It would be great if someone posted some more useful information as in location since revamp. I cannot locate her. Please help locate this lost child. Thanks
(\_/) (O.O) (> <) EQ-Erad A`katusurkindus of Debeo Amicitia 98th Monkey on Bertoxxulous EQ-Zlor 82nd SK Peace & Strength through Honor SWG-Eloclktu: MBH/MP on Tarquinas moved to Flurry (UN-Retired) defunked out
LoL I feel foolish I was looking in Freeport... sorry to confuse anyone.
(\_/) (O.O) (> <) EQ-Erad A`katusurkindus of Debeo Amicitia 98th Monkey on Bertoxxulous EQ-Zlor 82nd SK Peace & Strength through Honor SWG-Eloclktu: MBH/MP on Tarquinas moved to Flurry (UN-Retired) defunked out
I never exp'd in blackburrow, so maybe that's my badish faction. I was dubious to this chick and she just gave my 500pp back. Dwarf I am, I don't know what I've ever done to annoy the Qeynos merchant faction, but on looking up how to fix it I saw mention of Highkeep lowering it (spent a good bit of my teens there I'm sure). Anyway, about 2 hours in blackborrow slaughtering everything in one hit (even better using coral hilted to kill a few extras on occasion with one hit) and I'm amiable. Now she accepts the pp and gave me my piece. Hope this helps someone.