Item GlossaryEverQuest icon

Staff of the Wheel  

Lore Item No Trade Quest Item Placeable
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 100
DMG: 10 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
INT: +10 HP: +10 MANA: +10
WT: 1.0 Size: LARGE
Class: WIZ
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:1H Blunt
Light:Paw of Opalla
Submitted By:Shaidar
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-25 10:22:48
Page Updated:Mon Jan 23rd, 2017

Expansion: Original Original

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 30

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Tarton's Wheel


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Everfrost Peaks
Quest Name
Tarton's Wheel

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Everfrost Peaks
Staff of the Wheel

Uploaded June 1st, 2017 by Ucnia
Updated June 3rd, 2017
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hi this item is wrong
# Sep 09 2015 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
hi this item is wrong, it is 100hp, ive pulled this item off over 2000 times on rallos zek server with my level 12 wizard
blame your good old usa
this item is attainable at like level 1, provided you can find assistance for invis, enduring breath, and invis to undead iirc
think unrest and lower guk is hardest parts iirc
edit: I believe this item is part of ice comet quest it was like endgame for wizards pre kunark... missing elite mana

Edited, Sep 9th 2015 12:28pm by Toolis
hi this item is wrong
# Oct 04 2016 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Toolis wrote:
hi this item is wrong, it is 100hp, ive pulled this item off over 2000 times on rallos zek server with my level 12 wizard
blame your good old usa
this item is attainable at like level 1, provided you can find assistance for invis, enduring breath, and invis to undead iirc
think unrest and lower guk is hardest parts iirc
edit: I believe this item is part of ice comet quest it was like endgame for wizards pre kunark... missing elite mana

Edited, Sep 9th 2015 12:28pm by Toolis

100 HP would be rather impressive for an original era quest.

We could use a modern item window pic of this item, which would also clarify the stats on the item until a working item collector (not something we have at the present) can update this.

On progression servers this item should appeal to some wizards in classic era, assuming not everyone is buying steins in commonlands.
hi this item is wrong
# Jun 02 2017 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
snailish wrote:
Toolis wrote:
hi this item is wrong, it is 100hp, ive pulled this item off over 2000 times on rallos zek server with my level 12 wizard
blame your good old usa
this item is attainable at like level 1, provided you can find assistance for invis, enduring breath, and invis to undead iirc
think unrest and lower guk is hardest parts iirc
edit: I believe this item is part of ice comet quest it was like endgame for wizards pre kunark... missing elite mana

Edited, Sep 9th 2015 12:28pm by Toolis

100 HP would be rather impressive for an original era quest.

We could use a modern item window pic of this item, which would also clarify the stats on the item until a working item collector (not something we have at the present) can update this.

On progression servers this item should appeal to some wizards in classic era, assuming not everyone is buying steins in commonlands.

"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
completed quest
# Sep 10 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Just to let everyone know, don't know if it's changed or not, but I had a wizzy a few years ago, when you started losing experience at level 5. My husband helped me out with his 30-some necro and we went around collecting the staff pieces while I was only level 4. Had some help in guk when the hand camp was still ALWAYS camped. It was an awesome thing to say "Hey! I've got my Staff of the Wheel before I was 5!" Hehe
Good quest
# Jun 11 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
I started this questlazily around 35, and finished it around 40 with the help of some friends. Basically, the only thing to worry about is the EB, random mobs who might aggro on you as you go between places, and keeping that vision spell up so you can see that itty bitty gold line on the ground you have to pick up.

Couple of things I think you should consider with this quest. Some folks are ranting and raving about how this is a crappy quest. Well I have to whole-heartedly disagree, and here's why:

- int10, mana10 in one hand, put an int5 aug on it and it's int15 mana10. not bad, not bad at all. in comparison, staff of gabstik is int15 mana25, which is the next staff you will likely put in your hands in your upper 40s/50s.

- you need to practice 1hb as it's the style of your Epic. getting a couple hits on turned mobs is easy to do with this. However, Melee should NEVER be a focus of wizards, as their primary reason for existence is to destroy with spells and then evac like the wind!

- For a relatively easy quest (ya don't have to gather raid force to kill moogoogaipan) it yields a decent item that will be, if nothing else, cool to say you did.

