I was curious whats the going price for these? I have most of the items for it. Would love to sell these. They really are not that bad. IMO I'll take Ac over the the 4wis at my lvl(51). I have 220wis now.
...really... Nrewfin is right. I would consider this "ghetto" cleric gear... unless it looks REALLY kewl on - but clerics usually get goofy colours... I know I for one hated my EM "Barney" suit, haven't needed to pull it out for any CR's (yet)... ;-)
I have to disagree. At the level that you are able to get EM armor, 4 wis shouldn't make much of a difference in your casting abilities, and there are so many very nice wisdom items out there...just to list a few, Shield of Bane Warding, (20wis) Acrylia Studded Cloak (10wis), and also we are getting closer and closer to our epic, that a 4 wis arm peice isn't a very big deal. I know from my character, I am low on resists still, and the MR on EM arms and fighting in zones where mobs AE with magic based spells quite frequently, such as Sebilis, the 7MR is a valuable asset to keep you medding instead of being interupted and injured from these spells.
the arms almost seem to be the best piece of this set. Its not to easy to find wis sleeves. Even hate armor sleeves lack wisdom. Pretty decent ill say.
these are ok. But if yer a dwarf cleric by the time you waste doing this you could have made you imbued culture armor. personally i think its some of the best armor for mid range clerics. a full suit will cap all yer stats almost it adds 59str 70sta 41wis 36 to magic resist 36 to fire resist its nice for mid lvl clerics and it trivials at 209skill. so far the bp hasnt trivialed for me. and on MT the stuff sells for around 3k per piece cept the BP it goes for 7k. with a prexus totem in range kedge totem in secondary and a centi for my hammer cuz i like to melee always will when i can i easily got my wisdom up to 240 almost 250 no quite i still need to upgrade to 7wis rings and a new necklace