This is excellent armor. I have a lot of loyalty points, so i cashed some out (less then 300 loyalty pts to be exact) to get the currency & bought my 75 Sk a full set of raid armor. That will last her well into her 80's. I will leave her 75 until she maxes out her aa's so she has good armor for the long haul. I am not certain, but I am guessing 4.1k ac is ok for a 75 Sk.
Without having done any raids. I asked in general chat & someone was nice enough to pop into katta and buy it for me. I am only max ally with normal vendors.
ok... so to see the hands do you have to beat event 1 AND 2? have been in expo and raid for events 2 and 3 wins yet can not see ANYTHING when i go look, i have ally faction but still see nothing when i check the merchant... any idea what the deal is?
You must unlock the previous pieces of armor before you can see the next one in the list, i.e. to see the boots, you must have beaten events 1-3. If you have beaten 2 & 3, but not 1, you won't see any armor for sale until you have beaten 1, then all 3 will show.
p.s. On a side note, you do not need allied faction to purchase the raid gear, just need to beat the events.
Depends on the event. Event One drops two tiny clusters which break into 100 each for a total of 200. Event seven drops a large cluster that breaks into 1000 Phosphenes.
Is any of the armor available to purchase before you beat the first raid event in Solteris (sisters). I know certain armor is unlocked from completing raid events, but is any of it available before completing the first event, as in are the bracers available before you finish Mistress of Mayhong (Solteris, Raid #1) if you have 100 phosphenes?
I think You have to beat the raids, even if you have enough of a currency to buy the item, kinda like how the groupable gear players need faction+currency.
well i cant confirm anything cause ive never been there, but if there is 7 raids in solteries and 7 pieces of armor, i'd guess they unlock with defeating the events, in this order i would guess.
when you think about it, its a pretty cool system of loot for a raid dynamic because the player does not have to wait for UberBreastplate_01 to drop and can instead just save the currency for it (as long as theyve unlocked the armor piece of course)