Timbur the tiny  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 15th, 2017 by urpes
Updated October 19th, 2017

  • This mob spawns at between the druid ring and the bridge to East Karana (-1951 , 1720, -7 approx).
  • Class: Warrior

A not-so tiny named Hill Giant.

This page last modified 2021-03-03 16:09:56.

Level: 20
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-09-14 21:11:46

Known Habitats:
  North Karana

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# Jul 13 2022 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
430 posts
A familiar loc of -515, 1556, -7.94. Intersection for alot of mobs, and I watched him walk to this loc and then turn South. I told someone in zone to kill, they did, and I saw Grimtooth appear on track later. Must be coincidence.

Zahal the Vile also walked to this precise loc.

I ahev also seen him 2 times when I slaughtered mobs around the gypsy camp.
Life needs more cowbell.

Respawn time and placeholders
# May 22 2021 at 3:19 AM Rating: Excellent
292 posts
I've had the zone locked down to watch spawns, and I'm pretty certain Timbur the tiny is simply on a long respawn timer with the typical trash as placeholders (a silvermist wolf, a griffawn, etc.).

Edit: Confirmed. I had Timbur the tiny respawn from this cycle.

It's not much due to the insane timer and has a few missing from when I let the zone loose, but here's what I had for spawns:
  • Timbur the tiny x2
  • a borer beetle x1
  • a griffawn x1
  • a lion x1
  • a lioness x1
  • a pincer beetle x1
  • a scythe beetle x1
  • a silvermist wolf x4
I believe the respawn time is 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 54 seconds (or ~78 minutes). I'm under the impression that this spawn timer has a small amount of variance to it. I've seen it take anywhere from 75 to 80 or so minutes, so keep that in mind.

I had one of each item drop between the two spawns.

Btw, he is actually just a tiny bit smaller than a normal hill giant as his name implies.

Edited, May 24th 2021 5:10am by Nniki
Respawn time and placeholders
# Jun 02 2023 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
I have been in NK for about a week straight... literally 24/7, not logging out and keeping logs....
I have been able to get 100 highland lions to be up which leaves about 10 remaining roamers to cycle thru.
This way I get all other hunter nameds several times an hour. I leave those up (until something else kills them) and have had 6 named up at the same time on a few occasions.

Been running these last 10 or so spawns for 3 days aggressively and still no sighting of this guy.
I see the Silver Griffon a lot and leave him up.... is it possible he is on the same cycle? Ive tried killing it and now leaving it alone.

Anyone have any ideas?

pain in the A.. to pop him
# Feb 25 2021 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
4 posts
Just got him to spawn , poped between the druid ring and the bridge to East Karana (-1951 , 1720, -7 approx)
# Feb 14 2021 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
So you get to use one of his smelly old shoes as a shield. Yuck.
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
# Oct 25 2020 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
After 3 days in NK I have every named numerous times except this guy and Grimtooth. Can't seem to find any specific PHs as Hill Giants appear to be just more uncommon pops than the other mobs. He is proving to be quite elusive.
# Sep 25 2020 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I was bored so I wanted to work on hunter achievements. I ported to NK, casted succor to get to the gypsies, Timbur the Tiny immediately aggrod. I killed him but didn't get the achievement, wtf.

Edit: camped out and logged back in, achievement is marked. Yay!

Edited, Sep 25th 2020 10:09am by sirbolo
Spawn cycle
# Sep 14 2020 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Killed The Silver Griffon, Timbur the Tiny, and two GrimFeathers back to back. Each seemed to spawn immediately on track as soon as the previous mob died. Curious what else is in this cycle as I lost it after the GrimFeathers. Definitely keep an eye out on the "rare" non-nameds.
lvl range is incorrect
# Aug 06 2003 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Conned even to me at 20 last night
Deericious on Drinal
# Sep 25 2002 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
I've seen this guy in NK twice in 53 levels and killed him both times. In both cases he dropped that useless sandal. Considering the ridiculous quest it's a part of, he's not worth the trouble. Unless of course he drops the belt ;-)
Think i could take?
# Aug 29 2002 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
Hey do you guys think a lvl 32 Ranger, that can hit for an avrage of 60 pts per hit or more with my 2hs weap, can solo him?
RE: Think i could take?
# Dec 24 2002 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
Since your at 32 you should be able to handle it with little problem (when I say little have some healing on hand preferably a druid or shaman friend). The biggest think you might have to deal with is agroing the big named griffs if you are close to the tower.

