70 items, price changes.
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:14 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 43 platinum 4 gold 2 silver 7 copper per Spell: Abolish Poison.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:15 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 4 gold 6 silver 8 copper per Spell: Abundant Drink.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:15 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 9 platinum 9 gold 7 silver per Spell: Abundant Food.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:16 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 104 platinum 5 gold 2 silver 7 copper per Spell: Antidote.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:17 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 12 platinum 4 gold 8 silver 6 copper per Spell: Armor of Faith.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:17 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 59 platinum 8 gold 8 silver 3 copper per Spell: Armor of the Faithful.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:18 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 8 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 3 copper per Spell: Atone.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:19 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 27 platinum 7 gold 1 silver 9 copper per Spell: Banish Summoned.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:19 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 27 platinum 8 gold 2 silver 9 copper per Spell: Banish Undead.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:21 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 11 platinum 3 gold 5 silver 4 copper per Spell: Blinding Luminance.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:22 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 2 gold 7 silver 6 copper per Spell: Bravery.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:24 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 95 platinum 3 gold 3 silver 1 copper per Spell: Bulwark of Faith.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:24 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 111 platinum 2 gold 2 silver 6 copper per Spell: Celestial Elixir.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:25 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 19 platinum 1 gold 8 silver 5 copper per Spell: Complete Healing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:26 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 3 copper per Spell: Dismiss Summoned.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:26 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 9 copper per Spell: Dismiss Undead.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:27 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 6 platinum 1 gold 2 silver 1 copper per Spell: Divine Barrier.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:28 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 70 platinum 8 silver 1 copper per Spell: Divine Light.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:28 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 60 platinum 6 gold 6 silver per Spell: Dread of Night.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:29 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 8 gold 8 silver 3 copper per Spell: Earthquake.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:30 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 136 platinum 3 gold 9 silver 2 copper per Spell: Ethereal Elixir.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:30 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 118 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 2 copper per Spell: Ethereal Light.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:31 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 128 platinum 3 gold 5 silver 1 copper per Spell: Ethereal Remedy.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:32 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 83 platinum 1 gold 5 silver 9 copper per Spell: Exile Undead.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:32 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 4 gold 5 silver 1 copper per Spell: Expel Summoned.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:39 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 9 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 7 copper per Spell: Expel Undead.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:39 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 4 gold 5 copper per Spell: Expulse Summoned.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:40 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 8 platinum per Spell: Force.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:41 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 8 gold 1 silver 8 copper per Spell: Frenzied Strength.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:41 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 4 copper per Spell: Greater Healing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:42 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 6 gold 7 copper per Spell: Guard.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:43 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 102 platinum 6 gold 6 silver 8 copper per Spell: Hammer of Judgment.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:44 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 20 platinum 8 gold 3 silver 1 copper per Spell: Hammer of Requital.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:44 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 5 copper per Spell: Hammer of Striking.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:45 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 65 platinum 1 gold 6 silver per Spell: Heroism.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:47 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 2 silver 7 copper per Spell: Inspire Fear.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:47 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 1 copper per Spell: Invoke Fear.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:48 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 12 platinum 6 gold 5 silver 4 copper per Spell: Pacify.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:49 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 5 gold 5 silver 9 copper per Spell: Panic the Dead.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:50 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 61 platinum 5 gold 2 silver 5 copper per Spell: Remedy.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:50 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 8 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 5 copper per Spell: Renewal.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:51 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 3 gold 9 copper per Spell: Reparation.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:52 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 25 platinum 8 gold 8 silver 4 copper per Spell: Resolution.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:52 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 25 platinum 5 gold 7 silver 1 copper per Spell: Restoration.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:53 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 39 platinum 7 gold 6 silver 5 copper per Spell: Resurrection.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:54 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 15 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 7 copper per Spell: Resuscitate.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:55 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 30 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 3 copper per Spell: Retribution.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:56 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 7 gold 1 silver 8 copper per Spell: Revive.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:56 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 89 platinum 3 gold 1 silver per Spell: Reviviscence.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:31:57 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 25 platinum 3 gold 8 silver 6 copper per Spell: Sacred Word.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:02 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 3 gold 9 silver per Spell: Sermon of the Righteous.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:03 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 33 platinum 9 gold per Spell: Shield of Words.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:04 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 36 platinum 9 gold 2 silver 6 copper per Spell: Sound of Force.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:04 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 2 silver 6 copper per Spell: Superior Healing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:05 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 77 platinum 5 gold 2 silver 3 copper per Spell: Symbol of Marzin.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:06 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 23 platinum 2 gold 6 silver 1 copper per Spell: Symbol of Naltron.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:07 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 9 gold 1 silver 6 copper per Spell: Symbol of Pinzarn.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:07 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 2 copper per Spell: Symbol of Ryltan.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:08 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 3 silver 1 copper per Spell: Tremor.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:09 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 88 platinum 8 gold 4 silver 4 copper per Spell: Trepidation.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:09 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 9 platinum 2 silver 5 copper per Spell: Valor.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:10 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 5 silver 5 copper per Spell: Wave of Fear.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:11 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 46 platinum 9 gold 7 silver 9 copper per Spell: Word Divine.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:11 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 33 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 4 copper per Spell: Word of Healing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:12 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 6 platinum 9 gold 3 silver 2 copper per Spell: Word of Health.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:13 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 13 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 3 copper per Spell: Word of Souls.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:14 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Spell: Word of Spirit.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:15 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 6 platinum 1 gold 2 silver 1 copper per Spell: Wrath.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:16 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 22 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 8 copper per Spell: Yaulp III.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:32:17 2013] Sosina Mardar tells you, 'That'll be 103 platinum 3 gold 4 silver per Spell: Yaulp V.'