This is not just for Instant Heals. I got one yesterday and I am a Pally. It worked on all of my heals including Group Heals, HoP and LoH. The only one it did not work on was the HoT spell. Not sure if its a bug or they changed it.... But it is not for just instant spells. Just an FYI :)
Cielo De'fuego 65th Paladin of Tunare Glorys Path - Bertox
hmmm well IMO the healing focus is completely useless......instant casts only? if anyone had instant cast heals they would probably either have a certain # of charges or be a gm event item....
Posted:Jun 18 2004 at 12:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Had to vote excellent to keep this guys post around, this guys so stupid everyone needs to see it
Posted:Jun 08 2004 at 7:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Insta cast heals only? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg thank you for making me laugh my *** off. Ellz ty so much for that one.
Instant heals = the opposite of heal over time. Try looking at the spell descriptions on Lucy. Most spells have duration = instant. It's not about cast time, but about the time the spell 'works'
Don't forget Rangers too.. We get no Healing focus on any gear at all.. not even Impr HEal 4 which Pallies get on arms (common) which means only 5% increase. Rangers are the only class with the means to help heal others that don't get a focus.. And can make a difference occasionally 8)This could mean approximately a 1300HP heal with AA's maxed crit..
Bah... changing this post. Learned inproved healing line of focus do no work with necro/SK life taps... It makes no sense to me why it wont improve the healing of life taps. (After all we can even get crit heals on our life taps, but not improved healing?)
This item is pretty nice however for pet classes for use with there pet heals... seeing as there isn't many all/all improve healing type focus items, this would give them a chance to get such an effect. Also healers (shammy/druid/cleric) have this same focus on there elemental sleves anyways.
Nope, you are right. Will improve dmg but not the heal. Got a ranger that uses a couple of lifetap proc weaps, and has improved heal and improved dmg aa... both effects work separately.
sadly, IH or Any healing Focus effect item doesnt work on the heal % of a Lifetap...This is what I have beentold and tried myself with low lvl spells With IH1 items bought in the bazaar
this is clearly a pally ring. and i'm a mage saying it. abit low on the ac, but this is the only pally usable item with this effect if i'm not mistaken.
This was impossible awhile back but is not now. We saw them start to change this back when the Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Shawl #8) was changed to Flowing Thought III AND the focus effect.
Ihnanna Stormfury 65 Archon of Karana Harmony of Souls ~Prexus Server~