My lvl 40 rogue twink tried her three times. First time was with all the buff potions and hp potions on offer. Her health was going down slower than mine, so I ran like a coward with her hp at 45% and mine at 20%. Tried again, this time with temp, hos, and stamina. This time the situation was reversed - my hp at 45%, and her fleeing like a coward at 20%. Unfortunately she has friends, and I couldn't kill her faster than the adds were beating on me, so I fled again. Third time, I loaded up a snare proc weapon, beat her to 50, procced snare, and killed her before she could add anything.
After killing her, and working on the other bixie in the room, two of the captives atttacked! I forget the names, but one was a drakkin and the other was a captive bixie, and they both conned even to lvl 40.
So I looted, and fled like a coward, again. Rogues scare easily.