- it's a fun quest to do. You get to see lot's of lands that you may have never gone to before.

enjoy it! Smiley: yippee
# Apr 08 2003 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
I have checked out some of the post here about the staff,and some have flamed the staff for its huge dly.Well at this lvl not only do you want to stay away from all mobs as a meelay but you probly want to put distance between you and the mob your killing so in short this IS NOT A WEAPON its a stat improving hand held item and if all you have to do is port here and there and pick up the rods (with the exception of the guk rod)and your gonna get a ONE hand 10int item, AND you dont do it YOUR NUTS! With that said took my frogie wizz and got 8 of the rods in about 3 hrs gonna do the last 2 tonight also frogs have natural swimming abilities and longer enduring breath so this quest is a piece of cake for them.
RE: Weapon?
# Apr 09 2003 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Went last last night and got the other 2 rods and as expected Guk was hard but not too hard as i have 2 accounts took my 54 warrior and the frogie and had the help of a lvl 52 druid budd we cleaned the place like motel 6 after saturday night got my guk rod and am now enjoying a 10int item!
this is.......
# Mar 29 2003 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
this is a crap weapon 100 delay and 10 dmgits not worth it at lvl 10 even the the quest sez not obtainable till lvl 35.

Faern 4 lvl wiz. maelin starpyre
Arlea 20th lvl rogue. erollisi marr

RE: this is.......
# Sep 12 2003 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
387 posts
Pls, I mean, even at lvl 4 with your wiz you should know INT is more important then the ratio. I mean hello?
RE: this is.......
# Sep 08 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
At level four he would be getting about 4 mana from 5 int on this, for a total of 14 int. that is useful for about two spells, I would rather use a dagger* because the damage I could do with that at level four would be more than what I would do in the time it takes to regen 14 mana standing assuming you are fairly constantly fighting like you do at level four.
RE: this is.......
# Jul 27 2003 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
wizzies will never use ANY weapon. if they do, they are misplaying the class and need to rethink. (unless of course the weapon had like a 50 dam to 10 delay ratio--crazy, i know--then the wiz would use it cuz it would make them an uber tank). but we all know that NO weapon exists that would cause a wiz to bypass spells to melee. they don't make weaps like that for wizzies. in conclusion, yes, bad dam to delay ratio, but the wiz will NEVER swing it. and what fool wouldn't want 10 int and 10 mana sitting on their 1hb.
RE: this is.......
# Mar 30 2003 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, it's a very crappy weapon. Therefore I strongly suggest you don't use it as such, but turn it in to Sulgar in Everfrost, like the Tarton's Wheel quest says....
RE: this is.......
# Sep 12 2003 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
387 posts
Helloo mr cadfy? read imakes very carefully
RE: this is.......
# Jun 11 2003 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
It totally depends on what "resources" your wizzy has. If you have several higher level characters that can supply your wizzy with endless plat and great twinks, sure there are tons of better items.

However, if you either don't twink, or are new to the game, its almost a no brainer to get this item. The +10 int is great, and allows you to not worry so much about int on other gear. The staff and the easy to get Beginners Magic Manual are both decent items for cash poor mid - low level Wizzards.

Furthermore, the runes you get from turning in the staff also drop off of mobs, and commonly sell in the bazaar for 10pp or less (the spell Ice Commet itself sells for 25pp or less) on bristlebane.
16-17 Wizzy can do this
# Mar 17 2003 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
I promise i did this.

At lvl 16 i found this possible with a few other people's Help. The hardest Part is LGuk as you could imagine all you have to do it get a High lvl person (55+) who knows LGuk well (many high lvl people do. They will know where the hand is then get them to kill the hand you go up with invis undead on and pick up the rod its right next to where the Hand Spawns then get down into the water and Gate out. Al the other one's i did on my own apart from Everfrost where i was told there was a nasty Undead thing so i brought a few people along the Ice bone skele's were Dark blue to me but there were 4 so i advise a 24+ coming with u.

17 Wizzy - Portian
36 Shaman - Fearclaw
23 Monk - Imamonk
32 Enchanter - Sinarea

Edited, Mon Mar 17 14:14:36 2003
What does this staff look like?
# Mar 04 2003 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
Does anyone have any pictures of what this staff looks like on a character? Post some if ya have them!
RE: What does this staff look like?
# Jun 01 2003 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Pretty average looking staff really.
# Feb 07 2003 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
On the Beza rod (everfrost) may i recommend getting invis vs. undead, there is a nasty lich wandering the cave that was very red to me at lvl 41.

For Caza (lake rathe) the tunnel isnt under the diving board, it's under the island east of the diving board. hope this helps u find it. the walkthrough below was otherwise grand. thx for that!

Edited, Fri Feb 7 05:00:26 2003
RE: correction
# Dec 08 2003 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
That lich? He's a 'chanter epic mob. Kinda' like the crazy monkey on Kunark. Not fun, and certainly nothing to solo. Good thing you avoided it.
my experience
# Dec 24 2002 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
I did this as a 34 Dark Elf on Karana. First I printed out all the maps and then.....

