
2-box (also 3-box, 4-box, etc) (sometimes "bot")

  • The act of a single player simultaneously controlling multiple players, either by running multiple instances of EQ on a single computer, or by using 2 or more computers with one PC on each computer. Each player in simultaneous use requires a separate Station account.

AA (Alternate advancement experience point)

  • Players may earn and use AA points to obtain advanced abilities for their PCs of level 51 or higher. Certain classes of PCs can spend more than 1300 AA points on scores of performance-enhancing advanced abilities.

AE (or AOE)

  • Area of Effect. AE spells are typically detrimental and affect all PCs, NPCs and MOBs within a predefined, spherical radius.


  • Away from keyboard. (verb) The player is not actively controlling the PC.


  • To get on to an NPC's hatelist. Also, the amount of aggressive attention any particular has on a mob. (Aggro can be accrued either through direct offensive acts or through supporting group members through methods such as healing. Generally speaking, the person with the most aggro will be the person attacked by the mob.

Aggro Radius

  • Anything intruding upon an NPC's or MOB's aggro radius is attacked. The size of an aggro radius sometimes varies with faction and con, and may be spherical in certain environments.


  • The most friendly of the faction messages returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> regards you as an ally..."


  • A friendly faction message returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> judges you amiably..."


  • A lightly faction aggressive message returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> looks your way apprehensively..."


  • Bathroom (biological) break


  • A player whom 2-boxes (3-boxes, 4-boxes, etc)


  • A statistics or ability-enhancing spell which lasts for a pre-defined time (from between a minute to up to four hours depending on spells) after being cast on target. Also - too cast an enhancing spell on another PC, or upon a PC's pet.


  • To sit on or very close to a MOB spawn point(s) with the intention of interacting with it every time it spawns. Camping is not specifically endorsed by the EQ EULA, and in the case of GM arbitration, you may be ordered to share your 'camp' with someone else. Also to issue the /camp command, which logs out the current PC. Also, the physical location to which a PC will repeatedly pull NPCs or MOBs for killing and looting.


  • Complete heal. A cleric's spell which heals an injured player for 7500-9600 base HP.

CH Chain (CHC)

  • Complete heal chain. An organized cleric heal strategy, wherein multiple clerics cast complete heal on the same tank with a set time in between each cast, guaranteeing regular heals on the tank.

Consider (con)

  • To check an NPC's or MOB's faction against a PC, to determine if it will attack when the PC intrudes into its aggro radius.

Crowd control

  • Refers to the ability of certain classes to mesmerize or root aggro'd NPCs or MOBs outside of the camp, thereby preventing them from attacking PCs inside the camp.


  • To increase a PC's experience level. (noun) The sound heard when a PC earns a new experience level.


  • Damage per Second


  • An aggressive faction message returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> glowers at you dubiously..." This is the lowest level of faction that one may have with an NPC without having it automatically attack you.


  • Game Master. An EQ GM is a customer service postition with SOE. A GM has the ability to help a player in many ways. They are seldom visible to the general population. The /petition system act as a gatekeepers for the GMs.


  • Good to go. Said to other players to let them know that you are ready to participate in group movement, or join in a coordinated attack. (Sometimes also used to mean got to go, as in "I have to leave.")


  • An EQ Guide is a player who has volunteered his time to run roleplaying events with other players. Guides used to have a major customer service function; they no longer do. The command /guidehelp messagehere reaches guides; they can still move stuck players, and do several other things, but cannot resolve disputes, reimburse items, etc.

Indifferent (indiff)

  • A non-aggressive faction message returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> regards you indifferently..."


  • Invisibility versus Undead, a type of spell which renders the player invisible to (most) undead mobs.

KEI (C3)

  • Acronym for Koadic's Endless Intellect, a long lasting mana regeneration buff, much in demand amongst the spell casting classes.


  • A friendly faction message returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> kindly considers you..."

Kill on Sight (KOS)

  • If an NPC or MOB is KoS it will typically attack a PC as soon as the PC breaks its aggro radius.


  • A PC designated to loot the rare and valuable tradeable drops off of every NPC and MOB killed by a group or raid.


  • Main Assist. A PC that will serve as an assist proxy for a group or a raid. Players should target the MA and issue the command /assist to get the MA's target.


  • Generally attributed to the old multi-user dungeon term 'mobile object';used interchangeably with NPC.


  • Main Tank. A PC with very high health points, armor class and defensive statistics whom will stand in harm's way during an attack, with the objective of holding the NPC's or MOB's aggro so that the other, typically much less stout, PCs may contribute damage without fear of gaining aggro. More often than not, the MA and MT roles are assigned to the same PC.


  • Mis-Tell. A tell or other message sent to the wrong person or chat channel. (verb) The act of sending a message to the wrong person or chat channel, often with comical or embarrassing consequences.


  • To nerf is to reduce or limit in some way the action of players, rewards, etc and is the consequence of a change effected on the game by developers, usually introduced within a patch. A nerf (noun) is the resulting consequence, e.g. "the charm nerf".

Ninja Looter

  • A player who strives to be the first to loot a corpse, or loots corpses of items that do not belong to him. In a non-raid group, a ninja looter may be able to grab rare items without allowing the group to decide who should receive the reward. The raid tool introduced with the Planes of Power expansion has a 'looters table' which effectively prevents ninja looters from grabbing the very valuable items off of raid-level NPCs and MOBs.


  • Non-Player Character. A server-driven character; a computerized character. Used interchangeably with MOB.


  • The AA equivalent of the ding, i.e. to acquire a new AA point.
  • The amount of server latency a player may be experiencing, typically mentioned when discussing lag.


  • Player character. An in-game avatar controlled by a player. Each player may have multiple characters per Station account, but only 1 character may be played at a time, per account.


  • To run out and find NPCs or MOBs, then use a variety of tactics to cause them to follow the puller back to camp.


  • A PC who runs out and finds NPCs or MOBs, then uses a variety of tactics to cause them to follow him back to camp.


  • The most aggressive of the messages returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> scowls at you..." Mobs that are scowling or threatening are KOS.


  • Refers to whether an NPC or MOB responds to player interaction with nearby NPCs and MOBs. A social MOB may join a nearby friend in defending against a PC's attack.

Sony Online Entertainment (SOE)

  • The owner and creator of EverQuest.


  • Acronym for Spirit of Wolf, a run-speed enhancing buff cast by druids, shamen and rangers. Also available as a potion, Distillate of Wolf.

Station Account

  • The Sony Station is the name of SOE's MMOG website. Each EQ player has a Station account for access to the website* game subscriptions are tied to the Station accounts.


  • An aggressive faction message returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> glares at you threateningly..." Threatening NPCs and MOBs are KoS.


  • Noun usage usually refers to a group of 1 or more NPC's or MOBs that are aggressive to a player. Usually a player is running away from a 'train' because they cannot handle the size of the battle. (Ex. "the train is heading toward zone[1]"). Verb usage means to take that 'train' of NPC's or MOBs to another location, intentionally or unintentionally, and often to the detriment of other players (Ex. "he trained me five times tonight").


  • A very friendly faction message returned when a player cons an NPC or MOB. The in-game message says, "<> looks upon you warmly..."


  • Noun usage refers to either the zone (environment) one is in or refers to one of the zone line exits that load you into another zone. (Ex. "Train heading to zone") Verb usage means to exit the zone via the zone line. (Ex: "I'm glitching, let me zone and come back")


  • Want to trade


  • Want to buy


  • Want to sell

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Categories: EverQuest | TBD
This page last modified 2007-11-21 15:25:06.