Spiritbinder Trenzar  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

  • Respawn Timer: under 2 hours

PH's are mob(s)on the sloping ramp going up to the platform high on the hillside.

Can spawn a chest with additional loot after a ranger at the right point in the epic 1.5 receives Senvial's Blessing.

P -1593.5039, 484.8131, 438.3941, 0, 0, 240, 2, Spiritbinder_Trenzar
map file : natimbi_2.txt
Screenshot by:
Saraban of Darkwind

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2019-11-07 11:23:59.

Level: 70
Expansion: Gates of Discord
Effects Used:Wave of Flame
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-03 03:00:34

Known Habitats:
  Natimbi, the Broken Shores

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# Oct 29 2019 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
1 post
Trenzar repop is at least < 2h (if like me, you messed and killed him too fast...).
The key is to NOT kill Trenzar too fast AND then, not kill Senvial too fast either.
If you're doing your Epic 1.5 late (lvl > 90 ?) : big fire power, beware of your damages - strip all attack buffs and ALL damage shields.
Load your lvl 19 ignite DD.

Engage Trenzar, get him slowly to below 30% or near, he will pop several elemental along the way, but more importantly, pop Senvial.
If you kill Trenzar too fast, he won't spawn Senvial.
Once Senvial poped, don't face him (prevent ripost), kill Trenzar and adds, just keep Senvial up. Get him slowly to around 7% with low lvl DD (ignite = ~600DD -> lowers Senvial by 1%).
Then, and only then , he will lose aggro. Hail him and Senvial will give you his Blessing + pop a chest with lvl 70 loot.
Hope this helps (I would have enjoyed having those info prior to my first 3 missed encounters...)
Spawning Spiritbinder Trenzar
# Dec 28 2017 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
219 posts
You must kill the mob(s) on the sloping ramp going up to the platform high on the hillside to spawn Spiritbinder Trenzar and his friends. Just running around near the loc did not spawn him
A few more details on finding him
# Apr 28 2011 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
We took Spiritbender Trenzar down with his two elementals last night.
I initially had trouble finding him, I was close to loc -550, +1600 in the Northwest of the zone, but the Spiritbender and mobs weren't on Ranger track. We were almost against the west wall in Natimbi--by some islands and water. He's actually above the area, on a platform and ruins off the top of the closest hill. We had a Ranger, a Wiz, and a Cleric and 3 mercs. He went down but it took a while. My thanks to the Disciples of Justice on Bristlebane/Tribunal: Cleric Medicix and Wiz Quistor for their help and those of their mercs who rode shotgun on me. The map of Natimbi at the tski.co.jp site shows the platform clearly.
Just remember, straight west from the magus zone in to the west wall, then UP and slightly north to find the platform on the hill with the Spiritbender.
Common mistake on this encounter
# Aug 22 2006 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to post a mistake that we made on this guy. When asking around to other rangers, there seemed to be a bunch who had to do this fight twice for the same reason.

Spiritbinder Trenzar is really not all that tough, but your raid must take him down slowly, and make sure he doesn't get killed until he spawns Senival the Mist. We made the mistake of burning Trenzar down too fast before he spawned Senival.

Hope this helps someone.

Maihu Shuswei
70th Ranger of Tunare

Edited, Aug 22nd 2006 at 6:09pm EDT by Maihu
Not Difficult
# Feb 07 2006 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
My guild did this last night. We did it with 15 characters; two were chanters, two clerics. We are geared with DoD drops, bazaar stuff, etc. It was not tough at all. No one dead, no one oom. He seemed easier than Marshall Histent and company.

Overall, he spawned eleven "bound [whatever] spirit"s. All were easily mezzed.

The chest contained a Mystical Moonstone Amulet for us.

Edited, Tue Feb 7 20:18:50 2006
Fight Info
# Jan 18 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Did this fight the other night. Something none of the other posts mentioned is that these mobs are tethered. This means you cannot pull them up to the wall where your raid force probably is. You need to fight them where they are. Easy fight with easily controllable spawns. We had about 36 peeps in the raid and could have probably done it with less. For us, chanters keeping mobs mezzed was key.
Fight Details
# Oct 22 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
When Saraban says several he means lots. Depending on your raid balance you may want to off tank Trenzar and kill spawns (cleric heavy) or just kill Trenzar all the way down (chanter heavy).

I was surprised by how many popped and we lost a lot of bodies.
Thank you Saraban.
# Mar 08 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Thank you for that info Saraban. Do you have any other words of wisdom about this encounter that will help me defeat this mob and his friends? Any info is greatly appreciated.
# Jan 01 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
672 posts
Casts AE Wave of Flame, hit our tank for an average of 840 HP, max been 1960 HP.

Summons several "bound (element) spirit" during the fight, all mezzable.

Looks like this.

Chest contained Muramite Plate Sleeves of War for us today.

[sm]edit : Removed picture link because my pic has been used above =)

Edited, Sun Feb 6 03:09:29 2005
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