I got 8 water stones from a magician player in plane of knowledge (no rent items). With all these assume enduring breathe from the water stones and Invisibility.

Sulgar can be found in everfrost at 3029, -2395, I con'd him first to make sure I could do the hand in for the quest. Fine and his friends as well. Don't get the Wheel case yet, its no rent anyway.

Because I am a Dark Elf I run around with invisible a lot, it really hepled, I advise you to do the same.

The Rods:
[Azia]. Eruds crossing, Go from Queynos, not Erudin, if you stand at the end of the pier and reappear, nothing aggros you. The sharks around the zombie boat have gone. The rod is at neg 1162, pos 2340

[Beza] Finding the hole was the hard bit, they are marked on the allakhazam map as smnall blobs on the river, stick to the right all the way once you get into the caverns. There are deepwater divers (green I think), but I went Invis as always. Its quite a long way to the house where the rod, is but the dark boned skeletons have been downgraded to ice boned skeletons, a smidge over 1 nuke takes them out, so not much threat.

[Caza] Lake rath. Is this a long way, defintly have Invis here, you can pick up the rod without it dropping, so find the entrance under the island with the diving board, go to the top of the underwater tower pick it up, put a bit of distance between you and the tower and gate out. The tower has some tough deepwater goblins in it, these and the reanimated hand were the only things not green to me. But then they never saw me. way to go Invis.

[Dena] Dagnors cauldron, no problems just go and get it, its at neg 890, neg 740.

[Ena] Lower Guk, this was both the hardest and the easiest, I was waiting for a guildie to turn up wondering if today WAS a good day to die, when a 64 magician turns up. I dont know if my guild mate met him first or he was going anyway, but after we zoned in he went to the reanimated hand room, up to the rod room and using call of heroes bingo I was there. As easy as that. Lots of thanks oh mighty magician, I owe you one.

[Fana]Oasis of Marr, again Invis and enduring breathe are your friends, go in pick up the rod, its in the underwater tower on the top floor. Then leave, simple as that.

[Geza] Highhold pass, dead easy, go to the Tiger Roar Inn, dive in near the water fall get the rod. I am ok here, but Invis works here as well.

[Heda] Qeynos Aqueducts, you are going to need a map for this one, I cast Invis (what didnt you have invis on already, well yes actually I did) entered through the secret entrance in the outside walls to the left of the main entrance. Then walked there, jump in the pool get the rod, gate out. Everything green again.

[Izah] Neriak, My home town. However for those who it is not, its in Neriak commons, for all you good guys Invis is a must. Its in the pool outside the window to the blind fish basement. You can either dive for it or enter the blind fish, go downstairs and pick it up through the glass.

[Jaka] Unrest obviously do this at the same time as dagnors cauldron, its in the pool to the right of the mansion. jump in, there is a partition/short tunnel on the far right, go in and then up, there is a dry ledge, the rod is on the ledge.

And finally run back to everfrost, find Sulgar, chat to him until you get the wheel case, fill it and combine, bingo one nice staff and another thing you will never use. Don't use the case for storage its no rent, and dont give him the rod, he will give you the runes for ice comet (go buy it in the bazaar)

I used 7 out of my 8 water stones doing this quest, it took a little over 5 hours, except I already had the neriak rod, and the reanimated hand room rod.

Have fun, excellent staff.

34 Dark Elf Wizard
Getting this
# Nov 19 2002 at 7:22 AM Rating: Default
could i probably get this at 21-24 area with some guild help in guk? guild is mostly 50+
RE: Getting this
# Jan 27 2003 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
658 posts
Sure. A few 50+ friends can probably get to the Hand room and clear it with little problem - it's a bit risky due to green aggro, but very doable. Remember that there are both undead and non-undead along the way, so neither Invis nor Invis to Undead will work against everything.

The easiest way to proceed at that point is for a mage to summon you to the room with Call of the Hero, and then gate out. In fact, this is so easy it's almost cheating. ;-)
Just got staff
# Oct 27 2002 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
I would say all the rods were fairly easy to acquire except the Lower Guk reanimated hand room. I had never been in Lower Guk before. If you know how to get there more power to you, but if not try an /ooc. I /ooc'd "does anyone know where the reanimated hand room is?", and luckily a group came and picked me up and took me near the room. They even cleared the room for me.

The other place where help is needed is Lake Rath. What I did was set my bind in Lake Rath, evac to nexus, got a druid to enduring breath me, gated back and got the rod.

The rod in Everfrost plains is in the cave. The entrance is under water. You get into the water by finding holes in the ice. It may seem like you need enduring breath but you don't (if you find a hole in the ice close to the ent), because right after you enter the cave you swim upwards getting out of the water.

