63 items, price changes.
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:47 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 43 platinum 8 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Spell: Abolish Disease.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:48 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 65 platinum 9 gold 1 silver 6 copper per Spell: Aid of Khurenz.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:49 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 5 silver 2 copper per Spell: Alacrity.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:49 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 30 platinum 5 gold 7 silver 3 copper per Spell: Blizzard Blast.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:50 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 18 platinum 9 gold 2 silver per Spell: Celerity.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:50 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 88 platinum 7 gold 7 silver 3 copper per Spell: Chloroblast.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:51 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 19 platinum 4 silver 2 copper per Spell: Chloroplast.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:52 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 19 platinum 2 silver 8 copper per Spell: Deftness.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:52 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 43 platinum 7 gold 4 silver 2 copper per Spell: Dexterity.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:53 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 5 silver 8 copper per Spell: Drowsy.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:54 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 7 silver 1 copper per Spell: Enduring Breath.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:54 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 1 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Spell: Envenomed Breath.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:55 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 7 gold 8 silver 7 copper per Spell: Frenzy.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:56 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 19 platinum 1 gold 6 silver 6 copper per Spell: Furious Strength.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:57 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 4 copper per Spell: Greater Healing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:58 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 9 silver 3 copper per Spell: Healing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:46:59 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 1 silver 8 copper per Spell: Health.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:00 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 7 gold 1 silver 4 copper per Spell: Herikol's Soothing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:00 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 21 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 1 copper per Spell: Incapacitate.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:01 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 5 silver per Spell: Invisibility.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:02 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 9 silver 3 copper per Spell: Levitate.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:02 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 5 silver per Spell: Light Healing.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:03 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 5 gold 4 silver 6 copper per Spell: Listless Power.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:04 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 83 platinum 6 gold 1 silver 1 copper per Spell: Omakin's Alacrity.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:04 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 47 platinum 8 gold 8 silver 2 copper per Spell: Plague.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:10 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 6 gold 2 silver 3 copper per Spell: Protect.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:11 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 4 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Spell: Raging Strength.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:12 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 65 platinum 3 gold 7 silver 2 copper per Spell: Regrowth.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:12 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 109 platinum 7 gold 8 silver 1 copper per Spell: Sha's Ferocity.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:13 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 65 platinum 2 gold 8 silver per Spell: Sha's Lethargy.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:14 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 82 platinum 3 gold 3 silver 6 copper per Spell: Sha's Restoration.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:14 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 8 platinum 9 copper per Spell: Shifting Shield.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:15 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 6 gold 2 silver 9 copper per Spell: Shrink.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:16 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 8 silver 8 copper per Spell: Spirit Sight.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:17 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 1 gold 3 silver 6 copper per Spell: Spirit Strength.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:18 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 5 gold 1 silver per Spell: Spirit Strike.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:19 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 7 silver 1 copper per Spell: Spirit of Bear.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:20 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 8 platinum 2 silver 1 copper per Spell: Spirit of Inferno.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:20 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 2 silver 3 copper per Spell: Spirit of Monkey.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:21 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 5 silver per Spell: Spirit of Ox.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:22 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 47 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 5 copper per Spell: Spirit of Vermin.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:23 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 71 platinum 5 gold 8 silver 6 copper per Spell: Spirit of Wind.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:23 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Spell: Spirit of Wolf.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:24 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 9 gold 2 silver 7 copper per Spell: Spirit of the Blizzard.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:25 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 22 platinum 9 gold 7 silver 8 copper per Spell: Spirit of the Scorpion.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:25 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 82 platinum 8 gold 1 silver 7 copper per Spell: Spirit of the Storm.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:26 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 28 platinum 1 gold 6 silver 9 copper per Spell: Spiritual Brawn.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:27 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 30 platinum 5 gold 8 silver 6 copper per Spell: Spiritual Light.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:28 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 110 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 3 copper per Spell: Spiritual Purity.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:28 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 77 platinum 2 gold 6 copper per Spell: Spiritual Radiance.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:33 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 118 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 7 copper per Spell: Spiritual Strength.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:33 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 27 platinum 8 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Spell: Stamina.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:34 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 4 silver 1 copper per Spell: Summon Drink.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:35 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 4 silver 1 copper per Spell: Summon Food.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:36 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 1 silver 5 copper per Spell: Tainted Breath.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:36 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 21 platinum 1 gold 8 silver 8 copper per Spell: Talisman of Altuna.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:37 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 137 platinum 4 gold 7 copper per Spell: Talisman of Kragg.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:38 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 12 platinum 5 gold 9 silver 7 copper per Spell: Talisman of Tnarg.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:38 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 5 silver 1 copper per Spell: Turtle Skin.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:40 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 11 platinum 7 silver 7 copper per Spell: Venom of the Snake.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:41 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 47 platinum 1 gold 1 silver 3 copper per Spell: Vigor of Zehkes.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:41 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 15 platinum 3 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Spell: Yekan's Quickening.'
[Thu Feb 07 11:47:42 2013] Adnia Pashdi tells you, 'That'll be 14 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Spell: Yekan's Recovery.'