethereal Cleansing


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Gulf of Gunthak
Quest Name
Light of Life

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Gulf of Gunthak

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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Chester The Friendly Ghost
# Aug 18 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
Chester is always one of three mobs at the spot mentioned above. (I don't think you can fall off the bridge. I've tried, and haven't found a spot that lets me jump off)

He will either be one of the two 'door guards' on either side of the steps going down, or the roamer that goes down in to the big chamber and back up to the bridge. He is non aggro until you do the turn in.

If he is a door guard, just kill the other door guard and roamer. (Really, you would just need to kill the roamer). If he IS the roamer, just wait for him at the top of the steps. The upper 'landing' area at the top of the steps is a safe spot aside from the roamer.

Be aware, in case someone killed him just before you got there: There is a mob just on the other side of entryway to this area from the bridge. He is the PH for the SoulStripper. If you are waiting for Chester, might as well camp him at the same time. The PH is just a standard mob. The Enraged Soulstealer, on the other hand, is a mean ******* compared to the other mobs in the area. I have always been able to take him with my cleric\shaman duo, but he is definitely meaner than his counterparts. (Of course, if you are decently geared by today's standards, he is going to be a pushover). If Chester runs too much with the Enraged Soulstealer or his PH up, you may well get them as an add.

Nothing special to get Chester to spawn, just keep killing the three PHs. Since you will no doubt be bored, kill everything in the chamber below and on the bridge behind you...but you don't need to to get Chester up. He is fairly rare, but you won't be there for days. A few hours at most.
# Dec 10 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
by the way you must do ethereal cleansing before you do this one
Another Dropper
# Nov 10 2003 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped from a Harbor Fisherman in Dulak today.


Sorry, fingers got ahead of me. This post was for the first quest.

Edited, Mon Nov 10 03:43:48 2003
troll murador
# Aug 28 2003 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
Killed the Troll Plunder bout 20 times never got it then me and a friend/guildy started to whipe the whole place and a freakin Troll murador droped it i was suprized
Quest Recap
# May 02 2003 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
I've yet to see it, so here's my result of doing the complete quest:

It wasn't that difficult, and I solo'd the whole thing. Keep in mind, that I had plenty of Cloudy Potions (inviso) and Kei cast on me. 10x Blood of Wolf Potion and Divine Aura memmed. we go:

I camped Dulak. Roaming from dock to dock killing every boat engineer I found (gnomes or haflings---cant' keep ya straight). I'd use a CP potion, get in front of the mob, or stratigically located so I wouldn't grab additional aggro. This took me about 10 hours (broken time). After a kill with no result, heal, inviso, move to next...repeat.
After finally dropping, I inviso'd and ran back to Millius Darkwater near the lighthouse in Gunthak to do turn-in. From there, I re-inviso'd and went to Neg 1100, Neg 1100 on the beach.
(Should have done Inv vs Undead, as the mobs on that side are all skelly's and undead.)

After killing 6 green mobs on me, I sat on top of the rock and waited for the Male Eurdite Ghost to spawn (respawn is 20min). While waiting, save yourself some headache and kill the skelly mobs that spawn around the double neg 1100 area.
The Male Erudite Ghost spawned and I handed him my black skull necklace and received 1x Ethereal Cleansing spell and 1x Glowing Black Skull Necklace.
Here comes the "tricky" part....
Being solo, my strategy was to run to Chester inviso'd, pacify the mobs around him, and do my turn-in. I knew he attacks after the turn-in and had no idea what he casted/meleed for. So I memmed Divine Aura. I figured I'd hit that, and run like heck to zoneline with my "train" hotkey spamming away. ...the actual account is coming...

Chester is a male ghost that spawns in the tunnels behind the hidden wall in Dulak. Once inside Dulak, follow the left wall around to the wood wall.....the secret tunnel is about 2/3 across from the left. Once inside the tunnel, follow it straight to the rock bridge....don't fall in. (I haven't, and don't know how bad your CR would be). Make a right at the "T" intersection on the bridge. You'll come up on a stairway down with an open doorway to the left. I've found Chester on those stairs, as well as the two other rooms that the stairs lead to. here's where plan and actual go slightly askew. In my previous 10x in that room, Chester doesn't move when you approach him, and he's always been in one of those 3 spots, so PH stuff may be off.
Evidently, he senses you want to do a turn in, to my shock and surprise, and starts moving out of the rooms, up the stairs and down the tunnel back towards the bridge (Wonder if rooting him would have worked???) The funny part is that he's moving past about 15 mobs in his travel... I got into the room and started chasing him with medallion in hand. The problem with this is that by him moving, I was unable to establish a safe spot to pacify the mobs and move in.
Thus, I panic'd at him goin on the move, and immediately started clicking on him with my medallion in hand. ....This nullified my inviso, and my aggro went thru the roof.
When I finally got the "Give" window to pop up on Chester, I was waaay back at the bridge, with 10-15 mobs beating on me, and my health bar quickly fading to "you are out of food and water" status.
I hit GIVE just in time and got my Light of Life spell! WHEW!!!
Immediately, I hit LoH, cast Divine Aura, and started running to the zoneline.....spamming all the way.

In hindsight, a little agonizing watching Chester on the move, but the end result is that I completed this quest solo at 52. And, can tell you all where all the loot for the 2 spell prizes are!

<Supreme Awakening>
Mithaniel Marr
RE: Quest Recap
# Mar 31 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Hehe. Nice work done with yer pally.. real skill and strategy there. =P
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