The Quenos aqua ducts one was pretty difficult until I realized that if I went to Crow's Tavern in North Quenos, there is a secret wall to enter into the Rogue Guild. There will be lots of holes to fall through into pits below, and one of them is to the "shark pit" where you will find one of the rods.

The last rod which was a little tough to figure out how to aquire was the one in Neriak. I created a dark elf to scout out the zone, since my wizzy gnome is KOS. You will need to evac to Nektulos Forest, from the wizzy spire face the wall and head left on it. Before you enter Invis yourself. This is the Neriak Foreign Quarter Zone, through this you will find the Neriak Commons Zone. Luckily, when you enter into Neriak Commons there is a river right in front of you. Jump in, and swim until you see 4 windows in the water. In front of those windows lies the rod.

I hope this helps!!

31 Wizard of Druzzil Ro

Edited, Wed Mar 12 19:27:49 2003
staff of the wheel
# Sep 14 2002 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
My wife waited until level 46 to do this quest with a shammie friend. She had maxxed out on her 2hb with staff of the water walker which came in handy to do this quest. She decided it was time to change not only so she could put more int in the other hand but also so she could max her 1hb before she trys for her epic. And i must say it is nice having both for her she can use both depending on the circumstances. I would suggest any wizards train in both for maximum advantages of using different staffs. There are int advantages with the 1hb but enduring breath and other wonderful needs on alot of 2hb weapons. Never limit yourself to any one practice and have fun if you haven't done the quest yet....that's what this is all about. <beams a smile>

Not Either Melee
# Jul 12 2002 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
The staff is PRIMARY not 'Either Melee'.
RE: Not Either Melee
# Aug 29 2002 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
Actually it's either. BUT big but. You have to dual weild to place in second hand, and since wizards do not dual weild.....A change later could place it in the off hand say if warrior or monk was added or som AA ablity allows wizzy's to dual weild.
# Jun 27 2002 at 12:46 AM Rating: Excellent
i just got the staff and i must say that all of it was easy except lguk.i got 9/10 of the rods in one day and only needed someones help for guk,so i had a level 60 paladin help me to room and kill the hand.i wouldnt suggest any person without enough money to buy invis/EB/and IVU potions to try this quest.

~level 9 wizard of Karana
Quest guide
# Apr 18 2002 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
First, I ported to GFay, then ran to Dagnor's Cauldron. The rod here is at the loc neg 890, neg 740, in front and to the left of the entrance to kedge keep, underwater. The easiest way to get here is to invisible and levitated till you find the coordinates then go down and get it.

Second, I went into Unrest which is off Dagnor's Cauldron. There is a small waterway on the right hand side of the zone. swim on the right hand side of the water. you will see 2 tunnels. take the smaller one on the right hand side. you have to swim in, swim up, then swim in some more. it's laying there on the bottom. As soon as I had this piece, I gated to West Commons.

Third, I ran invisible to Neriak, and went in. Unless you are Dark Elf, you have to do this quickly before your invisibility wears off. The rod is in the second zone inside Neriak, Neriak commons. After you run past the priest of discord, you will go through a gate, and onto a bridge. Jump over the left hand side of the bridge, and into the water under the bridge. The rod is on the ground in front of the windows. Then I immediately gated to N. Ro.

Fourth, I ran to oasis, and got a druid friend to help me. Before I did anything else, I bound myself at the dock area. Now, if you have levitate on, and you get in the water and page up/page down just right you will be able to see clearly underwater. I had my druid friend put on his wolf form, and get close enough to cast a DD spell on the goblins in the top of the tower (the tower is an exact replica of the spec tower) Pulling the deepwater gobs in the top of the tower does not pull the ones on the bottom. Once he had pulled them, he ran like mad for the S. Ro zone. Once the gobs were out of the way, I swam down, grabbed the rod, and gated.
EDIT: This is now South Ro, and it is at the base of the tower

Fifth, I went to lower guk. If you don't know the way, shout at the entrance to upper Guk, and more than likely someone will be willing to show you the way. Once you get to lower Guk, you need to have someone cast invisibility vs. Undead on you. Hopefully, the hand room will be camped (it usually is) I had to have someone show me how to get there cause I had never been there before. The rod is in the upper part of the room, on the right. If your video settings aren't right, the rod may blend in with the floor, and you will have a hard time seeing it. once you have that rod, gate out to North Karana.

