a giant heart spider  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

  • Respawn Timer: 13 minutes

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2018-06-15 21:22:18.

Level: 18
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-02-06 00:02:02

Known Habitats:
  Upper Guk

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TLP timer
# Jun 09 2018 at 1:42 AM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
On Agnarr I have these clocked at approximately 13 minute respawn while working hunter achievement.

a giant heart spider does appear to result in either a heart spider, a large heart spider, or the named. Nothing special to update other than the slightly faster respawns.
spider cycle
# Jul 16 2003 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
The regular spiders are on a 16.5 minute cycle. the giant spider spawn is totally random. the large spider always spawns if the giant one doesn't spawn.
# May 05 2003 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
I've camped this unbelievably boring room for 5+ hours now, and only seen an occasional large heart spider. Not a single giant. I'm beginning to think someone's yanking my chain about this thing. On the other hand, I've probably farmed enough silk in the process to buy several shields. I suppose I should just give up and head to the Bazaar, but the longer it takes the more stubborn I get about wanting to get one the 'real' way. Argh.
RE: Myth?
# May 08 2003 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Was just in there last night. Camped for 30min, Giant Heart Spider spawned, killed it and got the armor. I may go back to camp for the shield.
Random means Random.....
# Jan 28 2003 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
On my 1st occasion there, right after a server problem, there was no one there. I saw Giant and killed it easy.....shield+silks, venom and jewel. I went to other end for Ancient Croc[again no one on due to server]and no luck. By the time i got back there was another Giant Spider with my second shield and some silks. I rated RANDOM as a 5.....
Chitin Shell Armor
# Dec 17 2002 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
After 15 hours and 9 Giant Heart Spiders, the Chitin Shell Armor finally dropped for me. The first 8 spawns all dropped the Shield. At level 28 I had no problems with adds, while the large heart spider conned from green to dark blue. This was my experience, hope it helps...

They seem to gang
# May 17 2002 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
I thought someone posted that they stoped ganging up if you were above about lvl 25. They don't. I was killing the normally Heart Spiders, they con green and go social and gang up on me. I am lvl 27 so i thought they wouldn't. Its bad enough i had about 5 on me when some bad *** Froggies showed up and i lost my pet. Ran like hell beleive you me!

