Spiritseeker Nadox  

If only he always had that smoke. . .

Uploaded February 20th, 2010 by __DEL__1592314309700

  • Maximum hit: 414
  • This mob spawns at -395, -535.
  • Mitigates slow to ~30% (Beastlord's 30% slow wasn't mitigated, but Ranger's 50% was)

Picture: -Peachi Keen- Brell Serilis

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2021-04-24 18:43:34.

Level: 60
Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha
Effects Used:Rotting Flesh
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Oakwynd TLP
# May 16 2024 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
As we approach OoW and the epic 1.5 quests I felt compelled to get as much out of the way as possible. I made it a point to urge our static group to do the Trial of Torture when we began PoP progression. I had already completed my 1.0 and gotten my Alchemy just a hair from 300. All that was left to do while still out of era, was Spiritseeker Nadox. I had raid logged when I last played, so I had a fresh pet, but we were raid buffed. I am level 65, in a mix of Elemental and Time p1-3 gear, as well as the anniversary Tower gear (charm, face, shoulders, back). Grabbed some pet toys, and ran myself to the Crypt. Big Man was up, so I started clearing the room. Made quick work of it between pet w/toys and Bane of Nife, plus my weapon with a 350 point fire DD proc. Pulled Nadox with Malosini/Turgur's as the mobs in the back of the room repopped. Dropped Call of the Ancients, Spirit Call 3, and Rabid Bear 2, and then went to town. I got him to about 30% before the mobs in the middle of the room started to repop. Rooted one with Virulent Paralysis and backed up, slowed them both, and then refocused on Nadox. Got him dead, looted my ring, and then finished off the two respawns. Gated out to PoK and celebrated my solo kill.

I lost count of how many times I hit myself with Quiescence, Tnargs's Mending, or how many red and green rank X heal potions I went through. It wasn't a hard fight, I just don't have a lot of DPS output at this point. Still, it was a solo win for me, and I am all set to have a head start once OoW launches.
# Dec 06 2022 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent
116 posts
Spawns when you enter zone IF you are at that point in the quest.
# Dec 05 2022 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
116 posts
Spawns when you enter the zone IF you are that far into quest.

Edited, Dec 6th 2022 7:49pm by Baalissa
# Feb 07 2009 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
I have been able to take this guy down twice, once solo with a 61 mage, 62 pet, with cleric merc, and the second time I had a 51 warrior with me. Long fight, but quite doable, just had to be sure to fight him closer to his spawn point due to the length of the fight tends to get you caught in the middle of a respawn cycle. Dropped the Ring of the Undead Spiritcharmer and the Shroud of the Undead Spiritcharmer both times.
Soloed with 71 shammy and pet
# May 07 2008 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
Just soloed this guy with my 71 shammy and his lvl 67 pet. Shammy had 11K HP/9.7K mana. Pet had best pet armor but no weaps. Fight lasted bout 5 minutes. Just used lvl 70 HoT and Jaguar procs. Shammy did have to let pet tank for a bit as he has no defensive AA's yet, but pet needed maybe 3 heals outside of the HoTs. Even slowed mob seemed to hit fairly fast, and seemed to have a melee proc of some sort. Think it was disease based but never did have it land on pet or I so can't say for sure.
# Dec 03 2007 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Was roaming thru here for fun remembering the old day *70 Paladin / 70 BST (box) / her 66 warrior pet and seen this guy up. I parked BST along wall just to see how tough he was killing it solo with Paladin. Pulled with my nuke *dbl dmg*, Casted my HoT as he ran @ me, fight lasted maybe 1 minute if that as I remembered someone saying he enraged at 10% but as normal my slay went off before that and fight was over.. GL peeps..

Bodystompper Gigolo - 70 Paladin - Veteran of Povar
Bedfriend Nitely - 70 BST *box* / 66 Warrior Pet - Veteran of Povar

Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 10:03pm by stosstruppen
# Jun 16 2007 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
48 posts
Just Duo'd him with my 68 Warrior and 71 Shaman. It's pretty easy. He will spawn if you are on that part of the 1.5 just as it says in the quest notes. Good luck on your epics!
Raid Target
# May 05 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Technically this is considered a raid target. He has the five minute timer when killed.
# Feb 04 2007 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
lol I was bored last night and went to Nadox and saw this guy.