Sixth, I went to Highhold pass. The rod there is in the water underneath the waterfall by the Tiger's Roar Inn. (after zone update, it is off the back porch of the inn)

Seventh, to save a little time I ported BACK to North Karana, and ran to lake Rather. Once in Lake Rathe (you will need a potion to enable you to breathe underwater. I found mine in west Freeport at Torlig's Herbs and Medicines. I can't remember which one it was, but you can right click on them to find out) go to the island directly across from the entrance, it has a large tower on it, known as the flame tower or the diving board. Underneath this island are 2 tunnel entrances. In the middle, under the island, is a tower that looks exactly like the spec and DW Gob towers in oasis. The rod is in the top of the tower on the floor. Now, I don't know if I got lucky or what, but only one of the DW Gobs that were there were ready to attack, and it was one of the ones on the bottom of the tower. So I grabbed the rod and gated to Tox forest.

Eighth, I ran/took the boat to Erud's crossing. Once there, I ran around the island till I could see the mast of a sunken boat. I cast levitate on myself, and did the swim/bob trick again till I got approximately to the coordinates of the rod (neg 1162, pos 2340) and dived for it. apparently, Verant took out the sharks (Edit March 2016, the shark is back!), so there is no problem getting this rod, aside from the zombies on the ship, which were green to me, but still attacked me. Killed them easily. I then got back on the boat, and headed for Quenos.

Ninth, once I was in Quenos, I went to the Aqueducts. I had to have someone show me the way, because I had only been there once before, and there are things in there that are still red to me at 31. The rod here is in the middle of the shark pit. The shark was green to me at 31 and did not attack me. Once I had that piece, I hightailed it for Everfrost Peaks.

Tenth, Once in Everfrost, I went to the river. It's a long underwater swim, so once again, you need the underwater potion. First of all, I had to find the one hole in the ice, which is at pos 2420, neg 4060. I stayed on the west hand side of the river, since it forks. Once I was out of the water, and into the caves, I hugged the right hand wall till I found a building. Inside this building are 3 Icebone skeletons, which were green but still attacked. Got rid of them easily, and ran out of the caves, swam back for the hole, and the ran to Sulgar. I'm not sure of his loc, but he stands nearby 2 barbarians, and he is wearing a white robe. I asked him "what is Tarton Wheel" and followed the dialogue from there. Note that if you hail him, he talks about Tarton's Wheel, and this will do nothing. you have to leave off the 's. Once I got the box from him, I put all the pieces of the rod in it, hit combine, and BOOM! I had the staff.

DO NOT do this part of the quest first since the box is no rent. Once you have the staff, you can keep it, as I did, or you can turn it back into him for the runes needed for the level 49 Wizard spell, Ice Comet.

If you need the runes for Ice Comet, make sure your research is very high, as you can still fail on combining them in your lexicon, and you don't want to have to do the quest again ::grin:: it was hard enough the first time.

This whole quest took me about 5 hours of playing time. It's not too hard in retrospect, although it can look daunting at first. Good Luck!

Edited, Mar 24th 2016 5:28pm by CalandriaIncendre

Edited, Jun 9th 2021 5:23pm by CalandriaIncendre
# Nov 07 2001 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
the rod in neriak can be picked up from behind the glass in the bar. no need to swim
# Oct 30 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
guk is the hardest of the rods to get, but here is how I did it, and it worked pretty well. I had a friend start a necro (gets invis vs. undead at lvl 1) and work his way to the swamp. Bind him in grobb and yourself outside guk. I invis'd us and we ran to guk via the underwater passage. He did invis vs. undead to us, and we ran to the hand room. No need for a high lvl character to help you with this one. Have the necro jump in to distract them by taking a hit to die. Jump in right after he starts to distract them (there isn't much time to do this). Grab the rod and jump back to the water. Of course I died, but I had the rod on my corpse. Get back the same way, do a /corpse, and your golden. Check off Ena from your list.
RE: guk
# Nov 26 2001 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Some notes on Guk and the Day time it took to get everything..

Beware... there are two rods that look exactly the same in guk.... one is a scpeter and the other is a rod... of course you want the rod.., but i didnt pay attention and went to the place where i remember seeing a rod like object and picked it up then went on to the next one... Dont be fooled like I was , grab a map and look for the hand room(it is in a long maze like area in guk, its not the room with the waterfall..)

Also.. the rod in the cauldron was the hardest to find.. I spent 2 hours looking for it without enduring breath... I was releaved to find it at location: negative 890, negative 740 or so.

Its pretty dark in that area if you dont have a lightsource, grab one if you dont have one on ya..

Well all said and doen those were the hardest two.. I still managed to die 3 times in lower guk to the live frogs because I was stupid and killed them for fun once...

