he is from the casters area in WFP... he doesnt like us DEs and i dont know what his thoughts are on necros even though i am one. i have always watched my back when crossing past them over there. also aware of an npc not mentioned. one Bello Fruegnos. i am also KoS to him. these are probably the same faction and they are both at the gate to the casters area. the reason they mught have been at the front gate is cause someone trained them there. hope my 2cp helps.
I saw another Dark Elf be suddenly killed by this mob while walking along the street in West Freeport. Today it happened to me. I am on good terms with the guards is W. Fpt. so I was shocked to hear something like "We have no use for Dark Elves". I ran but saw my hp drop by half in a couple sec. I got out the gate and almost all the way to zone and wanted to see if my attacker was following....he was and killed me saying.."now you have the chance to feel the full power of a wizard". I have never seen the mob, but we know he kills DE's and is a wizard. If you hear the challenge above, don't stop running til you are safe.
The same thing happened to me just the other night. I am a Dark Elf Necro.. I was at the gate do binds for some of the newbies when all of a sudden this guy attacked my pet then me.. I did not make it 5 steps before I got killed..I do not know where he cam from he was out in front of the gate when I sat down. I thought it was another PC until he attacked my pet. Then I got killed. Oh well.. Does anyone know where this guy comes from. I have all ways had free run of freeport until this guy showed up.. Thanks... My 2cp