
NPC, non-quest

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Bindlegrob is one of a group of gnomish necromancers who have chosen to retreat to the Rather Mountains to practice their art. Anti-social, and very easily offended by people who kill the undead in the area, all of these necros have an interesting habbit of taking a long time to find you, and then pouncing on an unprepared party.

  • This mob spawns at in the undead tower in the area by the Lake Rathetear entrance.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2019-02-08 13:15:01.

Level: 25
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-02-08 05:14:06

Known Habitats:
  The Rathe Mountains
  Clay Bracelet

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2 Gnomes
# Jul 17 2012 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
He and Sindlegrob are in the same tower.
2 Gnomes
# Feb 01 2019 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
131 posts
For those of you that prefer directions to /locs, that's the undead tower in the SE corner of the zone - if you come out of the Feerrott entrance just take the first left and hug the eastern wall (or head east from Gukta if using the PoK book now the zone's revamped). Probably random as to which respawns but they dropped the clay rune first time for me.

Findlegrob is in the undead tower in the area by the Lake Rathetear entrance (Succor will take you there, then just south east of the bandit hill). He gave up his rune on the second kill but it's a short respawn.
Location and Spawn Time
# Jul 10 2006 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
Location is -470.39, 2290.80 and spawn time eis 3 to 6 min
# Apr 13 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
His other little buddies dropped their runes for me 1st and 2nd kills but this little guy is refusing to give it up!!!

Have killed him for almost 2 hours now and he ain't let me have his little rune....
Mercy is for the weak, death is your redemtion, embrace me for I am Death!
# Mar 06 2003 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
i took this necro and his pet solo today. i'm a lvl 30 cleric. calmed everything around and in tower. then rooted pet, nuked bindegrob ran outside. i wouldn't try it again with out some backup. the only chances i got to heal was when i used holy might to stun him. on the other hand with bindegrob out of the way the pet is an easy kill
# Jan 09 2003 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
I am thinking about doing the quest with my mage but he is too low to do it. I was going to have my SK kill these little punks and then have my mage grab the no drop items after combat. Anyone know if there is any faction for these guys? I am always wary of killing any npc necros or SK because it may ***** up my factions I need. Just need to know if they use any faction at all, thanks.

Edited, Thu Jan 9 16:21:32 2003
RE: Faction?
# Jan 28 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
I stumbled upon this lil guy and his buddy Sindlegrob (sp?) today and was stunned to find he conned as amiable to my 46 ranger who had just spent two hours slaughtering the undead in that little section of Rathe. Some funky faction indeed for a necro...
# Jun 17 2002 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
I was exploring the mtns for my first time a few days ago near the lak rathe zone. I saw him in the tower and it said he looked at me amiably. i decided to go over and see if he was for a quest. Needless to say he attacked me along with the zillion skellies surrounding the tower. Fortunately i had sow and got away easily.
Note: he cons amiable to me, most gnomes in ak'anon con indifferent or apprehensively. Whats up with that.

33 ranger of tunare
Be wary
# May 15 2000 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Be careful with this guy. Like all necros, he is nasty to solo. Make sure you have someone backing you up when you take on this guy.
# Mar 15 2000 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
Like all casters he is low in hit points. But can cast darkness in potential pullers, which I have found out first hand.
# Feb 24 2000 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
I believe he is a little gnome necromancer NPC that hangs out near the ruins. Some guildmates and I were camping the dark boned Giant Skellie for the Cleric quest and one of my mates decided to run off and pull a skeleton he saw in the distance. Apparently we pissed of 'ol Bindlegrob and he killed us all since we never really saw him until the end, too busy with all of the other skellies :-).
RE: Bindegrob
# Aug 25 2000 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
if you fight him solo or otherwise please have someone get your resist magic up to 100 at a min. his pet is not much but when they both wack you and he poisons, darkness, get the idea...(he must die)
RE: Bindegrob
# Sep 08 2000 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
Hi *)
I am Morrigane mage 36. First why telling thoses gnomes arent quest NPCs ? Yes they are. They are part of the clay Mage Quest bracer. You need 4 runes and 3 of the 4 are found on those lil devils. You can find Bindlegrob and Sindlegrob in the tower closest to Feerott just before the Undead ruins ( always follow left wall when you enter Rathe from the Feerott). Sometimes they got the rune sometimes not tho they seem to commonly drop them. First attempt i pulled an ice boned only to train the whole undead population then got feared and DOT from one of those pest. Sindle i think. Pet was occupied with Sindle 's pet and 4 or 5 undead all green to me including Giant skel ice bone and drybone + zombies. Could gate in time with half mana and 1 4th of life left...
Then decided to directly hit the gnome. Couldnt find him cos he hides in tower but his pet was outside in front. So pulled pet casting a shock of blades. Of course undead train which i choosed to ignore/didnt hurt a lot just interrupted sometimes. Quickly changed target to that Gnome necro and choose not to cast blaze (too slow) but shock instead. I cast 5 times for 176 damage each time and he was badly hurt when his brother/cousin dunno Bindlegrob and his pet joined (. So 2nd gate...
Then a nice willing to help Ranger 33 ( thanks Laldayen Friendseeker ) help me to clear that tower. We succeeded in the next attempt. Got one rune. Then camped a 4 th time to get the other rune Bindle didnt drop the 1rst time. Beware they spawn VERY fast (less than 2mn maybe). Now were looking for the other tower where Findle is supposed to be)
RE: Bindegrob
# Oct 25 2002 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the quest info. But I must aggree that this person is not a quest NPC. While they do drop quest items it is my understanding that a quest NPC is one which gives quests or is given items to complete quests. Again thanks for the useful info.
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