In the (Giants, Giants, Giants) task..this vegetable regens like a ****. Soloed Giantsx3 task up through him (86 ranger just shy of 4100 aa's) and his regen basically cut my DPS almost in half..adds only came from a roamer or 2 up the ramp. He did not spawn any. After this kill I didn't even bother moving on solo..although I might consider it. Sucks that after all the kills u cant get a single drop from their normal loot killed him..YOU GET NOTHING :P WTG SOE! Still a fun task nonetheless.
Once you get up to King's ledge put clerics on wall in cch chain. 4 person chain worked great for us. Only have pure melee engage him, keeps everyone else from being tossed and thrown off aswell as keep em from losing their buffs. Range DPS heavy and send pets and such to your hearts content, MA can spam himself with clicky buffs to keep his real ones up. Had a add group, basically a SK with ae aggro spell a couple casters and had rest of casters load an ae nuke, when adds poped SK called for AE blast which smoked the adds and we carried on. Do your loots stuff fast as trash starts to pop within a couple minutes of Kings death and its annoying to say the least.
This guy is a very Easy kill but we are a high end guild have killed him any times. Be ready to spam heals on your tank as he Despells 4 at a time. Could be taken down with a force of 30 or so well geared people. Has a ton of little adds he send out we just AOE them down seems to work well. We also waited around to see if he repoped like the rest of the zone and he did we ended up dieing from our own trade with the push back. Don't know if there would be any loots the second time. We farm him for the aug.
we had the same thing happpen to us, except we weren't expecting a 10 minute repop. he droped the aug first time around, and was wielding the cleric hammer the second (although we wiped at 20% due to overwelming adds and dead CC crew, everyone was standing in the middle when he repoped). but i would assume since he was wielding a weapon his repops can drop items as well. This would be excellent farming for a slow raid night for alot of guilds, the BPs and legs make decent (although no focus effects) gear for apps/alts and the hammer and aug would be highly sought after. plus since you can kill him every 10 minutes in an insstance...pricelss
Once you kill him the task ends. So you only have so many minutes before it expires and kicks everyone out of the zone. You don't have an unlimited ammout of time to kill this over and over and over, like you were thinking.