You say, 'Hail, Annaelia Wylassi'
Annaelia Wylassi says, 'If you have nothing other than a hail to offer me you best move along, I need concentration to study these odd bones that I unearthed. Funny thing about them though, they seem to resonate a hum. Quite unusual, you probably aren't interested in that though.'
You say, 'I am interested in that.'
Annaelia Wylassi says 'Are you? I didn't take you for a necromancer. I tried to reanimate these remains but due to the vibration it was too unstable and collapsed. I have given up trying to animate them. I would need more supplies if I were to try again. I am too busy with other research to care though. If you are so interested you could go fetch the supplies for me. I suspect the bone structure is of a human, so I would need a vial of human blood. A jade inlaid coffin would be needed to perform the ritual in. Also a vial of clear mana to bind the bones with strong magic, and an essence emerald to complete the ritual.'