Soloed by a 74 wizzy easily. Brought an alt up for loot.
Warrior solo
# Jan 25 2007 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Solo'd this with my Warrior today, killed him +6 adds with no issue. Didn't even have to use a potion
Druid Solo'd
# Oct 27 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
I solo'd this mob last night as a lvl 71 Druid with 6k HP and 7.5K mana. Granted I charmed an Exhausted Bloodtusk and buffed him up nice with mage pet toys. But between the pig and I, we barely had enough HP to tank him. I used my SoTW and self buffs for a 131 DS while it lasted. Also used my Oaken Guard which took some hits. I didn't have any defensive AA's yet so I was alternating between taking hits myself and letting the Bloodtusk get beat on. By the time fight was over, Pig was at 15% and I was at 20% mana.

Side note: after kill, the rest timer was 5 minutes instead of the 30 seconds. I suppose that's because Nadox is supposed to be a raid mob?
Druid Solo'd
# Nov 20 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
The Loc is neg 443 neg 536 in the alter room, If you are with a Evacer, the Evac spot is closer to the Alter room, can invis all the way to his room, I three boxed it and to be safe I ran past his room just a bit, was able to pull the room singles except for 2 that were near Nadox him self but when pulled Nadox stayed put was even able to pull the 2 Guards behind him single just hugged the wall corrosponding to the particular Guard, When Nadox was last in the room I then pulled him to the same spot. Grats my Shaman
Soloed him today
# Jul 27 2006 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
level 70 Paladin soloed him easy for my shammy who stood there like an idiot, no healing required, crit undead so many times i dont think he lasted 45 seconds.

Dropped Cape and Ring, btw he is in the Altar, i had no freakin idea where he was. You can invis all the way too him, i then just cleared out the room pulled him, fully stunable, made it pathetic, but didnt have to stun max hit was like 306 i think.

No rampage, enrages, undead..

can be doued
# Jul 15 2006 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
July 15 doued him win a 70 Bard and a 70 Bst both under 8k hp's. Wife played the bst both used about 2 healing potions and she had no kei for heals so he can be killed with a littel tallent.
Wrong info
# Jul 11 2006 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
As of July 2006, tried to Duo Nadox with 8khp lvl 70 Shammy and 9khp 70 Rogue....he was hitting us max 866....and summoned...I was spamming 2khp+ heal on Rogue and still couldn't keep up. If you go after him, bring a tank to Duo him with....or someone 11khp+ im guessing. Spawns around him were cake but he is no pushover :)
This mob is pretty buff.
# Nov 30 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
73 posts
I tried to solo this mob yesterday and had to wimp out FD style. I am a level 68 SK, bazaar geared with 6200hp 1525AC unbuffed. I had Conviction and Cloak of Luclin for buffs, the level 68 pet with Augmentation of Death and was using the level 62? lifetap (one right before touch of innoruk). I got the mob down to 70% in the end, was able to use one healing elixer X and about 80% mana worth of taps and spears. This mob casts a bit but not enough to keep its melee damage down. With a good slow, this mob would be cake but with fast melee rounds with many doubles this mob was too much. I would suggest if you are playing around in this zone solo, and are a melee class, to avoid this guy because it will be a waste of time (unless you are uber geared). A shaman/enchanter plus shadow knight/paladin, decent geared duo should be able to take this one down. This also would be a great target for a die hard group of 50-60 toons. 100 mana on the cloak is great for the level/era of this encounter.

Edited, Wed Nov 30 11:23:41 2005
# Sep 01 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
could someone tell me where he spawns, please? need this piece to finish my epic and I can't find anything that tells me where he is

*Edit: NM, I found him, he spawns in the "altar" room.