Well I am a rogue, so I cant use the staff, but I love my new star of eyes.. it can be used from inventory without being a wizard or a class that can be a wizard. Instant cast, so no annoying cast message, oh its so cool!, Wish the staff could have gone to good use, im probably the only one who has destroyed one. I plan on helping our guilds wizard get his staff sometime, ill have good live froggie faction by then I hope.. it makes it so much easier..

Good luck all.
RE: guk
# Jan 26 2002 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
hmm ... anyone ever notice what happens when you look at your inventory under water?
RE: guk
# Mar 14 2002 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
198 posts
I checked my inventory in windowed mode last time I went swimming, not the same as in fullscreen mode, yea Alikaar I noticed that too.
My fun
# Oct 20 2001 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
I started this quest a few weeks ago, I was a yellow into 24. I will put this in order as how i did it but leave the numbers the same for a reference in hope that it helps

(7) [Geza] Highhold Pass in the water near the waterfall closest to the Tiger Inn. There are 2 waterfalls there. The rod is in front of the one closest to the inn;

This is the first one I did just have sow and invis run in jump in the water at the loc and look in the corner there it is. 1 down 9 to go

(8) [Heda] Qeynos Aqueducts, in the shark pit;

Number 2 Just invis and run in. You will need a map I entered thru the hidden entrance in North Quenos. Print a map and follow it to the pit. The orge was up when i got there and i just clicked on the rod and picked it up without getting into the water.

(1) [azia] On the ocean floor in Eruds Crossing past the zombie boat where the zombie sailors hang out. (location - neg 1162, pos 2340);

Number 3 I would suggest getting enduring breath for this one. For when you swim down you get drift away from the loc you started from. I finally found the rod after several attempts then died 1 second from the surface by drowning. One death and a stupid one at that. (3 hour corpse run because i was looking for my corpse on the floor when it was suspended in the water above me and just out of sight)

(9) [Izah] Neriak in the water in front of
the bar called "the blind fish". The bar has 4 glass windows that are underwater, and the rod spawns right in front of those windows;

Just gated to the closes gate invised ran north to entrance to zone ran in and jumped. Invis ran out but i just hid in a corner in the water recast and went swimming again. One note the windows are under water, i was looking for them above water.

(3) [caza] Lake Rath. Underneath the first island you see is an underwater tunnel leading to a stone tower. Its on the top floor of the tower. (You need enduring breath
for this one);

This was easy zone in swim strait out to island. when you see the platform with the avicks on them go to the other side of the island and with invis and enduring breath swim in the tunnel. I have seen post that you need wolf form to do this or other parts of this quest or you will fail. Don't listen to that never used wolf form got the rod with no death here.

(6) [Fana] Oasis of Marr in the underwater tower next to the above ground tower, on the top floor;

More swimming and alas another invis too, get enduring breath for this one too after my death getting the 3rd rod i did not take any more chances more than nessessary

(4) [Dena] Dagnor's cauldron, right outside the entrance to Kedge Keep. If you face with your back to Kedge, it is directly diagagonal left, in a corner - or you can swim straight out and down from Unrest;

I used levate here and went to the the cords and went down looked for it and there it was. Was going to go get the next one but invis ran out on the way up so i zone back to bb ran to the bank and came back to do the next

(10) [Jaka] Unrest in the water outside the right side of the house near where the the gnome speulunker is. Instead of going into the tunnel that leads to him, you go a little right of that entrance and there's a very short passage where you can find the rod.

Remember to swim up for this one it is on a ledge that while still under water is not down in the deep part. It is hidden in the corner with skellies swimming around as were other stuff. Nothing agro on me I just went in follow the wall to the right till i hit a building that i could not run behind then went around that building giving every mob a wide berth as i did not have invis to undead but did have regular invis then jumped in the water and swam to the cords then gated out on the ledge.

Then I took a break and went back to lake of ill omen for a 2 weeks and gained 5 lvls and started the last 2 rods 3 yellows into 29. All the ones above this i did with only food and a summoned light source so if i died I did not need to worry about corpse retrival

(2) [beza] In the underwater cave in the Everfrost plains. It is in the "house" all the way back and right in the cave, where 3 dry bones guard it in the center of the room;

Get enduring breath as this is a long swim to the cave. I did not use invis here and was not agro by anything in the water. once i was above water i cast invis for the bear and hugged the wall to the right until i found the rod hut. I only got agro by a ice bone skellie in the tunnel to hut once and quickly nuked him. The rod is in the hut and the 3 skellies are now all INSIDE the hut. Seeing that i medded up in a corner behind the hut and then went to the front door and slowly moved in and with each step tryed to pick up the rod. Got the rod without any agro from the 3 skellis inside the hut. back out quick ran to edge and gated out 9 down and 1 to go.

