Stats are used to determine how much damage you give or receive, as well as how much hp, or mp you have, and many other things.
Main Stats Stat | Effect |
Strength | Increases your melee physical damage, paralyze chance, paralyze resist, and stun chance |
Agility | Increases ranged physical damage, crit chance, and crit resist |
Intellect | Increases your magic damage, magic defense, and max MP |
Vitality | Increases your max HP, physical defense, and stun resist |
Will | Damage will increase or decrease by the same amount of discrepancy between you and your opponent |
Sub Stats Stat | Effect |
Phys Dmg | Determines how much damage your physical attacks do. This is affected by enemies defense |
Magic Dmg | Determines how much damage your magic attacks do. This is affected by enemies magic def |
Defense | Determines how much damage you take from physical attacks |
Magic Def | Determines how much damage you take from magic attacks |
This page last modified 2011-09-02 15:38:38.