27th (and still drawing aggro) Iksar necro
RE: They seem to gang
# May 24 2002 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I think I know why they ganged up on ya. If you pet was REMOTELY blue to them, they aggroed you cause of him. My 38 Enchanter was rocking in there collecting silks one Tuesday's midnight ;) and no aggro. Just watch your pets and you should be ok.
# May 14 2002 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
Could i solo him with a 21 barbarian shaman
#Anonymous, Posted: May 14 2002 at 5:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Could i solo him with a 21 barbarian shaman
Spawn Time
# May 06 2002 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
This spawn is totally random. I spent 6 hours camping it yesterday and finally - it popped. It dropped the armor, not the shield. Sweet! Looks great on my Beastlord.
sounds day make....
# Dec 28 2001 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
man those sounds they make give me da creaps ..hehe
2 L, 1 G, 1 S, 1 G again
# Nov 12 2001 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
Im doing this in between camps cuz it gets kinda boring... hehe.... First thing id like to point out is that this spider requires a lvl 25 to camp successfully. Until than, mr. spiders around him get pissed off and can kill even a lvl 25 because of their strength, but at 25 they dont Assist anymore. Also i got 2 Giants in a relativly short time. The spawn is random, but its like many spawns you gotta get lucky because the randomation for these games seems to go in waves. I feel bad that someone waited so long and lost lvls from this guy... But one should really wait till lvl 25 to go for this slot. Thats my 2 cp
RE: 2 L, 1 G, 1 S, 1 G again
# Nov 12 2001 at 7:37 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm I take that back, the non-assist lvl could be lvl 24, since there are so many success stories... but still the lvl they put as 20 is wrong...
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 04 2001 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) MUSHROOM FACED ALIEN HEAD, MUSHROOMS MA MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 01 2001 at 10:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hate people who only write a message saying "I had no trouble getting this item" or "this is a cool item, and I'm cool, too." Shut up. Just shut up if you have nothing to say that will help other people find this item.
# Oct 27 2001 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
I'm angry, I've been sitting here for hours but nothing will spawn but the Large spiders and the small ones, I'm having enough trouble with them as it is. I've died three times and lost my level twice. I'm level twenty for the third time. :P The Giant Heart Spider has yet to show itself, but I have concluded that yes, it is random, but generally spawns every three-four large spider spawns, or so they say.
# Sep 07 2001 at 4:03 AM Rating: Good
ok i am reading so much bullsh here... its a 16 min spawn there is a chance on a regular, large and giant spider to spawn there. No trick to make it spawn only thing u need is LUCK. And for those of u saying its a 2 hour spawn, forget it. I have been there for 5 hours without any giant spider but i have seen him spawning 4 times in a row also. If u really want to know the 'system' behind the spawn, look the word 'RANDOM' up :oP
# Aug 03 2001 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hehe, I was in there today and got the Armor the first time. I was getting silks for a guildy and plvling a friend and the giant just happened to spawn and bang! there's a quick 88pp or so for me! sweeet!
spawns, drops, etc...
# Jul 31 2001 at 2:27 PM Rating: Excellent
198 posts
This giant is the one who drops the shield common and armor (breastplate) rare but the large is actually higher level. Depending on your level you will aggro some or all of the regular heart spiders when fighting either of these. I have been poisoned as high as level 40 before, although it's not a big threat at that level, so watch for the poison even on the green spiders. Root and/or snare are a must with these guys, low level players will get lots of adds if they don't and higher level players will have to chase them down as they will run pretty early in a fight with you. The shield is common and not LORE but it is also NOT MAGIC; this means that those of you with bash or slam skill will not be able to hit magic only creatures with it. The armor is a tunic for large races and IS LORE so if you manage to get the rare drop more than once you won't be able to loot it. The spawn on this spider OR the placeholder is the same as the rest of upper guk, 17 min or so if I remember right, and it is possible to have back to back giant spiders pop but not very likely. The giant seems to be a rare spawn, the large a common spawn and a regular heart spider also a common spawn, the spawn point for this is the middle of the room on the right as you come in from inno, this is the dead end room that's behind the gator's nook. There are 2 additional spawns in that room, 3 spawns in the room outside, another 3 spawns down in the next room and another 3 spawns down in the last room; of note the fear pathing for the spiders takes them from the dead end room through the entire section of heart spiders and then on to the scryer room so if you let them run be prepared.
SO easy
# Jul 21 2001 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
I went in as a lvl 24 monk and soloed this guy easily, dont know what the big fuss is about.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 21 2001 at 9:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I went in as a lvl 24 mnk and soloed this guy easily, i dont know what the big fuss is about.
# Jul 18 2001 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
I camped this thing for about 3 hours at lv 24 and got 3 spawns all shields at 24 i got about a full yellow bar of exp killing it and all the phs
# Jul 18 2001 at 7:48 AM Rating: Default
Yesterday i camped this thing for 45 mins with a few members of my guild, spawned 3 times and i looted the shield and armor. Hehe

19th Circle Druid
Child of Tunare
Soldiers of Center
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 21 2001 at 9:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) from what i'm told there is a trick to getting this punkass spider ******* to spawn.. unfortunately i have no idea what the trick is.. something to do with killing the spiders surrounding in a certain order.. :P if anyone knows.. it might be nice the info were shared.
Damn bug won't pop
# Jun 05 2001 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
I camped this thing for 4 and a half hours and it never showed up, just kept getting the damn large spider instead. 2 hour pop my a$$.
RE: Damn bug won't pop
# Jun 12 2001 at 5:24 AM Rating: Default
I did a three hour camp and he spawned twice. First time I went to room, then again on my third visit. Second, fourth, and fifth visit were large ones.
Giant Spider
# May 26 2001 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Umm Ive been sitting here killing heartstrings for 4hrs and not a single giant spawn.

I've been in uguk killing heartstrings for 4 rl days (not consecitively) and not one spawn.


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