You think you're big? did you know this guy was born in the great town of Rivervale?
Zorbig the Scorned in 258s, 221k @857
Total Melee --- Damage: 36070 --- Avg hit: 475 --- Attempts: 277 --- Riposted: 20/277 [7.22%] --- Parried: 27/257 [10.51%] --- Dodged: 28/230 [12.17%] --- Defended: 75/277 [27.08%] --- Missed: 123/202 [60.89%] --- Hits: 79/202 [39.11%] --- Absorbed: 3/79 [3.8%] --- Real Hits: 76/79 [96.2%]
Tank was level 70 max aa in era (PoR), Demiplane geared on TLP server.
Easiest one of the four treants. No adds, just the same PB AE root & DoT.
Edited, Apr 16th 2018 1:08am by dargot