the prices r inaccurate, mostly these things go for 4pp per ring in GFay/E'ci, which is quite reasonable, compared to some of the other zones. Qeynos is a terrible place for it, while erudin is quite nice. Send my ench. Lavorance a tell, he trivialed all silver jewelery. Located in GFay on E'ci.
(i) Server Maturity (ii) Artificially inflated prices
(i) Server maturity is defined as the length of time that a server has been up and running. Older (mature) servers will have proportionally higher level characters.
High level characters = ability to kill progressively harder mobs in progressively harder zones. By the same token, allows players to kill easier mobs much more efficiently. Hence, items soon become farmed i.e. greater frequency of items.
As supply meets and outstrips demand, prices generally tumble.
If you take a glance at the 'Pricing Data', you will notice prices generally tumbling in correlation to time (server maturity). Due to the old pricing data - generally expensive in a lot of cases - the figures are generally skewered. Thus, a slightly higher average.
Prices will fluctuate from server to server dependent on maturity of a particular server.
(ii) Never, ever wholly rely on price date from internet sources. People may have inaccurate (re: outdated prices), be a little bit clueless, received an extremely good one-off deal, or may attempt to introduce artificial price fluctuations (either raising or lowering market price) dependent on whether they wish to sell or buy that particular item.
Allakhazam is a good place to get a general feel for pricing data but for accurate data try the market on your server e.g. Ec [East Commonlands] or Gfay [Greater Faydark].
**Note: With the arrival of SoL [Shadow of Luclin], more and more traders are setting up shop in the 'Bazaar'.
Personally, I sell +2 Wis Silver Jasper rings for 3pp because I would feel dirty selling them for more.
Regards, Riotgirl [Eliza Dushku Form] Hard Woman Enchanter AyRo Server
"she's like this cleavagey, ****-bomb walking around going 'oh, check me out. i'm wicked cool. i'm five by five'."
I currently have 2 of these little beauties on my lvl 35 shaman. (I have a friend who made me some plat jasper rings but we never seem to be in the same place at the same time for me to pick them up so I "am" upgradeing I just havne't gotten there yet) I am also a tradesman. Something to note, the ability to do and to raise skill in trade skills is defaulted to int or wis, whichever is higher, so these aren't just valuble for extra mana (not begrudging that at all cause I love the 30 extra mana the two rings give me by this lvl) but it also helps with trade skills and thus, is valueble at helping to save money :-)
These are the lowest level of the wisdom based rings and are nice little bonuses to young wisdom casters. Recommend upgrading before too long but they are a nice start.