You say, 'Hail, Tokk Smippah'
Tokk Smippah says, 'Greetings, _____. I am Tokk, perhaps you've heard of me? I'd be out in the forest aiding in the war if it weren't for some nasty wounds I took from the grunts. I'm working here as a merchant until they heal, then it's back to the fray. I'll be back out there soon, perhaps we'll raid a grimling camp together.'
Iron Ration | 1gp 5sp 7cp | |
Marinated Mushroom Bits | 5sp 2cp | |
Moor Fish Pie | 1gp 5sp 7cp | |
Mushroom Bread | 1gp 4cp | |
Owlbear Bone Chew | 2sp | |
Owlbear Stuffed Mushroom | 1gp 5sp 7cp | |
Ration | 2sp 6cp | |
Water Flask | 1sp |