We took this guy out last night with an 86 WAR, 91 WIZ, 87 DRU, 84 CLR, and 84 SHM. We also had a 79 ENC, but she was squishy and died right away. The WIZ and DRU had some issues getting anything to stick. He was resisting all nukes, dots, and debuffs. They moved underneath him and were able to get most spells to stick. Halfway through the fight, a roamer showed up, but was quickly dispatched. The whole fight took 16 minutes.
He dropped:
1) Besmirched Mask of Conception
2) Ancient Prismatic Staff
3) Heritage of Secundae
4) Fabled Lungi of the Forbidden
5) Fedora Secundae
6) Primal Gold Dragon Fang
7) Primal Gold Dragon Fang
8) Ancient Prismatic Staff
9) Spell: Gift of Brilliance
10) Song: Composition of Ervaj