This boat travels from the Outpost in the Overthere to the Ogre Raider camp in the Timorous Deep. Along the way, it passes a waterworld-like set of abandoned ships and distant islands.
Ahhh, So many wonderful hours spent on "The Belly". The music on this ship was the best. .. . I shall miss this fabled traverse from the seas of Timorous.
ok lol i have only been playing the game for four months .. let me see if i got this straight.. at one point in time you could actually attack boats? lol.. wtf is that.. and you can no longer attack them now? or is this some stupid misprint on allakazam?.. sounds a lil flaky to me but then again.. ive seen stranger things in the game. taygarr wiz of the 53rd season the seventh hammer
boats are counted as nps becouse you can target them and they have hit points, you could never nor can you now atack boats the reason for the hit points is if you run into enuff stuff the boats will sink
Bloated Belly regards you indifferantly -- Looks like it could wipe the floor with you! You try to hit Bloated Belly but miss! Danny lands a critical hit! (32) You hit Bloated Belly for 32 points of damage. Bloated Belly begins a spell. You feel the spirits from the past ravage your soul. Bloated Belly says, 'Time to die Danny!' You try to slash Bloated Belly but miss! Bloated Belly begins a spell. You bash Bloated Belly for 9 points of damage. Bloated Belly's casting was interupted! Bloated Belly crushes you for 858 points of damage! Bloated Belly crushes you for 1015 points of damage! You go into a beserker frenzy! Bloated Belly trys to bash you but misses! Danny turns into a killing machine! Danny lands a crippling blow! (110) You slash Bloated Belly for 119 points of damage. Bloated Belly staggers. Danny lands a crippling blow! (78) You slash Bloated Belly for 82 points of damage. Bloated Belly staggers. Danny lands a crippling blow! (126) You slash Bloated Belly for 137 points of damage. Bloated Belly staggers. Bloated Belly begins a spell. Danny lands a crippling blow! (116) You slash Bloated Belly for 121 points of damage. Bloated Belly staggers. Bloated Belly reganes its concentration and continues casting. You resist the Belly_Life_Tap01 spell! You try to bash Bloated Belly but miss! Bloated Belly hits you for 1106 points of damage! Bloated Belly says, 'For the ocean!' You have been slayn by Bloated Belly! Returning to home point, please wait. LOADING PLEASE WAIT ... You have entered The Overthere. You LOST a level! You are now level 56! ********************** Don't mess with this boat, he hurts.
I am led to believe that this so called log file is a fake, all because of one mispelled word, "slayn". In all reality if the boat actually did kill him it would have said slain.
DO NOT ATTACK THIS BOAT! me a lvl 60 iksar warrior, a lvl 56 wizard, 48 cleric, lvl 60 monk, a lvl 47 enchanter, and a lvl 47 warrior, he quad hit me for 700 with he mast then the cleric healed me he then knocked all of us in the water and ran us over causeing instant death
I hate long boat rides and figgured that evel races would love a even slower boat so I cat snare on it and man was it realy slow. I thought well lets make it even better by going to the good race boat and sowing it but I couldnt because its a npc and you cant buff npc. I ooc for an enchanter who I was able to get to charm it and then i could sow it. wowwie did it move fast.
I tried to root the boat but it resisted, i think it has 100 quad me for 217, ouch i almost instantly died. I feared it (took 5 tries) and it aggroed all the little boats by the docks in TD...phew that death sucked. Never mess with boats is all I have to say...
I soloed this bad boy one night after a couple Kromif Spit shots and let me tell you, he was weak for a level 50 boat. I have soloed all of them and this one was by far the weakest. It took me about 5 hours to hack it to bits with my uber sword but I was successful in my venture. I attracted quite a crowd too. Too bad the only loot it dropped was wood splinters. So I picked them all up and tailored them into a Bloated Belly Belt (-10 Cha Effect: Beergut) It makes any race other than Ogre and Troll look like a pregant heffer. The other two races resemble blimps. In fact, you can tie a sting to their toes and run around the EC tunnel with them and make a parade. I have the belt on Bertox if anyone wants to buy. Only one on the server. Just look for the pregnant male barbarian warrior.
Posted:Dec 21 2000 at 9:24 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I and 5 other people were sitting on the boat talking. I acidentaly hit num lock which made me run of the boat. At that time the boat Death touched all 6 of us and we died. We all had to swim around the bottom of Timorous deep to get our corpses. It was a pain and so now i tarvel on the boats only w/ some food so i dont have to worry about that again.