Edited, Fri Sep 2 02:21:07 2005
# Aug 18 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Took him down easy with one group: 66WAR, 66BST, 66SHM, 66CLR and 65DRU. He does have quite a few more HP's than I thought he would, but once he got down to 50%, Cleric was still full mana so I knew it would be over soon for this guy.

Dropped the shroud and the ring for the Shammy 2.0 epic. Yeah me LOL
# Jul 21 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
Maybe its just me... but why would an undead zombie guy like himself need earrings?? I mean cmon???? Hes dead so he shouldnt worry about looking stylish. i think we should blame BS like this on those stupid "***** Eye For The Straight Guy" guys. JERKS!!!!!
Duo with any 2 pet classes.
# Jul 15 2005 at 11:23 PM Rating: Excellent
I(69 mage) have done this about 20 times with my 67 bard friend. We clear everything to nadox, everything is a single pull until the mobs nearest to him, but he doesn't aggro if you pull them. I imagine any pet classes can do this. Pull Spiritseker with a mala/tash or some other low aggro spell, and tell pet to go on him. After that do NOT cast any spells on him or you WILL get summoned and have aggro! Bard goes out to find any mob and charms it. When pet gets to low health start casting a new one, the key is to always have 2 pets on him at all times. We've proven that charm can wear off a mob when it's at 2%, so have another class load, as what we call a beeyotch nuke, just to do 2% and finish it.
This should be really easy for any pet classes, just maintain 2 pets on him at all times, he does drop fairly nice loot and you can just camp an alt there to loot it.
Good Luck all.

Edited, Sat Jul 16 00:37:37 2005
spawn timer
# Jun 24 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
roughly on a 3 day spawn timer but can be spawned by shaman working on epic 1.5. He drops a piece for shaman 1.5 so /ooc it if u dont need it for some shaman might be thankful for it.
easy kill
# Apr 25 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
Duo'd to below 10%
EP geared 67 pally
tier 2 > geared 65 monk (me)

we pulled to back corner, had to kill the 2 against back wall only. i pulled and pally casted HoT on self and took agro. Proc'd 20% slow on first hit. He kept agro whole time and i DPS'd disc'd the whole time. pally patch healing self. only real problem was slow ran out and pally waited 3 rounds for another proc. eventually ran oom and dropped when Nadox was at abuot 30-35%. I turned on riposte disc and tried hardest to drop him. mend'd disc'd. But slow ran out again and could only get to about 4-5%.

VERY easy fight.
70 bst solo
# Mar 03 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
easily soloed hits pretty good but can back off let pet tank heal ur self etc etc .
# Dec 12 2004 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
Messing about in Nadox this morning for no good reason I soloed him. 70 beast, decent gear, solid aa's. He dropped the belt and a quest item (I think). Wasn't too bad, just cleared most of his room except for the mobs to the left and right of him against the back wall, crept up to prox aggro and drug him out in the hall (to the left if he was behind you and you were facing away from this altar or whatever it is). I tanked it until I was about 35% health, backed off, healed warder a few times, healed self, got back in and finished it off. Mostly just for fun. Had to reslow one time, nearly oom by end.
Timer ?
# Oct 02 2004 at 9:06 PM Rating: Default
Does anyone know his spawn timer ??
# Sep 01 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Killed this dude yesterday with a 65 pal/dru, both fairly well equipped. Not a short fight, but not really tough. We had no slow, but had no problems keeping my pally alive. I never even supplemented heals, the druid did all the healing.

I seriously doubt this guy is soloable by any class yet, just has too many HP IMHO. I'm not saying for sure, but I would be really impressed to see someone solo this guy. MAYBE a chanter with some serious pet skills, gear, FT, and lots of AA.
RE: Duo'd
# Sep 17 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
I had him down solo to 3% today when I decided to try to chain heal him instead of myself and then when I realized it he interupted me three times :(

I'm 65 shaman in qvic gear, so it's doable I'd say. Was fairly difficult. Mana was fairly low, but I also didn't get lucky on any crit heals of course during the course of the fight.

Edited, Tue Sep 21 11:41:55 2004
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