Stay away from it. At least till lvl 52+. And you'll need some decent back up.
At lvl 44 on my bsty, I had a 40th druid helping me out. Best I was able to do was get the bruiser down to 42%. If we had a cleric doing heals, then we might have been able to kill one... after EVERY ONE used all their mana. If possible, get a full group of 45+'s and head in there to get this stuff. Otherwise, don't waste your time like I did. ;p
Btw Besty was geared the following:
Architects Scepter Primary
Gold Inlaid Ulak Offhand
str: 228 (w/ self buff)
sta: 153 (gear only)
agil: 115 (gear only)
dex: 166 (w/ self buff)
Wis: 127 (gear only)
HP: 1639
AC: 779
attk: 923
only other buff was druids:
Skin Like Diamond
Just to give you an idea what kinda lvl 44 bsty we're talking about.
If you are going to try this, I highly recommend running to bottom of Tor's zone and camp by the Dulak Zoneline
Edited, Thu Mar 18 04:45:07 2004