Sarth Scarscale  

Quest NPC

Uploaded December 2nd, 2017 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at +1013, -258, -24.25.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

You say, 'Hail, Sarth Scarscale'

Sarth Scarscale hisses at you loudly. 'So, you [bear the mantle of a crusader], yes? I am known as Sarth and shall reward you, provided you prove your worthiness to our cause, child of Rile.'

You say, 'bear the mantle of a crusader'

Sarth Scarscale says, 'We shall see if you are worthy of that. I shall make [armor] for you, to aid you in your service to our Father. I specialize in the forging of [bracers], [greaves], [masks], and [breastplates]. Sirtha makes the other items of armor. Take care when you address her, hatchling, it would not be the first time a hatchling has left here with scars.'

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2022-01-22 12:33:30.

Level: 45
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 22:00:15

Known Habitats:
  East Cabilis

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# Aug 03 2007 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
This guy is tricky to find, he is way underground in the Shadowknight/Shaman guildhall. He's in the basement of the east tower. His LOC is +1010,-260,-26.
where is this npc
# Jun 22 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
11 posts
i canot find the npc any were and they kill my tracker the minet i take him close can some one give me a idea as to where she is ty

Edited, Wed Jun 22 13:00:41 2005
They can be good for looks u know
# Jan 05 2002 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
Many people do these quest for looks nice dark green Sk looking armor i mean cummon looks way better than banded looks and at lvl 32 u can rake up in overthere about 50pp every 2 hours for gems needed i think the BP Legs and some other peices are worth doing
32 SK deathlizzy Iksar Morrel Thurle
33 Warrior Darkminded Iksar Morrel Thurle
25 Chanter Motan High Elf Morrel Thurle
The only worthy piece to do
# Dec 30 2001 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
Is the breastplate since it's realtively easy to obtain. You can go and ask some high level to get the chitlin and the warbraid for you. The only relatively hard thing is to scoop up enough $$$ to buy the gem.

For the bracer, you can get much better ones from other places. Scavenging bracer is a relatively easy piece to get.

I haven't found out where the Drixie queen is yet. But there are plenty of drixies in FV.
I have worn my burynai mask until I replaced it with a cougarskin mask from Velious recently.

As for the greeves, as stated from the posts in the according page, the boots you need is much too hard to get and quite time consuming. I got myself a pristine legs (no drop) from Befallen. But they have nerfed all the goodies. I am looking forward to replace them with the military leggings from a quest in Velious also, no drop as well. By the time you can get the boots needed for the greeves, you can probably do the military legging quest. I am sure that you can find some leg items around that are as nice or better with less hassle.

For being a SK, an Iksar is the hardest race to be. For example, the Darkforge armor pieces (the Dreadscale counterpart for other SK races) are much cheaper and easier to obtain. The guardian armor pieces can be worn by Iksar. A lot decent items can't be equipped by Iksar.

Anyway, good luck and have fun.

Dali the lizzie SK
Rallos Zek

Edited, Sun Dec 30 22:01:38 2001
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