(5) [Ena] Lower Guk in the Reanimated hand room. This one is the only one you need a group for, unless you're brave and kamakazi it. Warning, the floor is the same color as the rod in this room and it makes it very hard to find with the hand and the dar beating on you;

I waited a day or two until friday after doing rod 9 for this one I even went to ec and then gated back to ef for mammoth hunting. Well when the hunting got bad i started my long journey to Guk at 9:30pm yesterday a friday. I gated to North ro and with sow and invis a ran all the way south to guk.

Upper guk was easy and took the same path i saw someone recently posted here via the ancient crocs to the undead side. A bit of warning when you zone in to lower via the water this route you will be under water. do not freak out like i did and just swim forward. It not a long swim so you do not need enduring breath. I got to a ledge by the bedroom and someone that was running from the lower side live pulled an undead and died ( i know cause i saw his corpse later when i started swiming again) once he was dead the ghoul came and pounded me to death (2nd death). got a rivive from someone in the bedroom and poof i was back binded myself on the same spot after looting my corpse and waited until the bedroom was under control went to the bedroom got a invis to undead ran down the hall past the ice bones (greater) and jumped down to the lower part (just past the icebone you come to a room go to the left and jump, yes take the damage for me it was 45hp)
then head north watch out for the pits stay in the center. i saw a post on another site that said stay out of the center i did and fell into the pit. But all is not lost after deciding not to gate back and seeing no undead down there which was good cause the invis to undead had wore off now i found a ladder and climbed back up. try to continue north and saw an aminated hand cast a spell and knew i was close saw another undead north of me did a loc and relized that the pit had taken me north of the hand room so moved back south and found hand passage bound my self right before the hand room and while the spell was being cast the hand and undead mob was pulled out not good. was able to focus enough to finish the bind and was bound right where i was going to die. At first i thought great i was going to be in a death loop but the puller pulled the 2 mobs out or the hall and when i came back i had an empty hand room ran to room swam up ran around found rod picked it up ran back into water ran to courpse looted and gated out woo woo woo woo

Forgive a spelling errors. Some notes use invis everywhere have sow and get enduring breath whenever you go into the water the extra time will reduce the stress of finding the rods if you don't have to worry about breathing. I did the first 8 naked the last 2 fully dressed. I never had wolf form and i bound myself on dry land at almost every site after the eurdin crossing death

My only question now is how do i use the Star of Eyes

Dragnor Caldron
# Oct 08 2001 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone seen this rod lately? I have looked everywhere around the stupid entrance and cannot find it ANYWHERE. Is it still here?
RE: Dragnor Caldron
# Dec 01 2001 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
The loc of the Dragnor Cauldron rod is around neg890, neg750. Just cast levitate on yourself, float over the water to the loc, and dive. You may get a little off of the loc while diving, but just look around and it'll be there on the lake floor. I didn't see any mobs, but I went invis anyways just to be safe =)

Behomara Starstealer
31 High Elf Wizard
RE: Dragnor Caldron
# Nov 25 2001 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
i cant find the stupid thing either.. if i find it ill post a loc..
the guk piece
# Aug 31 2001 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
that is definitly the most the room, you have mobs that see both invs and itu...i died twice getting that piece, but it was my last piece and it was worth it once i got that staff

