As we approach OoW and the epic 1.5 quests I felt compelled to get as much out of the way as possible. I made it a point to urge our static group to do the Trial of Torture when we began PoP progression. I had already completed my 1.0 and gotten my Alchemy just a hair from 300. All that was left to do while still out of era, was Spiritseeker Nadox. I had raid logged when I last played, so I had a fresh pet, but we were raid buffed. I am level 65, in a mix of Elemental and Time p1-3 gear, as well as the anniversary Tower gear (charm, face, shoulders, back). Grabbed some pet toys, and ran myself to the Crypt. Big Man was up, so I started clearing the room. Made quick work of it between pet w/toys and Bane of Nife, plus my weapon with a 350 point fire DD proc. Pulled Nadox with Malosini/Turgur's as the mobs in the back of the room repopped. Dropped Call of the Ancients, Spirit Call 3, and Rabid Bear 2, and then went to town. I got him to about 30% before the mobs in the middle of the room started to repop. Rooted one with Virulent Paralysis and backed up, slowed them both, and then refocused on Nadox. Got him dead, looted my ring, and then finished off the two respawns. Gated out to PoK and celebrated my solo kill.
I lost count of how many times I hit myself with Quiescence, Tnargs's Mending, or how many red and green rank X heal potions I went through. It wasn't a hard fight, I just don't have a lot of DPS output at this point. Still, it was a solo win for me, and I am all set to have a head start once OoW launches.