All in all though if you can take down a giant to get him to spawn.... yeah, yer his daddy =)

Edited, Tue Dec 24 17:28:28 2002
RE: Think i could take?
# Dec 24 2002 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
Since your at 32 you should be able to handle it with little problem. The biggest thing you might have to deal with is agroing the big named griffs if you are close to the tower and Tiny bolts when he gets beaten down

Edited, Tue Dec 24 17:20:17 2002
# May 23 2002 at 8:14 AM Rating: Default
He still spawns and drops the sandals in NK , I killed him yesterday and got the sandals
# Apr 23 2002 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
i killed him a couple days ago (wasnt easy with a lv 30 druid) and he dropped a 2ac 5int belt. Dont even bother looking for him if you dont have track.
Spawning Tiny
# Feb 25 2002 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
Guys.. You got to kill the other Hill giants to get Tiny to spawn. he spawns at random. he usually pop between the Guard towere near gypsies and the wizard spires
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 03 2002 at 8:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hi i am a 36 mage 3blue to 37 i wanted to know how long the spawn time is cuz i wanna twink an alt alittle and i just want to know the spawn time and if anyone knows where he spawns near please let me know
Tiny is BACKK!!!!
# Oct 31 2001 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
Tiny has been fixed on on the spawn table starting the 10/31/01 patch. So he should be around a whole lot more. Too bad they havn't made the scimtar worth having. ;/
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
anybody know how much?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2001 at 8:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i meant a few days ago
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2001 at 8:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why do they call this guy Timbur the tiny i mean he isnt tiny for crying out loud i saw him a few days he squished my mage cause i was messing around with monster summoning pets and i was in a bad place
Timbur lives....
# Jul 08 2001 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
I saw Timbur in NK last night for the first time in 48 levels, and killed him with ease, green to me... He had the sandal, but it's pretty pathetic, the quest I mean, you're much better off keeping the backpack. Trade a 1/3 weight reduction 8-slot backpack and this sandal for a sucky scimmy? No thank you...
RE: Timbur lives....
# Aug 09 2001 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
I ran into Timbur today as well (Aug, 8th, 2001). I happened to pop up tracking and there he was (dead green at 47). He dropped the Sandal for me as well (too bad its not a magic item, doh! no bashing on magic only mobs!) No string on him, but this is the first time I saw him. He was in the area over by Inns towards WK. I can't say this is his "spawn point" but alot of stuff spawns in that area (GrimFeather, HGs, Griffons). By the way, I *was* killing GrimFeather repeatedly, just for amusement purposes. ;-) hehe)

Its possible that might have forced a spawn. I will go back and try again tomorrow. And I have a SS of him that I will submit as well. He looks like a regular HG, except he is shorter (hence the Tiny in his name).
plz give specifics
# Jun 28 2001 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
is he triggered in any sort of way..i must findout i need this item..im on lanys my name is gruok lvl 26 mage if you type me off i might have some money involved in it but i need loc also thanks to whom ever helps me
Should still be there
# Jun 20 2001 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
He's killed me a couple of times. I was low teens I was killing the wisp for exp and booqoo cash right at the gypsi camp. Was Medding up at the guards and BOOM, I was dead. Happened a few times, twice by Tiny, the rest from "normal" hill giants.

This was a couple months ago, but I doubt he was removed from game any time recently.
# May 15 2001 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I searched and I searched and searched some more...NK, WK, near the farm, near the Druid ring, near the gaurd towers... Yes, 26 RL hours wasted... time for sleep...and nuthin' to show for it.

I can neither confirm nor deny the existance of Timbur the Tiny

Daevdien lvl 29 Enchanter ( Morell Thule )
he live
# Apr 15 2001 at 7:45 PM Rating: Default
i saw him today on namelss...he was by the druid circle...i have seen him once before..and he was also at the druid circle...
kildar 19 woodelf druid of the nameless
Timbur sightings
# Apr 13 2001 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
I once saw Timbur in NK not far from the north east corner, he droped the laceless sandle witch has been in my bank ever since. The thing was that once i had killed him a guy started shouting that he was looking for him, said he had trigered him, i asked how but he wouldnt reply <bonehead>.

By the way i never did tell him i had already killed him and let him go on shouting for quite sometime hehe.
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