Lake Rathetear rod..
# Aug 31 2001 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
Hey- the Guk portion was indeed the hardest (I ended up having to wait all day before a helpful Necro zoned in and guided me to the rod and helped me get it- including a corpse drag to my bind at the zone point). BUT- the Lake Rathetear portion is tough also. Finding the underwater cave was fairly easy, but took a bit of looking around underwater. Once in, it's a loooong, DARK swim to get to the Goblin Tower. I highly recommend swimming in the center of the tunnel, as if you miss the tower, you can swim right past it, or, aggro the goblins before you really even know its there. Enduring Breath is a must! I was under for around 10 mins, with swim to the tower, then exploring the tower to see where the rod piece was. Luckily, I saw it, and was able to crawl forward enough to add it to my inventory without the Gobbies aggroing. Then I swam to a nearby wall area (all of this is underwater, BTW), and gated out. To the bank to get the rest of the pieces, then off to Everfrost, found Sulgar, and got my Staff! WOOT! +10 Int!! Thanks to my fellow guild mates who assisted me along the way, and thanks to that Necro for his assistance in Guk!!
Lake Rathetear rod..
# Aug 31 2001 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Hey- the Guk portion was indeed the hardest (I ended up having to wait all day before a helpful Necro zoned in and guided me to the rod and helped me get it- including a corpse drag to my bind at the zone point). BUT- the Lake Rathetear portion is tough also. Finding the underwater cave was fairly easy, but took a bit of looking around underwater. Once in, it's a loooong, DARK swim to get to the Goblin Tower. I highly recommend swimming in the center of the tunnel, as if you miss the tower, you can swim right past it, or, aggro the goblins before you really even know its there. Enduring Breath is a must! I was under for around 10 mins, with swim to the tower, then exploring the tower to see where the rod piece was. Luckily, I saw it, and was able to crawl forward enough to add it to my inventory without the Gobbies aggroing. Then I swam to a nearby wall area (all of this is underwater, BTW), and gated out. To the bank to get the rest of the pieces, then off to Everfrost, found Sulgar, and got my Staff! WOOT! +10 Int!! Thanks to my fellow guild mates who assisted me along the way, and thanks to that Necro for his assistance in Guk!!
My View of the Staff
# Aug 16 2001 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
OK everyone this is how I completed my Staff of the Wheel quest in little less than 5 hrs. Ok my first stop was in Erud's crossing where I ported myself to Toxx and then jumped on the boat to Qeynos when I got to erud's Xing I jumped off the boat and swam to the island where I relocated myself and found the boat and lined myself up with the coordinates then i invised myself in case of sharks and swam over boat and straight down till I got to the 2nd coordinate and Bamm... 1 rod down 9 to go so i said well hell I am in the general vicinity of 2 more so I jumped on boat to erudin again and stayed till I got to Qeynos. I went to north qeynos and used secret ent near gates and ran mylself down into the sewers where I locate the shark pit and grabbed the rod out and ran back out...2 down 8 to go. Oh yeah and invis worked on most all these rod retrievals. So then I ran myself to everfrost where I had a shm cast endure breath on me and I swam to cave underwater. This one is kinda hard cause you gotta keep your eyes out for the Lich of Miragul he has a pet so shouldn't be too hard to spot just make sure you target every skele you see and be careful cause Ice bone skeles see thru your invis ad will break it. The rod is located in the very back ina house looking like an erudite shack I just nuked all the skeles went in and grabbed the rod and gated... Boom 3 rods down I put the rods in the bank and went to my next rods. I then gated myself to Gfay had a shm sow me and I ran to dagnor's cauldron. When there I located the Unrest zone and ran in. I once again invised ran to the right and stayed there till I saw a pool of water I jumped in and faced south where I saw a tunnel leading underwater and swam to the back where I located the rod grabbed it and ran back outta unrest to dagnor's cauldron. Then I swam straight out and down and Boom located the 5th rod all right....gated myself again and put the other rods in bank. Now I headed to Lake Rathe. I had a druid cast wolf form on me then had shm cst endure breath and I swam to first island I saw and located the tunnel and swam all the way to the tower and rod is sitting on top of tower...boom 6. Then I gated myself to North Ro where I ran to Oasis and asked another druid to cast wolf form on me and I swam to tower underwater and located the 7th rod. LOL ok now here is why I was ONE HOUR TILL SERVERS COME DOWN FOR PATCH! Great got go faster I thought. So then i gated to WC and ran into kithicor not caring weither it was night or day and luckily had sow so just avoided all spawns and ran into Highkeep where I located the waterfall next to the inn and grabbed and gated myself to Nektulos forest. I invised myself ran into neriak and thru commons and swam into water and picked up my 9th rod. Woot Well now I had about 45 mins so what do I do? GO FOR IT OF COURSE! i gated quickly to North Ro again and had sow on so ran thru Oasis South Ro into innothule swamp and into Upper Guk. I invised myself and ran thru Upper to lower guk dead side and asked quickly for a cleric to cast invis vs undead on me and shouted if anyone ws campin Animated hand Room. LOL TALK ABOUT LUCK they were. So I ran myself to the hand room and they pulled the spawns outwhere I then grabbed the rod and gated likea girl...LOL WOOT!!! all 10 now what? WELLL 15 MINS TILL SERVERS COME DOWN FIND A SAFE PLACE TO LOG OUT!!!! ha! i wasn't about to let a patch stop me so I was bound in Halas bank I grabbed the rods Ran out into tundra located Sulgar and said "What Tarton Wheel" "I am interested" and "Give me the wheel case" I combined the rods got the staff handed him the case got the star of eyes gated myself put staff in slot and logged out now reaping my rewards with my 10 int 10 hp and 10 mana WOOT! i hope this helps ppl out!

Teleporting Chronotrigger
31 Erudite Wizard
Great Staff
# Jun 15 2001 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
I think this is a great the time you get it you won't need to melee anywayz...I was hoping to get a staff with a skull on it...that's so cool.
16th Wizard
Of Tunare Server
(Brethren of the Icewolves)
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