Historian Silren Di`zok  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:09:34.

Level: 70
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 21:57:42

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does he still spawn?
# Aug 05 2011 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
654 posts
been camping him for two days and no luck yet-- anyone seen him lately or knows if he still spawns?
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
Researcher's quill
# Feb 14 2006 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
We killed him twice this last weekend and he dropped a Researcher's quill. Primary/secondary/Range slot item with a +3 modifier to research and lots of other stats. Alla does not have it listed at all. When we killed him he was neither 65 nor 68 he was level 70. He was a fairly easy fight but you MUST make sure you clear out the hall to avoid adds. Plus he does not spawn outside of the prince's room he spawns IN the princes room in center. Pulling him without adds is tough. You must clear as much of the Prince's room as possible with a Feign Death puller or a good Pet puller.
RE: Researcher's quill
# Feb 15 2006 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
Added, thanks.
# May 11 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone have an idea on how much he hits for, estimated hitpoints, and if possible, spawntime.
Thanks in advace.
Level Incorrect
# Nov 29 2003 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
Ok, me and guild did this guy and discovered he was new in the zone. Not sure how new but he was not listed in beastiary at the time and we had never ran into this guy before. He is NOT level 65 ! He was red to me at 65 so he's at least level 68+ easy. This guy makes the Overking look like a wuss. We had raid of 18 ppl average lvl 61 and coh'd everyone to a certain corner near the hall and went for the Prince and this guy is supposedly in the way to get to prince. So even pacifying all mobs around this guy and pullin him, the adds still came. Pacifying the adds around him was a waste. Once the Historian is pulled he somehow gets his adds to come help. CC is useless here as we were not able to take care of these guys. I immediately tried to tank this guy while raid worried about the adds somehow and we tried to figure out who this new mob was. Then we all realized, dang this guy is red to us at 65. Me having 8k hps fully buffed didn't matter in this case. I was put down in about 2 seconds from full health. This guy hits extremely fast. We wiped twice on this guy with the adds. So we used a strategy on 3rd try and it worked. We cleared out a room where the councils were and stationed the raid there. Cleared the halls all the way to historian which is on the way to Prince. Used an FD class (SK) to pull back to the corner of the hall close to Councils area but not to close and FD'd there. The adds will go back to there spawn point and the Historian will be the last one camping the fd class. You can not expect this to work everytime of course as the fd may not work every time so be willing to sacrifice yourself so that you raid may take him down. Anyway, Sk was successful on the fd. once Historian was pulled and the adds went back to their locations, I then rushed the Historian with defensive up just before engaging and raid right behind me. Was able to land partial slow and the as MA I went down at around 55-60% of Historians health and SA took over and he eventually went down as well. TA took over and almost went down as well with healers lom and druids had to spam heal for back up. Nukers took the final kill before the TA could fall and boy were we finally glad to get that pain in the azz mob out of the way so we could go do Prince, Overking, and Queen for epic drops. Don't remember what dropped, but it was a nice neck item that the rogue had won on a roll. I will get a snapshot of the necklace from him and will post it up here as soon as I get the chance so it may be added to the Historians loot table. Seems this guy is for a quest. Good luck on anyone going after this guy and hope the info helps. The next time we do this guy it will be easier as we now know what to expect and what to do.

Veteran Viprador
65 Overlord

Edited, Sat Nov 29 12:45:35 2003
RE: Level Incorrect
# Dec 18 2003 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Hey vip =)
i was the rogue that Viprador is talking about who won the neck item , which is actually an Earring =)

Stats are

[Sarnak Claw Earring]
Slot: EAR
AC: 10
STR: +5 DEX: +3 STA: +5 AGI: +3 HP: 60
WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL

Kinda lame for the level of the mob. But was upgrade for me.
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