You say, 'Hail, Esera'
Esera looks at you inquisitively, 'Oh, hello. Don't get many visitors like yourself around here. What can I help you with?'
You say, 'Tell me about Discuit.'
Esera says, 'What about him? He's a bit too pushy for his own good but aside from that he's an okay guy. Well, so long as you don't give him any of your stuff. He tends to take these baubles people give him very seriously. I think he likes to toy with others to see what he can get away with before they get violent. I'll see to it myself to knock him down a peg if he lays a hand on someone who didn't appreciate his [advances].'
You say, 'He is pretty forward with his advances.'
Esera says, 'Yeah, he flirts with everyone. Men, women, elves, gnomes... I've even once seen him court an ogre from the Celebration House in Shar Vahl, one of the places he likes to hang out if he isn't at the Fireheart Tavern. Why is it that you ask? Oh, wait, are you here because of that fisherman's [daughter]?'
You say, 'Yes, I'm here to talk to him about that man's daughter.'
You have been given: Lilac-Scented Envelope
Esera says, 'Figured as much. I knew it wouldn't be long before his tramp-like behavior got him in trouble with someone's guardian. He's harmless but I can certainly see why people are upset with him. The only reason he no longer flirts with me is because I put him in his place a while back and he respects our boundaries. If you're looking for more information involving his trysts, I suggest you reach out to Shang, his other friend. Take this to Shang and he will know you're ok to talk to. Don't ask where it came from. Even I would rather not know.'